Adelphi’s Unix-based system for electronic file storage and for creating personal web pages.

Panther is Adelphi’s Unix-based system that can be used by individuals for such things as electronic file storage and for creating personal web pages. It is not meant for official Adelphi department sites. Panther accounts are available to all Adelphi students, faculty and staff.

Some Adelphi courses, especially those in Computer Science or Graphic Design, may require a Panther account for complete course assignments.

Panther account applications are available from the IT Help Desk at the Information Commons on the second floor of Swirbul library.

About the Panther Web-Hosting System

  • The Panther system uses your Adelphi eCampus username and password for authentication.
  • Panther provides encrypted logins exclusively via Secure Shell (SSH), and file transfers via the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Standard Telnet and FTP, which are not encrypted and thus less secure, are not supported. PCs on campus already have the appropriate software installed; the manual provides links to software you can install to access Panther from other computers.
  • The Panther system has a disk space limit of 250MB per user. Attempts to upload or create more files after you have used your allotted disk quota will fail. Written requests for additional space will be reviewed by the IT Help Desk .

See the Panther User Manual (PDF) for instructions

The manual includes instructions for how to access Panther using PuTTY (Windows), Notepad++ (Windows), Terminal (Mac OS X) or FileZilla FTP Client.

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