
Honoring the 2013 General Studies Learning Community departmental awards recipients

Daniel Rosenberg at the 2013 General Studies AwardsBy Dan Rosenberg, Ph.D., Director, General Studies Learning Community 

We feel that a college student is not a test score. The General Studies Learning Community is based on the idea that the qualified student must be seen as a whole person, with all of his or her gifts and abilities. General Studies Learning Community is based upon the idea that the courses at this stage can and should be interrelated. The program is based on the idea that talented freshmen may adjust to college faster when the classes are smaller and the students become comfortable with each other.

GS is based on the idea that you cannot make college simple, but neither should you throw freshmen to the sharks, and thus we have tutoring and counseling. General Studies Learning Community is based upon the idea that there is no contradiction between welcome on the one hand and high standards on the other.

The faculty, administration and guests came to the Awards Dinner not only for the food, but also because they recognize these facts and wish to pay tribute to the genuine scholarly ability and academic skills of the GS students. Their efforts have produced academic success. Therefore, we recognize them for this achievement. We are lucky to have them in our program. We salute their families and loved ones.


Congratulations to the
2013 Honorees!

Brianna Archer
Michael Ashe O’Toole
Michael Aspenleiter
Kelly Balli
Sandy Bhagwant
Angelina Borukhova
Kerri Broer
Philip Chow
Jennifer Cumbe
Tui DeGannes
Leanne DeSimone
Sabiha Fazal
Daphney Fleurancois
Sachi Ghia
Destiny Holliday
Mirna Ismail
Robert Kellett
Dylan Lambert
Christy Lastihenos
Jessica Manzione
Ayaralisy Marte
Alicia Martinez
Thomas Mignone
Reyaz Nasery
Alicia Ortiz
Sophia Parisi
Eric Paskowitz
Bansari Patel
Angelina Pena
Ebony Pierre
Alexandra Pistocchi
Samantha Puckhaber
Nicholas Quinn
Afeerah Shamid
Ashley Sukhu
Katarzyna Tylawski

This piece appeared in the Spring 2013 Issue of the General Studies Newsletter.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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