Course Listing, Advising and Student Services (CLASS) offers online access to important academic, biographic and financial information. It can be used from any computer has Internet access.

What is CLASS

Course Listing, Advising and Student Services (CLASS) offers online access to important academic, biographic and financial information. It can be used from any computer has Internet access

Functions of CLASS include:

  • Full Course Catalog – Gen Eds
  • My Adviser
  • My Registration
  • My Registration Holds
  • My Course Confirmation
  • My Checklist
  • My Financial Aid
  • Billing
  • Make a Payment
  • My Housing Deposit
  • Request a Refund
  • Request a Bill
  • My Grades
  • My Transcript
  • My Graduation and Commencement
  • My Health Records
  • Nursing Health Clearance
  • Meningitis: Am I Compliant?
  • International Student Responsibilities
  • Course/Dept Directory
  • Faculty Directory
  • My Time Cards
  • Grad Assistantship Form Approval

Accessing CLASS

Log in to eCampus and select class from the services list, or go to and log in.

When you are finished with your session, make sure to click Logout and close your browser for your information security.

CLASS Features

Full Course Catalog – Gen Eds

Search the course catalog to find classes that will fulfill your General Education, Capstone Courses, Learning Goals and Distribution Requirements.

My Adviser

The My Adviser page displays contact information for your adviser. If you have set up an email client on your browser, you can send an email to your adviser by clicking on the highlighted name.

My Registration

The “My Registration” page will allow you to register, add or drop classes for a term. For most situations, you can select your courses, notify your adviser, receive approval from them, register and submit drops and/or adds online without having to come to the Registrar’s Office.

The two main ‘stages’ of the procedure are the following:

  • Planning – This timeframe begins approximately two weeks before priority registration begins. You’ll select the courses appropriate to your major, indicate the special grading option available, (normal, pass/fail, audit) and even select alternates for your adviser to approve (in case a course you’ve selected isn’t available). Once you’re finished with your selection, click on “Submit” and your adviser is notified.
  • Priority Registration – Once you receive your adviser’s approval, log in at your appointed time and submit your registration to the system. You’ll immediately be able to see your course confirmation, listing your courses and their location.

For undergraduate students, academic advising is required of all majors. Graduate students should check with their departments for required approvals. Be prepared – don’t wait until the last minute.

  • You can register for (add) a course by course number, department, instructor, keywords and more. Once you are satisfied with the classes you have added, click on the “Submit” button. This will make your registration available to your adviser.
  • Periodically check the system to see if your adviser has evaluated your choices.
  • Once your adviser electronically approves your courses, they will become available to you.
  • At your appointed time, you can then enter the system and submit them to finalize your semester registration.
  • Initial selection screen below for planning or registration phases.

Registration and Academic Tools

View any blocks that might affect future registrations.

See your schedule for any semester. Displays course ID and title, instructor name, class days and time, location, course credits and enrollment status. You can display other terms by clicking on the term links at the top of the page.

Shows dates of actions taken and student status.

The “My Grades” page displays all grades that have been recorded for you for a particular term. This page also displays the course number, title, instructor, Quality Hours and Quality Points as well as the semester and cumulative GPA.

You may display other term’s grades by clicking on a term link at the top of the page.

You can also obtain a free-of-charge copy of your official grade report under “My Grades” by selecting the term, and downloading your official report.

Learn more about grading policies at Adelphi.

The “My Transcript” page allows you to display your entire academic record (by term) with a semester summary at the end of each term and with a cumulative summary overall. Detailed transcript of your classes, grades, and GPA information.

Apply for Graduation to confirm your degree/diploma and choose to RSVP to Commencement to attend the Ceremony.

Browse course offerings and seats available.

The “Faculty Search” page will display a directory of faculty. A selection page allows you to search the database for people whose names start with the letters entered in the last and first name fields. The selection page also provides links to perform the search for a particular letter of the alphabet or by department.

Information displayed includes name, office, campus telephone number, department, title and office hours. You may send email to a person by clicking on their name.


The “My Financial Aid” page displays a list of the student’s grants, scholarships and loans by term. For each item, the amount awarded to the student is displayed along with the status of the award.

The “My Billing” page allows you to view your ‘Statement of Account’ or ‘Billing Activity’.

The Statement of Account reflects all charges, payments, and financial aid posted to the student’s account. It does not include any anticipated financial aid. Your summary (by term) is displayed at the top of the screen, with the ability to either scroll down or click on a term for more details.

The Billing Activity reflects all charges, payments, posted and anticipated financial aid for a specific term.

By choosing this menu option, your current account balance will be displayed. Click on the ‘Make a Payment’ button. You can choose to pay by ACH (electronic check) or credit card. Upon choosing your payment method, you will be directed to our bill payment system where you will use a secure form to enter your checking account information or use your Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card information to make a payment to your student account.

Pay your housing deposit for the next semester.

Request a refund if you have a credit balance.

View a digital version of your bill.

You can request a Statement of Account online, which reflects all charges, payments and aid posted to your account. If you wish to request a bill, which reflects all charges, payments, posted and anticipated financial aid, you must contact the One-Stop Student Services Center.


Check the status of your health clearance requirements for last physical date, measles, mumps, and rubella compliance, and meningitis compliance.

Nursing students must meet additional health clearance requirements.  Non nursing students will not see this item.

Read and respond to the documents regarding meningitis compliance and access additional information regarding meningococcal disease.

Student Employment

Students who work for campus offices must submit their time cards online.

Choose the Graduate Assistantship Form for Approval.

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Spring Semester
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