Residence Hall Agreement
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025
This document constitutes an agreement between the undersigned student-resident (hereinafter called “resident”) and Adelphi University (hereinafter called “University”). This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions pertaining to the occupancy of a residence hall at Adelphi University. In addition you are agreeing to the terms, conditions, and policies contained in the Guide to Student Life, as well as other publications such as the University Bulletin, the Room Condition Report, Code of Conduct, and other University policy documents. It also constitutes acceptance of membership in the student government of the residence hall to which the student is assigned.
No guarantee is made concerning the number of occupants in a room. If a vacancy occurs in a room, the remaining student(s) in that room will accept a new occupant or be relocated to another room with or without a roommate. Residential Life reserves the right to place another student in a vacant space without notification. Residents may not exhibit behavior that intimidates or interferes with the use of the space by others, specifically, but not limited to, behavior that attempts to force a roommate to move out of the room or prevent a new roommate from moving in. In the event of a vacancy, the University reserves the right to show rooms and assign new occupants to fill those vacancies. In order to accommodate a potential new roommate, the resident of a partially filled room is required to make all other sets of furnishings available for use and to keep the rest of the room clear and ready for occupancy. In a partially filled room or suite, the University may allow the resident to find a suitable resident to fill the vacancy, assign a new resident to fill the vacancy, allow the existing resident to pay the appropriate single rate only through the current agreement period, or reassign the remaining occupant(s) to different accommodations.
A converted triple room rate is a special rate used while three students are living in the room (i.e. occupying more than the assigned space in the room). The special rate reverts to the double rate when three students are no longer assigned to the room. Failure to comply may result in penalty fees or termination of the agreement.
Except as specified by agreement, residence hall space is provided to University students on a priority basis each semester as follows:
- Registered, full-time undergraduate students;
- Registered, part-time undergraduate students;
- Registered, full-time graduate students;
- Registered, part-time graduate students;
- Non-degree students (e.g., Postdoctoral fellows, certificate students).
Failure to maintain class attendance or registration constitutes a breach of this agreement and will result in loss of housing privileges.
Length of Agreement
This agreement is binding from the date of occupancy to the end of the current academic year. The agreement period begins at 10:00 a.m. on the day before the first day of classes and ends 24 hours after the resident’s last exam or 5:00 p.m. on the last day of final examinations, whichever is earlier.
A resident who wishes to be released from the Residence Hall Agreement must submit the appropriate housing cancellation form and pay an early housing cancellation fee of $750. This cancellation fee will be waived only upon written submission of documented reasons that verifiably prevent the student from living on campus (mid-year graduation, official University withdrawal, study abroad, student teaching, military service or official University leave of absence).
Residents who wish to appeal the cancellation fee for other verifiable reasons must submit a written appeal via email to the Director of Residential Life and Housing, along with appropriate supporting documentation. Appeals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Any refund of housing fees for a given semester will be determined according to the University’s standard refund schedule in effect, minus any housing deposit and residence hall activity fees, which are non-refundable.
Housing Deposit
Residents shall pay to the University a $300 deposit with this agreement to request a space in the residence halls for the ensuing agreement period. $200 of the deposit will be applied to your student account and $100 will be retained as a damage deposit.
Person(s) found responsible for damage will have financial responsibility for the cost incurred to fix or abate the damage. When the person(s) cannot be identified as responsible for damages, all residents of a room, suite, wing, floor, or residence hall will share equal financial responsibility for the cost incurred to fix or abate the damage. Liability for damage may exceed the amount held as damage deposit.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors. Molds grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores.” Although mold naturally exists in the air inside and outside, rooms should be free of surface mold, mildew, or excessive moisture.
If you discover any mold, mildew or excessive moisture upon inspecting your room before occupancy, you are required to notify your RA immediately. During your occupancy of the room, you are required to maintain the room and its contents, as well as the common areas of the residence hall, in a clean and dry state so as to prevent the growth of surface mold.
This includes allowing proper air circulation, removal of food and perishable items, ensuring clothing is dry, and keeping windows closed during rain or other inclement weather. You are encouraged to open the windows during warm, sunny days in order to permit air circulation.
Meal Plan
All residents are required to purchase a meal plan offered by Adelphi University Dining Services. Residents wishing to reduce the meal plan selection (which may go no lower than the minimum meal plan offered) may do so within the first two weeks of each semester via eCampus housing portal. Changes to your meal plan will be reflected on your student account.
Insurance (health, accident, personal property)
Residents are required to purchase the Student Health Insurance policy authorized by the University unless they provide proof of adequate coverage. All inquiries must be made directly to University Health Services, Waldo Hall. Please refer to Adelphi’s Medical Insurance Website for deadlines, waiver forms, contacts, and more information.
Accident insurance is a mandatory fee and is included in the resident’s University fee.
The University assumes no liability for loss of or damage to the resident’s property. Residents should secure adequate coverage either through their parents’ or guardians’ homeowner’s insurance, or through additional insurance.
Residents are required to pay all University fees, including the full charge for the residence space and meal plan to which they are assigned.
Resident Activity Fee
Once the semester begins, the $35 Resident Activity Fee is no longer refundable.
Room Assignments
Whenever possible, room assignments are made in accordance with requests stated on the Residence Hall Agreement. However, the University reserves the right to make room assignments or room changes at its discretion. This agreement does not guarantee a specific room or room type. Assignments are made without regard to race, religion, age, color, creed, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, veteran status, status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran, or any other basis protected by applicable local, state, or federal law.
Residents must personally claim their residence hall space within three days of the first day of classes. Space not claimed by that time will be forfeited.
Cancellation/Termination of the Agreement by the University
The University may terminate its agreement with the student at any time in the event of a resident’s violation of the University’s policies governing student conduct, residence hall regulations, non-payment, or for health, safety, or behavioral reasons. When a student withdraws from the University, this agreement is automatically terminated, although financial obligations are not excused. A student who is dismissed from the University or housing for misconduct or who withdraws when under investigation for misconduct shall not have housing fees refunded. This agreement automatically terminates upon a student’s graduation.