All reports are produced by the Office of Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics.


Standard Reports Frequency Data Provided Distribution
Accepted, Not Enrolled Annual Using the National Student Clearinghouse, track students (freshmen, transfers, new graduates) who were accepted to but did not enroll at Adelphi to determine subsequent enrollment.  Data analyzed by academic preparation, and by admission type (e.g., Honors, General Studies, etc.) Executive Leadership, Deans


Standard Reports Frequency Data Provided Distribution
Enrollment Reports 1st day, 21st Day, End-of-Term, Annualized, Fall and Spring Headcount and FTE enrollment by program and enrollment status compared to the same period in the previous year Executive Leadership, Deans, Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid
Enrollment by CIP codes and School Report 21st Day, Fall and Spring Trends in Headcount and FTE enrollment by CIP codes (Classification of Instructional Programs) Executive Leadership, Deans
Enrollment Report: Summer Annual One page summary of Headcount and FTE enrollment by program compared to the same period in the previous year Executive Leadership, Deans, Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid


Standard Reports Frequency Data Provided Distribution
One-Year Retention Statistics Annual Detailed analysis of fall full-time freshmen cohort who did not return in the following fall, including information on demographics, academic preparation, Adelphi GPA, transfer to a different institution, and financial aid Executive Leadership, Deans


Standard Reports Frequency Data Provided Distribution
Profile of Adelphi Faculty, Returning and Total Board of Trustees meetings Faculty information for the previous and current semesters, by rank, gender, race/ethnicity and tenure status Board of Trustees, Executive Leadership
Percentage of Course Sections Taught by Full-time Faculty Board of Trustees meetings Trend data for courses with three or more credits Board of Trustees, Executive Leadership
Instructional Faculty FTEs Board of Trustees meetings Trend data on instructional FTEs by full-time and part-time faculty Board of Trustees, Executive Leadership


Standard Reports Frequency Data Provided Distribution
Data Book Annual Admissions; new student enrollment; enrollment; special populations; degrees granted; attrition and retention; courses; faculty; financial aid; finance and administration; library; national comparisons Board of Trustees, Executive Leadership, Deans, Directors; available to all on campus via intranet


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