Routine Gynecological Care

The nurse practitioner will perform a basic gynecological exam with a pap smear and testing for HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Birth control options can be discussed with the practitioner at the time of your visit. Be advised that the Pap smear will have to be rescheduled if you are menstruating. You can continue your visit if you have concerns or questions, but the exam will have to be postponed. You should also avoid intercourse and douching 24 hours prior to the Pap smear.

What to expect for your first gynecological exam

Depending on the nature of your visit to the Health Services Center, questions will be asked about:

  • The reason for your visit
  • Your current health status and past medical or gynecological problems
  • Menstrual periods
  • Sexuality, pregnancy, birth control
  1. During a routine annual gynecological examination, your blood pressure and weight will be determined. The practitioner will perform a routine pelvic exam.
  2. For interval exams (infections, menstrual problems, pain, etc.) the questions, exam and testing may be different as indicated by the nature of the problem.

Birth control

Our service provides examinations and counseling for all methods of birth control.

Methods include:

  • Birth control pill
  • Nuva Ring
  • Patch (Ortho Evra)
  • Condoms
  • Emergency contraception (see below)
  • Spermicides
  • IUD (referral to local gynecology group for insertion)
  • Depo-Provera
  • Diaphragm

For more information on methods of contraception, visit

Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception (EC) is a method of preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. This method is sometimes referred to as the morning after pill, but this is misleading as it can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex. EC does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. EC can be used when a condom breaks, after a sexual assault or any time unprotected sexual intercourse occurs. Do not use EC as your only source of birth control if you are sexually active because it is not as effective as any ongoing contraceptive method.

For more information about EC:

  • Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that can still prevent a pregnancy after contraceptive failure, unprotected sex or sexual assault.

Resource Links

Links for women’s health and information about STD’s and HIV:

  • CDC STD Site
    Information about sexual transmitted diseases (STD) from the Centers for Disease Control
  • American Social Health Association
    ASHA provides information with a focus on preventing sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STD/STIs) and their harmful consequences.

Information on pregnancy options:

Information on human sexuality:

  • SIECUS Publications
    The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States’ (SIECUS) website.
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Waldo Hall First Floor
Spring Semester
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