Global opportunities mean getting out of your comfort zone.

In 2003, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations of the Department of Public Information (DPI) at the United Nations approved and accredited Adelphi University as a non-governmental organization (NGO), in recognition of the University’s longstanding commitment to promoting global awareness and bringing salient information about international issues and the United Nations to the University community and the public. In 2010, Adelphi University also became a Charter Member of the new United Nations Academic Impact Initiative. This coalition of universities and colleges seeks to bring into association with the United Nations, and with each other, institutions of higher learning throughout the world, and provide a mechanism for such institutions to commit themselves to the realization of the universally determined Millennium Development Goals.

NGO Briefings at the United Nations

The Levermore Global Scholars Program regularly sends its students to represent the University at invitation-only NGO briefings at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. If you are interested in participating in a particular international affairs briefing, please contact:

Ambassador Lecture Series

Each semester Adelphi’s International Leadership Coordinating Committee (ILCC) hosts a series of on-campus lectures given by ambassadors from around the world to the United Nations. LGS students are always invited and encouraged to attend these very special events.

University for Peace

Adelphi’s Levermore Global Scholars Program and the Peace Studies Program formed a partnership with the United Nations’ University for Peace to offer an annual specialized 3-credit course in peacebuilding, human rights and sustainable development.

Our students have traveled to the university’s campus in Costa Rica to learn from local faculty and diplomats, meet with non-profit leaders and visit the Inter-American Court of Human Rights among other locations. For more information, please visit the Center for International Education.

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