Projects Supported by Adelphi’s Women’s Giving Circle
Learn about the projects supported by the Women’s Giving Circle.
$3,000 Facilitating Success in Accelerated Nursing Students
Conduct a pilot study to evaluate Adelphi’s accelerated nursing students who have achieved a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing and are interested in joining the nursing profession. The study will help identify barriers these students have encountered so faculty can further develop the accelerated students’ program and help address crucial nursing shortages.
$2,000 Community Garden
Enhance the campus Community Garden with benches and signage to help make this space an inviting sanctuary for the Adelphi community. The Community Garden provides students with access to fresh produce, which they can pick up at the Panther Pantry.
$5,000 Take The Lead Hispanic Heritage Month Event
The Latin American and Latinx Studies (LAS) Program will host a Fall 2023 Hispanic Heritage month event dedicated to connecting Adelphi students, alumni, and faculty to community leaders from across Long Island. The goal is to inspire Adelphi students to rely on one’s authentic self when going to job interviews, job fairs, and internships.
$3,000 Bridges to Adelphi Job Placement Coordinator
The goal of hiring a Job Placement Coordinator is to build partnerships with professional corporations to create employment and internship opportunities for Bridges to Adelphi students.
$2,160 Green Dot Adelphi
Green Dot is a nationally recognized, comprehensive primary prevention and bystander engagement program for universities and colleges to prevent dating violence, sexual violence and stalking.
$2,000 Mother Scholar Career Success Program
The CPCS Scholar Mother scholarship provides $1,000 awards to students who are single mothers trying to complete their undergraduate degrees. The awards give financial support for childcare or digital tools to facilitate their course work and degree completion.
$5,000 Women’s Leadership Conference
Keynote sponsor of the 2023 Women’s Leadership Conference. This annual event is a powerful day of learning and networking, where exceptional alumnae and community members across industries share experiences and advice on how to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.
$1,500 Grant-in-Aid for a Senior Student
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short of money for tuition as they finish their senior year. Since 2014, the WGC has allotted money to help a suddenly in need senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate.
$1,500 Women’s Giving Circle Grant-In-Aid for Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the spring of 2016, the WGC allocated funds to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent him or her from continuing his or her studies without some outside emergency financial support.
$3,000 Women’s Giving Circle Endowment
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$2,000 Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Senior Student
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$2,000 Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the spring of 2017, the WGC is conducting its first essay contest for graduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$4,000 School of Social Work Social Action Day
This grant provides transportation for Social Work students to Social Action Day activities. This annual event raises critical consciousness about social issues and engage students to confront them. By engaging in this communal action, students gain skills in advocacy and organizing.
$3,500 College of Nursing and Public Health Simulation Lab (CESiL)
CESiL provides practical clinical experience for nursing students without having to leave the campus. With state-of-the-art high fidelity and low fidelity manikins, clinical and exam rooms, a community health room and a 22-bed lab, students are able to reinforce classroom learning with hands-on application.
$4,000 Performing Arts Center
This grant sponsors the streaming aspect of our live student performances. These services allow those unable to attend in person to enjoy the performances. It is also used as a recruitment tool for potential future students to allow them to see performances without having to travel to campus.
$3,750 Institute for Parenting Sensory Therapy Room
Purchased toys, books, learning materials, mats and accessory equipment to create a sensory-friendly play therapy room that will foster a safe and calming experience for young children with sensory sensitivities.
$3,000 Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Center
Adelphi University TRHT Campus Center is a platform for university-community partnerships that are devoted to correcting the myths of human hierarchies and reducing social inequities.
$4,500 Hire A Panther Program
The Hire a Panther Program provides students with on-campus internships and experiential learning opportunities. Students work in an array of environments, collaborating with professors on projects ranging from research and tutoring to new initiatives and social media.
$4,000 College of Professional and Continuing Studies Mother-Scholar Childcare
The CPCS Scholar Mother scholarship provided $1,000 awards to four students who are mothers trying to complete their undergraduate degree. The awards give financial support for childcare or digital tools to facilitate their course work and degree completion.
