Health Services Patient’s Bill of Rights
As a patient at the Adelphi University Health Services Center, you have the Right to:
- Understand and use these rights. Change: Reasonable attempts will be made by health care professionals and other staff to communicate in the language or manner primarily used by patients. If for any reason you do not understand, or you need help, the Health Services Center will make every effort to provide assistance.
- Humane care and treatment. You will be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity at all times.
- Receive accurate and understandable information regarding all aspects of your health in the language or manner primarily used by patients.
- Receive treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or source of payment.
- Expect that your personal convictions and beliefs will be taken into account when you seek help.
- Privacy while in the Health Services Center and confidentiality of all information and records regarding your care.
- No care will be provided to you without your consent.
- Participate in decisions that are made regarding your health care and treatment, including ethical concerns.
- Informed of any research aspect of your care and to refuse to participate. Such refusal will not jeopardize your access to medical care and treatment.
- A second opinion regarding diagnosis or treatment. This includes seeking consultation with other providers. Consultation outside the Health Services Center is the financial responsibility of the patient.
- Be informed of the name and position of the healthcare provider who will be in charge of your care.
- Know the names, positions, and functions of any Health Services Center staff involved in your care, and refuse their treatment, examination or observation. Patients are informed of their rights to change their provider if other qualified providers are available.
- Receive all the information you need to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment. This information shall include the possible risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.
- Participate in all decisions about your treatment.
- Information regarding the scope and availability of services.
- Information regarding fees for service, particularly notification as to which services may involve additional charges.
- Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health.
- Receive emergency care if you need it.
- Review your medical record without charge.
- Confidentiality of your records. All medical records are maintained in a secure platform. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines are observed within the Health Services Center at all times. Written consent is required to release any medical records that you request, except when a release is required by law.
- Complain about the quality of medical care and have a fair review of that complaint without fear of compromise of future services.
Patient’s Responsibilities
The Health Services Center staff cares for the well-being of all Adelphi students. We believe that to be effective, the effort must be a partnership with the patient and the health care team working together. You will be expected, within the limits of your abilities, to share in the responsibility for your health care, which are:
- To seek medical attention promptly.
- To provide accurate and complete information to the best of your ability regarding your medical history including allergies, medications (prescription, over-the-counter, herbal and dietary supplements), past illnesses and hospitalizations.
- Provide accurate and complete information to the best of your ability regarding your family history.
- To ask questions regarding any information you do not understand that was provided to you by the health care providers.
- To report any significant changes in symptoms or the failure of your condition to improve.
- Follow the treatment plan that is prescribed by your provider.
- To keep appointments, reschedule or cancel in a timely matter to avoid disruption of the Health Services Center ability to see other patients.
- To be respectful of all health care professionals, staff and other patients.
- To be mindful and respectful to university policies at all times when in the Health Services Center.
- To follow the established treatment plan and to alert their healthcare provider if they are unable to, so that reasonable changes can be discussed.
- Accept financial responsibility for any charges that are not covered by your personal health insurance, and to promptly pay and bills incurred.
Advance Directives
Information about Advance Directives will be provided to any student requesting it. As a patient in New York State, you have the right to designate a personal representative to act on your behalf with respect to your health care decisions if for various reasons you are unable to do so for yourself. Health Care Proxy forms (PDF) will be given to students.
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