The Office of University Advancement and External Relations welcomes corporations of all sizes, helping you access:

  • Knowledgeable faculty in business, STEM, healthcare, social sciences and the arts
  • Top researchers
  • Talented and motivated students
  • High-tech facilities, including conference venues
  • Market-ready technologies
  • The opportunity to invest in our transformational programs

Corporate partners throughout our community play a critical role in advancing Adelphi’s goals of developing tomorrow’s leaders, creating new knowledge and connecting Adelphi’s students with the marketplace. What’s more, your own experiences serve as a powerful educational tool for the Adelphi community.

Jovia Financial Credit Union becomes an Adelphi Diamond-Level Partner

With a generous donation, the Jovia Financial Credit Union has been able to launch Adelphi’s Financial Literacy Program, providing on-campus training to help students, faculty, staff and members of the larger community strengthen their short-term and long-term financial security. More student consulting projects and initiatives are planned.

Nothing speaks to our heritage more than supporting education at every level, and this partnership with our neighbors at Adelphi underscores our commitment …. We’re excited to work with Adelphi on making a difference across the island. 

John Deieso ’18 President and CEO of Jovia Financial Credit Union

TD Bank’s TD Charitable Foundation Awards $30,000 Grant to Adelphi’s Derner Child and Family Center

Adelphi University has received a $30,000 grant from TD Bank’s charitable giving arm, TD Charitable Foundation, which will support new and ongoing mental health services provided by the University’s Derner Child and Family Center (formerly known as the Derner Hempstead Child Clinic). TD Bank is now a platinum partner of the partnership program.

[Recognizing] Adelphi’s efforts to help sustain and create vibrant, thriving communities, … the TD Charitable Foundation is happy to extend its legacy of support for the Derner Child Clinic’s critical initiatives to improve mental health of children and teens.

Andy Bregenzer Metro New York regional president, TD Bank, platinum partner

Healthcare Partnership With Northwell Health

Adelphi and Northwell Health, Long island’s largest employer, launched a newsworthy corporate partnership to employ talented individuals on the autism spectrum.  Northwell benefited from a valuable new population of employees with unique skills, and Adelphi students in the award-winning Bridges to Adelphi program successfully landed employment in the growing healthcare sector.

The Impact of Partnerships for Career Readiness: IBM, Morgan Stanley and Others

As career readiness becomes an increasingly important factor in a successful college career, corporate partners are lending their expertise by employing our interns—and preparing future employees with first-hand experience and expertise. Adelphi partners with businesses and organizations on Long Island and in New York City, including IBM, Marks Paneth LLP, KPMG LLP, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Merrill and EY.

An International Partnership: Corona Corporation

Corona Industrial, a global corporation in the manufacturing and distribution of products and solutions, partners with students and faculty in business analytics graduate classes. Fresh solutions from students are helping Corona solve distribution problems, and graduate students benefit from real-world experience with data analytics.

Students Partner with Hiatus, a NYC Fintech Firm

Anil Venkatesh, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, said that his students worked this spring on a marketing analytics model for an Adelphi University industry partner, Hiatus. The company was impressed with the results and posted on LinkedIn about it. Dr. Venkatesh added that this is just one of several industry consulting projects that his students have worked on over the past two years, including a collaboration with the Robert B. Willumstad School of Business for e-commerce company FragranceNet.

How to Join Us

  • Contribute with cash or in-kind gifts to a program, department, event or college/school initiative.
  • Set up an endowment in support of strategic initiatives within a college or school.
  • Donate an annual gift to a signature program.

Thank you to Our Corporate Partners

Savills Jovia Financial Credit Union University Hub

Awards & Recognition

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