The Adelphi Teaching Fellow Program has been paused for the 2024-2025 academic year.

For more information contact Karen Fassenfeld Kolb,

Following an open call for proposals and a competitive selection process, six Adelphi Teaching Fellows are chosen each year by a committee of Adelphi faculty.  Throughout the academic year, the fellows work on their proposed projects, either engaging in a thorough evidence-based course development process or designing and conducting a “Teaching as Research” project.

The program was created in 2017 by the Provost’s office and the Faculty Center for Professional Excellence (FCPE) to provide time, support and resources  for faculty to deepen their expertise in teaching and to bolster the teaching community at Adelphi. Each selected Fellow receives 3 credits of release from teaching and a $1,500 grant to be used specifically for the development and implementation of their teaching projects. The selected fellows also commit to sharing their growing expertise with colleagues at the departmental, school/college, and campus-wide levels to contribute to a culture of teaching excellence.

While working on their proposed projects, Fellows attend monthly seminars with readings, assignments and discussions during both the fall and spring semesters. They also participate in peer teaching observations, for formative feedback, and to assist in the development of a peer observation culture at Adelphi. The peer observations are intended to benefit both the observee and the observer and to facilitate more frequent conversations about teaching. They are not related to the tenure or promotion process.

As part of their commitment to share the benefits of the teaching fellows project, all fellows offer a workshop or other interactive session, based on their fellowship work, as part of the Fall Teaching and Learning Conference, in the year following the completion of their Fellowship.

For more information about  the Teaching Fellows program contact Karen Fassenfeld Kolb,, director of the FCPE. Faculty interested in applying to the next cohort should watch for the call for proposals and the information sessions on the program each spring semester.

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