Resident Life at Adelphi
Make the most of your college experience by living on campus.
Below are answers to many of the questions you may have about living at Adelphi in one of our seven residence halls. Whether you’re a new undergrad, current student, graduate, transfer, international, or Nassau Community College student, we have a home away from home for you!
More FAQs are available:
Living at Adelphi FAQs
If you have any questions or need assistance, any member of our team can get you to the right answer or person. You are also always welcome to email our main office at
In addition to the opportunities and atmosphere that our on-campus living offers, Adelphi’s resident students have access to smart card-operated laundry services, certain television and streaming services, wifi and internet, and Google Voice for telephone services and voicemail through their Adelphi account.
Space is limited. Visit our FAQs about moving in for guidance on what we provide, what you should plan to bring, and what is prohibited. Also, before move-in day, check with your roommate(s) about not duplicating items. For example, coordinate who will bring the refrigerator, television and rug.
After you receive confirmation of your building and room via your Adelphi student email, you can use the online Housing Self-Service portal on eCampus to find the name and email address of your roommate. We encourage you to be in touch in advance to get to know them and to coordinate who is bringing what (for example, the refrigerator, television and rug).
The only pets allowed in our residence halls are fish in a properly maintained tank of no more than 10 gallons.
The Student Access Office makes reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis for people with disabilities or other individualized needs. Please read the Service Animal Policy or contact the Student Access Office for more information.
Some of our rooms are equipped with AC and some are not. Rooms with AC are in Earle Hall on the first and fourth floors, in Waldo, Chapman and Linen Halls on the fourth floors, and all of Eddy Hall and Residence Halls A and B. View Housing Costs for pricing on rooms equipped with AC.
Our mattresses are extra-long twins (36 inches wide x 80 inches long). Standard-size twin sheets will fit, or you may bring extra-long twin sheets. Read more about our partnership with Dormify.
Refrigerators in residence hall rooms should be no more than 4 cubic feet.
Every room in the residence halls has an Internet jack and a TV connection. Resident students must bring their own Ethernet cable to connect to high-speed, wired internet and their own coaxial cable to connect their TV to the Cable TV Jack. The residence halls are also equipped with Wi-Fi access for wireless connections.
Phone and voicemail service is available through Google Voice, which you can use through your computer and through most smartphones.
No, alcohol is strictly prohibited in our residence halls at all times.
Adelphi University is a Fresh Air Campus. See the designated sites where smoking is permitted.
All students are eligible to live in any kind of housing space that is available at that time. The First-Year Living-Learning Community is available to first-year students, but they are not required to live in it.
None of our residence halls are gender-specific. In most halls, room genders are located together by floor or wing, with designated men’s and women’s bathrooms. For any students interested we do also offer Gender Inclusive Housing options, which are available at all price points in various buildings on campus.
Activities and events range from social to educational and are hosted by Resident Assistants and Hall Councils. The resident activity fee covers these events, so you can enjoy them throughout the year without worrying about paying for them.
Educational programs focus on topics such as alcohol and drug awareness, fire safety, health and wellness, cultural awareness, academics, and others. Examples of social events may include ice cream socials and themed dance parties. To request a particular type of activity, talk to our Residential Life and Housing staff or get involved in your Hall Council.
See how you can get involved in your Residence Hall community.
Winter intersession housing is provided, at additional cost, to any registered Adelphi University student. During intersession, you may leave your belongings in the room, although we recommend taking anything of great value or that you may need for the break. Once you have checked out for the winter break, you may not reenter the room until spring move-in.
During the summer, housing is available at an additional cost for any registered Adelphi University student. Please note that spaces during summer are limited and you may not be able to stay in the same accommodation you were during the semester.
Read more about applying for winter intersession or summer on-campus housing.
Policy and rule violations are subject to disciplinary procedures. For all policies and rules, refer to the Student Code of Conduct, the Guide to Student Life, and your Residence Hall Agreement. For details about disciplinary procedures, refer to the Office for Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Residents only have access to their own residence hall and may only enter and exit via the front door. All residence hall entrances are monitored by cameras. Residents must swipe their Adelphi ID through a card reader to enter their hall. Your ID will only work at your residence.
When visiting another residence hall, students must sign in with the hall attendant using their Adelphi ID. Outside visitors to any of our residence halls must sign in with a current, valid ID.