$5,000 Derner Hempstead Child Clinic
The Adelphi Hempstead Child and Family Clinic has a dual mission to provide mental health services to underserved minorities at high risk in the Hempstead community and to provide high quality, impactful training to Masters and Doctorate students in the Derner School of Psychology.
$5,000 Women’s Leadership Conference
Keynote sponsor the 2022 Women’s Leadership Conference. This annual event is a powerful day of learning and networking, where exceptional alumnae and community members across industries share experiences and advice on how to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.
$1,500 – Grant-in-Aid for a Senior Student
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short of money for tuition as they finish their senior year. Since 2014, the WGC has allotted money to help a suddenly in need senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate.
$ 1,500 Women’s Giving Circle Grant-In-Aid for Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the spring of 2016, the WGC allocated funds to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent him or her from continuing his or her studies without some outside emergency financial support.
$3,000- Women’s Giving Circle Endowment
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$2,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Senior Student
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$2,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the spring of 2017, the WGC is conducting its first essay contest for graduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$500 – UC Renovation Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle purchased an engraved paver outside the newly renovated Ruth S. Harley University Center in honor of the Circle’s 10th Anniversary.
$3,000 Women’s Leadership Conference
Sponsorship of Adelphi’s Women’s Leadership Conference. This annual event is a powerful day of learning and networking, where exceptional alumnae and community members across industries share experiences and advice on how to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.
$15,500 – College of Nursing and Public Health
The WGC approved a one-time allocation to present rising third year nursing students with stethoscopes as a symbol of the Circle’s support for their commitment to the field of nursing during the ongoing covid pandemic.
$4,000 – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The WGC approved a one-time allocation to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to fund a social justice film festival.
$2,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Senior Student
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$2,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the spring of 2017, the WGC is conducting its first essay contest for graduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$1,500 – Grant-in-Aid for a Senior Student
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short money for tuition as they finish their senior year. Since 2014, the WGC has allotted money to help a suddenly in need senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate.
1,500 – Grant-in-Aid for a Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the spring of 2016, the WGC allocated funds to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent him or her from continuing his or her studies without some outside emergency financial support.
$3,000 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$300 – Women in Science and Computing (ACM-W) Conference
Adelphi University hosted its first Women in Science and Computing (ACM-W) Conference to encourage young girls to seek successful careers in the STEM fields, thereby motivating others and sparking change.
$3,000 – Women’s Leadership Conference Sponsorship
This annual event is a powerful day of learning and networking, where exceptional alumnae and community members across industries share experiences and advice on how to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.
$25,000 – Student Emergency Support Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle voted to grant all available funds to the Student Emergency Support Fund to help fulfill the immediate and critical needs of Adelphi students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
$1,395 –Mindfulness for First Year Students
Recognizing the many benefits of mindfulness practice, such as demonstrated reductions in stress, improved patience, self-control, focus, kindness and overall health outcomes, the WGC will fund a faculty member’s certification and training as a Koru mindfulness instructor so that they may offer training to incoming Adelphi freshman at orientation.
$4,500 – Training in Group Interventionfor IMH-DP Students
This grant will enable four students in the Master of Science degree in Infant Mental Health and Developmental Practice Program to become trained as facilitators of group intervention at Circle of Security Parenting. Students who attended training in past years have enriched the clinical offerings on campus and in the community by offering groups to area teachers, to parents waiting for their children during Hy Weinberg clinic speech therapy sessions, and to students in post-master’s certificate programs.
$2,144–Technology Assisted Devices-Exercises
After analyzing the outcomes from the 2018 WGC grant, the Active Panther Partner- Bridges to Adelphi Collaboration program will be adding a requirement for the Exercise Science students to take an Inclusive Recreation class (0852-433) at the same time they are mentoring the Bridges students. This 2019 WGC grant will purchase iPads for students in the class to help facilitate their mentorship of the Bridges students as they provide social and technical support to students with ASD on how to be physically active.
