Consider partnering with Adelphi University’s College Credit Advantage Program and offering your college-level class (or classes) for college credit!

Adelphi University currently partners with many local and out of area high schools. We are offering well over 100 courses in many different subject areas. Here is the list of course offerings  to just some of the courses we are currently offering in many different schools. We are always interested in expanding our offerings, please review our course offerings and many of our 100 and 200 level classes can be adapted to be taught at the high school.

Offered in the fall and spring and year long, Adelphi University’s College Credit Advantage Program provides high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors in good standing the opportunity to get a head start on their college education and further reduce future college tuition costs. By enrolling concurrently in high school and credit-bearing Adelphi University classes, students earn college credit – at a highly reduced rate- for the classes they’re already taking in high school!

How to initiate a partnership

Contact the College Credit Advantage Program office at We can answer your questions and send you information about our program. Formal entry into the program commences with a contract signed by representatives from your school and Adelphi. The contract is a three-year contract and can be renewed.

Course and Instructor Approval Process

Course content must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate department chairperson and

New teacher(s) that have not already been approved to teach a College Credit Advantage Program class must have their credentials reviewed and approved by the appropriate department chairperson.

Both the course and the course’s teacher(s) must be approved in order for any high school student to earn Adelphi credit for a particular class.

After completing the appropriate forms (New Course Proposal Form and New Teacher Proposal Form), please send the completed forms and the supporting materials via email to

New course and teacher proposals are due by the first Tuesday in April (for a fall semester start) and the first Tuesday in November (for a spring semester start). Deadlines for proposals can be extended at the discretion of the department Director. Should a course or teacher proposal be rejected, the school will have the option to resubmit documents with updates and changes called for by the department chairperson (at the chairperson’s discretion).

Course content/ syllabus will be reviewed every three years for continuation in the program.

Please note that no materials will be reviewed until all necessary documents have been received.

New Course Approval Requirements

The high school class must be equivalent in learning goals and course content to a course offered at Adelphi University.

To begin the course approval process, review the New Course Proposal Form. In addition to the completed form, you must also submit:

  • A copy of the course syllabus that clearly outlines the name and contact of the teacher, hours spent in class and labs (if applicable) and provides a week-by-week overview of the content being covered, including a short course description,
  • Exam or assessment examples that showcase how the students are evaluated in the class (final exam or assignment preferred) and
  • An outline of class experiments and lab set-ups, if applicable.

New Teacher Approval Requirements

Any teacher leading an approved College Credit Advantage Program course MUST be an approved teacher whose credentials have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate department chairperson. No College Credit Advantage Program course can be led by a teacher who has not been approved. At a minimum, high school teachers seeking approval to lead a College Credit Advantage Program course must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a master’s degree in the subject area being taught or a Master’s Degree in Education with a concentration in the subject area and
  • Have three years of full-time teaching experience in the subject area.

To begin the teacher approval process, review the New Teacher Proposal Form. In addition to the completed form, you must also submit:

  • A current resume/CV and
  • Copies of your undergraduate and graduate transcripts

Tuition Costs

Currently the cost of tuition to students is $390 per class ( not per credit). In most cases this works out to $130 per credit. Please note that many classes that are full year in the HS are broken down to a Fall and Spring semester class. . We can discuss how many credits the course will be accredited for during the approval process.

Course Enrollment

Students may enroll in a Dual Enrollment course at their high school without registering for college credit. Of course, for these students the course would not appear on an AU transcript and the student would not earn college credit. These students must still follow the requirements of the syllabus for the course.

Minimum Course Enrollment: Currently there is no minimum or maximum enrollment requirement for the course to run.


During the course approval process, high schools are advised of any course prerequisites. Adelphi and the high school will work together to ensure that students enrolling in a course have met the prerequisites for that course.

Registration and Payment

Registration and payment deadlines for Fall and year long courses will begin in September and end in December for late registrations (with late fees). Spring only registration will begin in January and end in June  for late registrations (with late fees).

Registration and payments are completed online through the CCAP portal. Adelphi University will provide the instructor with a flier and information sheet  to be distributed to students and family with directions to the portal for registration. No hard copy registrations will be accepted.

We cannot accept applications and registrations after grades have been submitted. Both state and Adelphi guidelines prevent retroactive registrations (registering for a class taken in a past semester), and students who miss posted deadlines will not be eligible for credits that semester.

Refunds and Withdrawals

Dropping a course at Adelphi is a formal process and must receive approval from the director of CCAP. In order to drop a course, the following must be submitted:

  • Enrollment/attendance records from the course instructor
  • A written statement from the student requesting to be dropped from a course
  • A completed Request to Drop a Course Form which is available upon request by contacting the Office of College Credit Advantage Program at 516.877.3046 or

Please note, students may only drop a course:

  • If the student is no longer enrolled in the high school course and will not receive a grade for the course at the end of the year; proof is required from the student’s high school teacher/guidance counselor.
  • If the student inadvertently registered for an incorrect course or needs to be switched from one course to another
  • Other extenuating circumstances approved at the director’s discretion

Dropping a course with a high school teacher or guidance counselor does not remove the student from Adelphi University’s class list.

Dropping a course with a high school teacher or guidance counselor does not remove the student from Adelphi University’s roster, this is a separate process and can only be completed through the above process.

Course payments are generally nonrefundable, unless there is an extenuating circumstance in which there will be a decision made upon review.

College Credit Advantage Program
Phone Number