Resident Assistants (RAs) conduct rounds of their residence hall each evening to help ensure the safety of our building and students.
Our Public Safety officers are visible on campus, conducting rounds across campus and at each residence hall and monitoring cameras throughout campus.
If you need to contact a Public Safety officer, you can do so by dialing “5” on any campus phone or by picking up any of the red emergency phones located throughout the residence halls. We also recommend adding the 24/7 Public Safety command booth phone number (516.877.3507) to your cellphone contact list in case you ever need assistance.
Ultimately, the best safety precaution you can take is to make sure your room is always locked when you leave and to report any suspicious activity to Public Safety.
Read more about the measures taken by the Office of Public Safety to provide a secure open campus environment for the Adelphi community.
Any person who does not live in your residence hall—whether they are another Adelphi student or an off-campus visitor—is considered a guest in your hall. Good sense and common courtesy apply when you have guests.
Like residents, their guests must abide by all policies, procedures, regulations, and standards of Residential Life and Housing and of Adelphi University. Residents and their guests must not infringe upon the comfort or rights of other residents and should uphold all safety and security requirements. The following general policies apply to all guests of a residence hall:
- The host resident is responsible for their guest(s) at all times.
- The guest must present valid photo identification at sign-in and any time a staff member requests it.
- Do not disregard or interfere with the rights of other residents with respect to reasonable quiet and privacy.
- Never loan and/or duplicate a residence hall key or alter door locks; this is strictly prohibited.
- Possession, use, sale or exchange of alcohol, illegal drugs, narcotics, or drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited.
- The University assumes no liability for loss of or damage to personal belongings of guests or visitors.
Yes, provided that there is no unreasonable interference with the rights or expressed preference of your roommate. The following procedures and conditions must be met:
- The host/resident must meet their guest in the lobby and remain with them at all times in the residence hall.
- All guests must register when entering a residence hall: if they are an Adelphi student they must swipe into the building with the host present; if they are not an Adelphi student they must sign the Guest Log and present a valid form of current photo identification to the hall attendant.
- When guests leave the residence hall, they must be escorted to the lobby by the host and sign out with the Hall Attendant (if not an Adelphi student) or swipe out using the card reader (if they are an Adelphi student).
- A host may not have more then three guests at a time.
Yes, provided that you have prior written approval from your roommate(s) and you do not exceed the limits on the duration and frequency of such stays.
In addition to following the same procedures and conditions for visitors as outlined above, the following applies:
- You may have an overnight guest for no more than three consecutive nights.
- You may have an overnight guest no more than six times per calendar month.
- Your guest may not hop from room to room.
- The resident student, as host, must obtain a Guest Pass from the hall’s Assistant Director at least 72 business hours prior to the visit.
- The host/resident must meet their guest in the lobby upon their arrival.
- Overnight guests must present their Guest Pass and appropriate identification upon entering a residence hall; they do not need to sign in or leave identification.
If something breaks in your room and needs to be repaired or replaced, submit a maintenance request via the AU2GO app.
Read important tips and instructions from Facilities Management.
Your relationship with your roommate is an important part of your college experience! A positive relationship requires shared awareness and respect for each other’s needs and a willingness to compromise. Be sure to have honest conversations about each other’s habits and needs as early as possible and, if problems do arise, you and your roommate should strive to resolve them in a mature and positive way. If these efforts still fail, you may ask a Resident Assistant (RA) or your Assistant Director (AD) to help.
Yes, however, all assignments are frozen for two weeks after classes start, and you may not change rooms or roommates without following the proper procedures. Request a Room Change Request form from your Assistant Director (AD), and keep in mind that different rooms may have different prices.
The Honors Suites are a small residential community for students in Adelphi’s Honors College. Each suite features two double or triple bedrooms attached to a lounge and a shared bathroom.
Bed bugs are a global epidemic that can be found in homes, stores, movie theaters, office buildings, hotels, and residence halls. Our seven residence halls are not immune from the threat of bed bugs, and education is an important part of ensuring a bed-bug-free community. Our resident students are educated about these steps and our staff is trained to quickly identify and respond to bed bug cases. Read more about preventing bed bugs.
Students can change their meal plans during the first two weeks of the semester through their eCampus housing portal.