$5,535 –S.E.E.D.S.: Curricula Development Approach
Garden Vines is a not-for-profit collaborative co-founded by alumnae: clinical professor, Cynthia Proscia and senior financial aid administrator, Sharla-Renee Hart, in partnership with the Department of Health and Sport Sciences. This grant will allow Garden Vines to create and administer an evaluation tool for its school garden program, S.E.E.D.S. (Schools Engaging the Entire Development of Students), in the Hempstead Union Free School District.
$1,000 –Adelphi Physicists at PhysCon
The WGC will cover the registration fees for two students in the Adelphi Physics Club to attend PhysCon 2019, one of America’s largest national physics conferences.
$6,000 –A Big Idea to See Small Things
This grant will purchase six wireless cameras for microscopes in the Biology Department. Images from the cameras will ensure that students and faculty are looking at the same structure under the microscope, increase the microscope skill level of undergraduate biology students, and allow faculty to develop greater observational skills in our students.
$2,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Senior Student
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$2,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the spring of 2017, the WGC is conducting its first essay contest for graduate students. The WGC allocates $1,500 to be presented to the winner during the Legacy and Commencement Celebration and provides $500 to be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
$1,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Senior Student
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short money for tuition as they finish their senior year. Since 2014, the WGC has allotted money to help a suddenly in need senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate. The WGC allocates $1,000 toward this mission.
$1,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the spring of 2016, the WGC allocated funds to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent him or her from continuing his or her studies without some outside emergency financial support. The WGC allocates $1,000 toward this mission.
$1,160 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$5,000 – The Adelphi Hempstead Child and Family Clinic
The Adelphi Hempstead Child and Family Clinic has a dual mission to provide mental health services to underserved minorities at high risk in the Hempstead community and to provide high quality, impactful training to Masters and Doctorate students in the Derner School of Psychology. This grant will provide support for student and faculty positions at the Clinic.
$4,800 – Program Coordinator for the International Mentor Program
The International Mentor program helps meet the needs of international students adjusting to life in the United States and Adelphi. With a part-time coordinator mentors will receive valuable leadership training, stronger connections will be made between mentors and mentees and students will feel part of the diverse and inclusive Adelphi community.
$2,500 – Adelphi University Story Shuttle
The Adelphi DACA and Immigration Task Force seeks to deepen and creatively showcase the university’s commitment to inclusivity and community integrity by taking a page from NPR’s StoryCorps project and instituting their own version of the storytelling model at Adelphi. The core mission is to bring the power of storytelling to as many of its diverse community members as possible to close perception gaps and inspire new bridges into our surrounding community.
$1,000 – Theatre Open Captioning
Open captioning makes productions at the Adelphi University Performing Arts Center more accessible to not only a deaf audience, but also can be helpful to those who are simply hard of hearing.
$3,800 – Work-Life-Wellness Program
The Work-Wellness program was developed to introduce students to the concepts of individualized approach to wellness. After completing a Five-Factor Wellness survey, students are directed to campus resources to participate in activities that enrich themselves and highlight a healthy work-life balance. The program encourages overall wellness as well as skills and attributes necessary to be engaged, empowered and successful students, alumni and future employees.
$1,000 – Adelphi Athletics Leadership Academy
The leadership academy is a series of seminars for student-athletes and coaches that teaches students how to be leaders in their environments and to develop their leadership skills.
$1,500 – Guest Artist Master Classes
Master classes bring world-class guest artists to campus and create high-impact learning experiences. Students learn current practice and industry trends as well as advice and training from successful colleagues that are critical to their long-term success.
$2,000 – Active Panthers Program-Bridges to Adelphi Program Collaboration
Active Panthers are undergraduates in the Exercise Science Department who interact on a weekly basis with students on the autism spectrum who are enrolled in the Bridges to Adelphi Program. They work within peer groups to help Bridges students learn skills related to regulating and monitoring their physical activity while increasing their own knowledge and developing positive attitudes toward people of differing abilities.
