Your immunization records are due at Adelphi University by the first day of class for each semester.

You can either fax your immunization records to 516.877.6008 or email them to, or you can upload them to your health portal on eCampus.

Yes, you should complete the immunization requirements forms on the Health Services website.

No, it is free of charge. If you come to the Health Services Center for a lab test, it can be sent through your insurance provider to our outside laboratory. Just bring your currently active insurance card. Vaccines are covered in full under the Adelphi University insurance policy.

We suggest that you make an appointment. Of course, if you are having an emergency, you can walk in and we will try to accommodate you as soon as possible. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the fall and spring semesters—with the exception of session breaks and holidays.

Adelphi’s Health Services Center is similar to your primary care office. We offer: throat cultures, flu cultures, urine testing, STD testing and lab work, pharmacy services, routine gynecological care, athletic clearances and sinus infection treatment. We also treat illnesses, colds, influenza and dermatological conditions; provide immunizations; offer smoking cessation treatment; and we educate and help students manage chronic illness, diabetes, asthma and allergies.

  • Franwin Pharmacy Mineola Surgical as well as Lafayette Pharmacy provide delivery of your prescriptions to the Adelphi campus at no charge. Prescriptions are delivered Monday through Friday at 6:00 p.m. during the regular academic year and by 4:00 p.m. during session breaks.
  • All prescriptions are delivered directly to Adelphi’s Health Services Center and must be picked up within 72 hours by the student, who must show photo ID. The pharmacy will process all medication orders through the student’s health insurance.
  • The student will then sign for any additional co-pay charges to be billed to their student account.
  • The billing process may take two to three weeks to show up on the student’s account. The amount billed is expected to be paid in full at that time at the Office of the Cashier in the lower level of Levermore Hall.
  • If the family’s insurance is restricted to a particular pharmacy, please be sure the student is aware of this and that they share this information with us prior to any prescriptions being delivered.
  • Outside physicians and medical providers can electronically send prescriptions to our pharmacy and indicate on the prescription to “Deliver to Adelphi.”
  • Franwin pharmacy phone number is 516.746.4720 and Lafayette pharmacy phone is 516.746.0646. A credit or debit card can be set up with the pharmacy directly for any prescriptions to avoid the student having to sign for co-pays when picking up prescriptions at our office.”

You can waive your school insurance by going to the Health Services website. You should then follow the directions once you click on the waiver link.

On our insurance website under Health Services you’ll find the customer contact information for the Gallagher Student Insurance team. They can assist you with any insurance issues, concerns and questions.

Yes, you can make an appointment to get the HPV vaccine at the Health Services Center. Please call our office in advance to make those arrangements at 516.877.6000.

The best way to know if Adelphi’s Health Services Center has received your immunization records is to log into eCampus, then go to “CLASS” and click on the link “My Health Records.”

Yes, the Health Services Center offers the flu vaccine. Please call 516.877.6000 to schedule an appointment.

Adelphi’s Health Services Center is affiliated with NYU Winthrop Hospital and Northwell Health.

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Waldo Hall First Floor
Spring Semester
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