Angela and Scott Jaggar pictured together.After beginning her career as an elementary school teacher in Plainview, Long Island, Adelphi Trustee Emerita Angela Jaggar, PhD, entered the field of higher education, teaching and conducting research in children’s language and literacy development at New York University. During her more than 30 years there, she co-founded the University’s Reading Recovery Project, which she co-directed for 10 years. She held numerous leadership roles in professional education associations. Dr. Jaggar earned a BS and MA in education from Adelphi University, and a PhD from New York University.

During World War II, the late Scott Jaggar trained at Yale University to be a Japanese interpreter with the U.S. Army Ground Forces. Following the war, he studied at the University of Michigan and then became the national systems and data processing manager at United Parcel Service, where he worked for 30 years. He also served on President Reagan’s Grace Commission.

Actively involved in a number of not-for-profit organizations serving children, education and the arts, the Jaggars established the Angela and Scott Jaggar Foundation. Their generous support of Adelphi includes the creation of an endowed fund to establish the Angela and Scott Jaggar Scholarship, which helps students in financial need, and support for the Community Fellows Program, which provides University-paid stipends to students participating in internships at local not-for-profit organizations—the only program of its kind in the region. In addition, Dr. Jaggar established the Louise and Joseph Maestri Scholarship Fund in honor of her parents. It benefits students studying early childhood literacy.

Dr. Jaggar has served on the board of directors of Port Washington’s historic community center, Landmark on Main Street. Serving on the Adelphi University Board of Trustees from 2008 to 2020, she was also on the boards of directors of the Family & Children’s Association, Belmont Child Care Association, Women on the Job and Literacy Volunteers of New York City.

My years at Adelphi were exciting and gratifying. I gained new knowledge, skills, values and perspectives on the world that served me well in my career and in life generally. Over the years, we have been proud to support this wonderful, vibrant institution to help ensure that current and future students will also enjoy the same high-quality experience that I did at Adelphi.

Angela Jaggar ’62, MA ’65 Million Dollar Roundtable Donor
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