$2,500 – Virtual Interview Room
This grant funded an LCD monitor and PC for the Center for Career and Professional Development’s interview room where students may conduct online and Skype interviews for jobs and internships. The room will provide a private and professional environment, leveraging state of the art interviewing equipment and technology.
$7,200 – The Bridges to Adelphi Transition Coordinator
The Transition Coordinator will work with students on the autism spectrum enrolled in the Bridges to Adelphi Program beginning in their senior year to develop individualized transition programs designed to support their post college life.
$1,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Senior Student
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocates $1,000 to be presented to the winner during the Senior Family Dinner.
$1,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the spring of 2017, the WGC is conducting its first essay contest for graduate students. The WGC allocates $1,000 to be presented to the graduate winner at the Graduate Spring Fling.
$1,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Senior Student
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short money for tuition as they finish their senior year. Since 2014, the WGC has allotted money to help a suddenly in need senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate. The WGC allocates $1,000 toward this mission.
$1,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the spring of 2016, the WGC allocated funds to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent him or her from continuing his or her studies without some outside emergency financial support. The WGC allocates $1,000 toward this mission.
$1,000 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$7,200 – Bridges to Adelphi: Research Coordinator
Following the success of the pilot program for a Vocational Coaching Position, funded by the WGC in 2014, the Community Service Coordinator Position, funded in 2015, and the Grants Coordinator Position, funded in 2016, the WGC is allocating $7,200 to fund a pilot program for a Research Coordinator.
The Bridges to Adelphi Program is viewed as the model for best practices in developing and maintaining support programs for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Through building a research component to the program, it is believed that Bridges can continue on its path as an innovator by becoming a leader in research and publishing on efficacy and best practices for programs for college students with ASD.
$6,000 – Diversity & Inclusion: Creation of a Graduate Assistant Position
As Adelphi University takes a stronger stand on diversity related areas and our student population begins to grow and include more students of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, there is a need for increased diversity related programming and initiatives. The creation of this position would allow for that growth on an expedited basis. The WGC is allocating $6,000 for this newly developed position.
$900 – Emergency Fund for Vulnerable International & Immigrant Students
Adelphi University is dedicated to helping DACA immigrant students or international students who are vulnerable to actions of the government in light of recent immigrations bans. The WGC applauds the efforts of the Adelphi University International & Immigration Task Force to assist impacted students. The WGC is allocating $900 toward this initiative.
$3,750 – Preservation of Adelphi University’s history
Adelphi University Archives and Special Collections department is undertaking a project to preserve the early history of Adelphi University and make accessible part of the institutional history of Adelphi for future generations. Given the fragile condition of some of the original materials, time is literally running out on the ability to properly preserve this material. The WGC is allocating $3,750 to partner with the University on this project.
$271 – College of Nursing and Public Health: simulation childhood obesity suit
Continuing in the model of simulation learning, the Adelphi University’s College of Nursing and Public Health seeks to further address the issue of obesity in young children (something that the CDC estimates impacts more than 9 million children age 6 to 9). The purchase of a childhood obesity suit is intended to assist Adelphi’s students to better understand and address issues they will face daily in their careers. The WGC is allocating $271 to assist with the purchase of this simulation suit.
$1,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Senior Student
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocates $1,000 to be presented to the winner during the Parent/Senior Brunch in May 2018.
$1,000 – Essay Contest Winner, Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the spring of 2017, the WGC is conducting its first essay contest for graduate students. The WGC allocates $1,000 to be presented to the graduate winner in May 2018.
$1,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Senior Student
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short money for tuition as they finish their senior year. Since 2014, the WGC has allotted money to help a suddenly in need senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate. The WGC allocates $1,000 toward this mission.
$1,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the spring of 2016, the WGC allocated funds to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent him or her from continuing his or her studies without some outside emergency financial support. The WGC allocates $1,000 toward this mission.
$2,519 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly. The WGC’s 2017 allocation is $2,519.
