Supporting, collaborating and centralizing assessment efforts across the University.

Assessment at Adelphi University is the systematic and continuous process of planning, gathering, analyzing and acting on information in order to improve student learning and experiences and increase faculty, staff, and institutional effectiveness and success. Adelphi University leadership, faculty and staff are committed to creating a systematic, purposeful, robust and innovative culture of assessment based on teaching, learning, scholarship and service.

The University has a long history of using data, aligned to the mission and vision of Adelphi University, to inform and improve institutional, school, program and course effectiveness as well as all aspects of the student, faculty and staff experience. The Office of Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics aims to partner with faculty and staff to create, collect and discuss meaningful, informative and self-reflective data and information that is student, faculty, course, program, school and institution and experience focused.

Creating a culture of assessment not only strengthens the faculty teaching and student learning processes but also improves collaboration and partnership across disciplines, non-academic offices and support systems and student groups thus promoting the responsive and proactive use of data for decision-making.

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