Learn about the FCPE and what we do for faculty.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support all Adelphi faculty with tools and resources to excel in teaching, scholarship and service while creating a campus culture that values and supports collaboration, diversity and professional growth.

  • workshops and other learning opportunities on a variety of topics related to professional development for the professoriate;
  • a space to discover and practice new technologies for teaching;
  • opportunities to share and celebrate faculty successes;
  • readings, videos, and online conferences on topics of teaching and scholarship.

  • innovation and creativity in teaching, learning and research;
  • community and interdisciplinary partnerships among Adelphi faculty;
  • initiative to improve undergraduate and graduate education inside and outside the classroom;
  • the development of educational materials that enable students to question, learn, and continue to grow on their own;
  • faculty collaboration with students, administrators, staff, and citizens at large.

The Faculty Center for Professional Excellence at Adelphi University was founded in 1999. It started as a faculty led initiative to provide full-time professors with information technology. Now the center is a vital part in the promotion of new technologies, pedagogies, and professional development for faculty. Five full-time technologists and six student educational technologist staff the center. Blended and online teaching, podcasting, media production, plagiarism prevention and detection, video conferencing, and the shift in pedagogy resulting with the use of technology in the classroom, are just some of the areas in which we specialize.

Full-time and part-time faculty are welcome to take advantage of our many services. We work closely with the Office of Information Technology to ensure compatibility and smooth operation of instructional technology on campus.

A Faculty Advisory Committee chaired by Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Elizabeth Ciabocchi meets regularly to advise in programs and services. Suggestions for programs and feedback from all faculty are greatly appreciated. Please contact Elizabeth Ciabocchi at 516.877.3159 or email eciabocchi@adelphi.edu with questions and suggestions for the advisory committee.

Our Accomplishments

Over the past a few years, FCPE has:

  • Together with the Provost’s office developed new faculty handbooks which are revised annually;
  • Together with T&A sponsored semesterly showcases on innovative teaching at Adelphi;
  • Developed an online faculty newsletter which received the 2004 Best of the Web Award;
  • Training and roll-out of campus-wide applications such as Moodle, Respondus, Turnitin.com, and digital student portfolios;
  • Together with Adelphi IT operates an online streaming server to host instructional material for faculty;
  • Rolled out a lecture recording program for online lecture retrieval (podcasting).

Areas of Expertise

  • Online and hybrid course development
  • Moodle Course Management system
  • Facilitating online discussions
  • Online assessments and surveys
  • Web page design
  • Locating online resources for teaching
  • Plagiarism prevention and detection
  • Developing learning objects
  • Digitizing video and sound and enabling online student usage
  • Visualizing information
  • Effective syllabus design
  • Handheld student response systems
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Alumnae Hall, 123
Faculty Learning Commons
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