$5,228 – Red Watch Band
The WGC provided funding to bring the “Red Watch Band” program to Adelphi. Red Watch Band is an initiative to provide campus community members with the knowledge, awareness, and skills to prevent student toxic drinking deaths and to promote a student culture of kindness, responsibility, compassion, and respect. The Red Watch symbolizes the “band” of students who are trained to “watch” over one another when “every second counts.” Our funding allowed for the purchase of two Manikins with AED Trainers, First Aid/CPR Training kits, Certificate and 6 training sessions a year.
$7,200 – Bridges to Adelphi Grants Coordinator Position
Following the success of the pilot program for a Vocational Coaching Position, funded by the WGC in 2014, and the Community Service Coordinator Position, funded in 2015, the WGC funded a third pilot program. This program involved the hiring of a Grants Coordinator to research, write and apply for grants that can support the growth and development of the Bridges to Adelphi Program, whose great work with students on the Autism Spectrum is well known. As of Spring, 2017, grants exceeding our original donation have already been obtained, thus making this pilot program a success.
$1,000 – Essay Contest Winner – Graduating Senior
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocated $1,000 to be presented to the winner during the Parent/Senior Brunch in May.
1,000 – Essay Contest Winner – Graduating Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi, in the Spring of 2017, the WGC will conduct its first essay contest for graduate students. A $1,000 prize has been allocated for this year’s winner.
$2,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Senior
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short money for tuition as they finish their senior year. A scholarship of $2,000 could help a suddenly needy senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate.
$2,000 – Grant-in-Aid for a Graduate Student
Recognizing the large population of graduate students at Adelphi and the relative difficulty of graduate students finding scholarships, in the Spring of 2016, the WGC allocated $2,000 to be set aside in the event that the University becomes aware of a graduate student who finds himself or herself in an unforeseen, dire circumstance which would prevent them from continuing their studies without some outside financial support.
$2,572 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment Fund
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment: a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly
$5,400 – Bridges Program – The Community Service Coordinator
Following the success of the pilot program for a Vocational Coaching Position in 2014, the WGC funded another pilot program to see if a Community Service Coordinator position would add value to the Bridges Program. The Community Service Coordinator (current AU graduate student) is working on and off campus to involve Bridges students in community service programs and activities. This provides students in the Bridges Program, who are often recipients of lots of services, an opportunity to “pay it forward”. It also serves to integrate individuals on campus and in the community who may not have the opportunity to know an individual with ASD, the experience of working side by side in a community program may help to erase the stigma of ASD.
$5,000 – Nexus Building Equipment
Adelphi University’s Nexus Building, which opened in the fall of 2016, is the inspiring new home of the College of Nursing and Public Health and a thriving center for student services, admissions and alumni outreach. The $76 million, 100,000 square-foot building earned recognition from the American Institute of Architects for its innovative design—a visual representation of Adelphi’s commitment to community, collaboration and academic excellence. The building’s ultramodern classrooms and simulation labs prepare nursing students for careers in a variety of settings—from a high-tech medical center to a patient’s room at home. The WGC was proud to donate toward the development of this new Campus hub, especially as so many of our members have strong ties to the Nursing Program.
$5,675 – Learning and Writing Centers
The Learning and Writing Centers provide a variety of academic support services–from one-on-one and small group tutoring; field-specific or skill-based workshops; professional and licensure exam preparation, to linguistic and cultural fluency development for international students– for University stakeholders: current undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, grant partners, and community members.
The Learning and Writing Centers’ are two of a relatively few Adelphi services whose scope is the entire student body. As such, the WGC found it appropriate to provide the following grants:
($3,775) – Various anatomical models – Arm, leg, torso, 2 eyes, 2 ears and 2 throat charts.
These models provide additional support to Nursing and Pre-Med students as well as to students in the School of Education’s Health and Sport Sciences Department as well as the Speech Pathology students.
($800) – Online Expansion Technology – 4 Tablets
In the Fall of 2014, the Learning and Writing Centers began providing online tutoring for all of Adelphi’s campuses through ours online scheduling service, WC Online. Already successful, tutors at our physical locations in Garden City and Manhattan have given over 250 video-mediated online tutoring appointments to students on all four campuses.
