How to Get Involved in Adelphi’s Women’s Giving Circle
You are invited to participate in this important initiative.
The Adelphi University Women’s Giving Circle (“WGC”) invites those of vision who yearn to unite, collaborate and share their best for the betterment of Adelphi University. We invite you to join us in continuing Adelphi’s rich legacy and helping to strengthen its positive impact for years to come.
One of our major goals is to support the University through annual grants made to strengthen and support areas of interest to the WGC. These grants have a direct and immediate impact on the University. Each year, the WGC reviews and selects funding areas/opportunities in which to award grants that are funded by pooled member contributions. The WGC also supports the University’s endowment, through our own Women’s Giving Circle Endowment Fund and the Women’s Giving Circle Endowed Scholarship Fund. As an all-volunteer organization with no overhead, 100 percent of member contributions go back to the University in targeted ways that are difficult to achieve through general giving to the University.
Another major goal is to serve as a learning community, where members gain new insights into the University via speakers at our monthly meetings. At the same time, the diversity of our membership allows us to provide valuable feedback to those University speakers that they may not otherwise receive.
The Circle includes tiered membership levels. The Leadership Council conducts approximately five to seven monthly meetings during the academic year at which guest speakers from Adelphi University faculty, staff and administration engage the Council in a dialogue about current and future programs at the University. The Council also conducts business of the WGC at these meetings. Annually in April, funds raised by the WGC are donated to the University in accordance with a formal vote of the Council.
Membership is tiered in order to encourage as many individuals as possible to join. Additionally, members need not be physically present at meetings in order to participate. We have phone in and Skype options available to us as needed. We hope that this will allow participation by members throughout the country as we continue to grow the Circle.
Join the Women’s Giving Circle
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
Levels and Benefits
Adelphi Leadership Level: requires a gift to the WGC of $1,000 or more*
- Full voting rights at all meetings of the Women’s Giving Circle
- Invitations to campus cultural events and private receptions when available
- Invitation to the State of the University luncheon
- Invitation to the Women’s Recognition Dinner sponsored by the WGC
- Your name and bio listed on the WGC webpage, if so desired
- Invitation to the WGC Annual Reception
Adelphi Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Member Level
The WGC celebrates and welcomes our newest Adelphi alumni. New graduates are offered a complimentary leadership level membership the first year after graduation. This applies to graduates at any age and any degree (be it an undergraduate or graduate degree). Membership dues then increase incrementally by $100 each year so that GOLD members can continue to enjoy leadership level benefits in subsequent years.
Adelphi Supporter Level: requires a gift to the WGC of $250 to $999
- Weighted voting rights at the Annual Grant Review meeting based on the level of the gift (i.e. a $250 gift = 25% vote)
Gift Level | Weighted Vote |
$1,000 | 100% |
$750-$999 | 75% |
$500-$749 | 50% |
$250-$499 | 25% |
- Invitation to the State of the University luncheon
- Your name and bio listed on the WGC webpage, if so desired
- Invitation to the WGC Annual Reception
Adelphi Friendship Level: requires a gift to the WGC of between $100 and $249
- Invitations to all meetings of the Women’s Giving Circle
- Invitation to the State of the University luncheon
- Your name and bio listed on the WGC webpage, if so desired
- Invitation to the WGC Annual Reception
*Arrangements may be made to make a Leadership Level gift in semi-annual or quarterly installments by calling Erin Gayron in the Office of University Advancement at 516.877.3475.

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