The Touch Tablet allows our tutors to write on a tablet and have their feedback appear directly on the student’s screen. We are happy to report this enhanced technology has received positive feedback from our tutors, students, and University College administration. The additional four tablets provided by the WGC has allowed for a dramatic increase in online tutoring.
($850) – Student/Staff Training Conference
The WGC provided a grant to send 4 people (1 tutor each for The Learning Center’s three main “recitation” subjects of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics and 1 administrator) to a Peer-led Team Learning (PLTL) Conference at City College of New York. The students and staff who attend the conference in turn shared with other student workers and staff the information on Peer-led Team Learning that they acquired.
($250) – Intercultural Connections Reading Group (with Audio Practice)
The WGC provided a grant to purchase 20 copies of Aesop’s Fables and 3 audio book copies, to support the work done by the Writing Center, in conjunction with their Pilot Intercultural Connections Program, to promote reading, writing, and speaking proficiency in English among Adelphi’s international students.
$3,500 – Mentoring Program Events
$2,000 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment
The Women’s Giving Circle Endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$1,000 – Essay Contest for Graduating Seniors
Beginning in 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocated $1,000 to be presented to the winner during the Parent/Senior Brunch in May.
$2,000 – Dr. Robert A. Scott Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Robert A. Scott served as President of Adelphi University from 2000- 2015. The Scholarship Fund was established to recognize Dr. Scott’s legacy. It benefits the University’s financially neediest students.
$2,000 – Graduating Senior: Grant-in-Need
Life is unpredictable and unfortunately some students run into life’s unexpected circumstances and find themselves short money for tuition as they finish their senior year. A scholarship of $2,000 could help a suddenly needy senior bridge the tuition gap and graduate.
$5,000 – Bridges Program Graduate Assistant for Career/Internships
The WGC grant funded a “pilot program” to see if vocational services in the Bridges Program would be helpful. As a direct result of this grant, the Bridges Program now has a summer internship with Northwell Health for juniors and seniors and has other opportunities in the works. We are happy to report that the pilot program was such a success that a Vocational Coaching position was made a permanent position in the Bridges Program beginning in Fall 2015.
$3,500 – Jaggar Community Fellows Program support
Initiated in 2010, the Jaggar Community Fellows Program is a competitive, and often life-changing, paid summer internship for non-graduating students (freshmen through graduate students). It is the region’s only full-time, university-paid internship program. The program is open to all majors and provides students with an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the nonprofit sector. Students intern at local not for profits for which they receive stipends provided by the University. This program was established by an extraordinary gift of a Women’s Giving Circle Member and former Adelphi University Trustee, Angela Jaggar, ’62, ’65 MA, and her husband, Scott.
$1,500 – Women’s Giving Circle Endowment
The endowment is a permanent fund at Adelphi University to which the WGC contributes regularly.
$1,000 – Essay Contest
Beginning in the Spring of 2014, the WGC has conducted an essay contest for graduating undergraduate students. The WGC allocated $1,000 to be presented to the winner during the Parent/Senior Brunch in May.
$10,000 – GoinGlobal program (over 3 years)
The Adelphi University Center for Career and Professional Development has partnered up with GoinGlobal, a service aimed at finding students and recent graduates the perfect internship or job. They provide resources for domestic or international job searches. GoinGlobal has compiled information, resources and a list of recent job postings and they provide country career guides to 33 different countries and 43 U.S cities. For Adelphi students looking to intern or work abroad, the GoinGlobal career guides offer insight and information about writing a cover letter and resume that will appeal to an international audience. The guides also help when interviewing for the internship or job overseas. Different cultures have different customs and GoinGlobal’s guides provides in depth information about what to wear and how fit in with cultural norms. Once a student has landed the international position, the GoinGlobal career guides help navigate the proper visa processes and other important information about working abroad.
$10,000 AU Reads
Underwrote cost of Omnivore’s Dilemma book for all incoming freshmen as part of the AU Reads initiative.

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