Chmielewski, J. F., Bowman, C. P., & Tolman, D. L. (2020). Pathways to pleasure and protection: Exploring embodiment, desire, and entitlement to pleasure as predictors of Black and White young women’s sexual agency. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(3), 307-322.
Tolman, D. L., & Chmielewski, J. F. (2019). Toward women wanting. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(6), 1709-1714.
Chmielewski, J. F., Tolman, D. L., & Kincaid, H. (2017). Constructing risk and responsibility: A gender, race, and class analysis of news representations of adolescent sexuality. Feminist Media Studies, 17(3), 412-425.
Chmielewski, J. F. (2017). A Listening Guide analysis of lesbian and bisexual young Women of Color’s experiences of sexual objectification. Sex Roles, 77(7-8), 533-549.
Ambwani, S. & Chmielewski, J. F. (2013). Weighing the evidence: Social desirability, eating psychopathology, and accuracy of self-reported body weight in a nonclinical sample. Sex Roles, 68(7-8), 474-483.
Yost, M. R., & Chmielewski, J. F. (2013). Blurring the lines between researcher and researched in interview studies: A feminist practice? Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2), 242-250.
Chmielewski, J. F. & Yost, M. (2013). Psychosocial influences on bisexual women’s body image: Negotiating gender and sexuality. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2), 224-241.
Yost, M. R. & Chmielewski, J. F. (2011). Narrating rural lesbian lives: Body image and lesbian community in central Pennsylvania. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 15(2), 148-165.
Park, C., Chmielewski, J., & Blank, T. (2010). Post-traumatic growth: Finding positive meaning in cancer survivorship moderates the impact of intrusive thoughts on adjustment in younger adults. Psycho-Oncology, 19(11), 1139-1147.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Schaaff, K., & Chmielewski, J. F. (2025). Exploring intimacy beyond tradition: How challenging gender roles enhances sexual openness. Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Chmielewski, J. F., & Almonte, B. (2024). Implications of gender ideologies for diverse young adults’ sexual agency: Comparing differential effects for LGBQ+ and heterosexual men and women. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Diego, CA.
Chmielewski, J. F. (2024). Hidden transcripts of desire: Listening for young women’s wanting. Institute for Academic Feminist Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
Chmielewski, J. F. (Chair), Farvid, P., Tolman, D. L., & Pasqualino, L. (2024). Critical qualitative approaches to girls’ and young women’s sexual safety. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology, Boston, MA.
Chmielewski, J. F. Portraits of wanting: A conceptual analysis of young women’s sexual desire using the listening guide. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Vancouver, BC.
Chmielewski, J. F., Woods, B., & Ozoguz, S. The Listening Guide: Narrative psychological perspectives on young women’s sexuality. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology, Virtual Conference.
Chmielewski, J. F. Pathways to pleasure and protection: Exploring embodiment, desire, and entitlement to pleasure as predictors of Black and White young women’s sexual agency. Association of Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Chmielewski, J. F., Tolman, D. L., & Ozoguz, S. Narrative psychological perspectives on women and girls' sexual desire. Association of Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Chmielewski, J. F. Thick desire, young women and wanting. Symposium with Deborah L. Tolman and Sedef Ozoguz, “Tracing Women’s and girls' sexual desire, querying sexual empowerment: A narrative psychological perspective,” Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Juan, PR.
Chmielewski, J. F. What do you mean when you say you feel desire? A mixed- methods examination of the meaning of sexual desire for young women. Association for Women in Psychology, Virtual Conference.
Chmielewski, J. F., Tolman, D. L., & Bowman, C. Entitlement to sexual pleasure, desire, and sexual wellbeing among Black and White young women. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Virtual Conference.
Tolman, D. L., Chmielewski, J. F., Kincaid, H., Nguyen, K., & Belmonte, K. SexGenLab: Translating critical knowledge for critical times beyond the academy. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Pittsburgh, PA.
Chmielewski, J. F., Tolman, D., & Kincaid, H. Revealing Young Women's Sexual Embodiments: Feminist Frames for Inquiry and Intervention,” Association for Women in Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Belmonte, K., Chmielewki, J. F., Stoudt, B., & Fine, M. Using mixed qualitative methods to understand LGBTQ students’ experience of school safety and surveillance in New York City. Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Chmielewski, J. F. Policed desires: An intersectional approach to understanding LGBQ girls of color’s experiences of sexual objectification. Symposium with Monique Ward and Deborah Tolman, “Girls' Sexual Identities, Agency and Health: Exploring Diverse Contexts of Sexualization,” Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Kincaid, H., & Chmielewski, J. F. Teen pregnancy rates: Online news media’s mixed messages. Symposium with Deborah Tolman and Christin Bowman, “Girls Gone Not So Wild: Disrupting Moral Panics About Female Sexual Empowerment,” Association for Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Chmielewski, J. F., & Belmonte, K. Troubling homophobia: An intersectional look at queer and trans* experiences with bullying, policing and social surveillance. Association for Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Belmonte, K., Chmielewski, J. F., Stoudt, B., Torre, M., & Fine, M. Que(e)rying school discipline research: Using mixed methods to understand queer students’ experience of surveillance. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology, New York, NY.
Chmielewski, J. F., Stoudt, B., & Fine, M. Growing up policed and disciplined: Using participatory action research with youth to resist the zero tolerance policies employed by schools and police in NYC. National Women’s Studies Association, San Juan, PR.
Kincaid, H. & Chmielewski, J. F. Twerking and Teen Mom: An analysis of current discourses on adolescent sexuality in online news media. Symposium with Janet Hyde and Deborah Tolman, “Destabilizing Moral Panics: Leveraging Feminist Research on Adolescent Sexuality in Public Discourse,” American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Chmielewski, J. F., Belmonte, K., Fine, M., & Stoudt, B. Gender trouble: Gender (non)conforming LGBTQ youth’s experiences with school discipline. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Portland, OR.
Belmonte, K., Chmielewski, J. F., & Holmes, T. R. What did you mean when you said you were a lesbian? Association for Women in Psychology, Salt Lake City, UT.
Baranowski, K., Chmielewski, J. F., Corrales, C., & Sanchez, L. Participatory Action Research: Challenging traditional “helping” roles in work with women from marginalized social groups. Association for Women in Psychology, Salt Lake City, UT.
Chmielewski, J.F., & Yost, M.R. (2010). Lesbian and bisexual women’s experiences of body image: Exploring intersections of identity. American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Ambwani, S., Hopwood, C.J., & Chmielewski, J.F. (2010). Less is more: The validity of the 5-item Restraint Scale. Society for Personality Assessment, San Jose, CA.
Chmielewski, J.F., Guy, A., Compeau, A., Buck, S., & Ambwani, S. (2010). Weighing the evidence: Accuracy of self-reported body weight. Society for Personality Assessment, San Jose, CA.
Ambwani, S., Compeau, A., Chmielewski, J.F., Guy, A., & Emery, L. (2009). Ecological momentary assessment of mood, interpersonal stress, and binge eating behavior. Association for the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Chmielewski, J.F., & Ambwani, S. (2009). Thin-ideal internalization, fear of fatness, and disordered eating: A cross-cultural study. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Chmielewski, J. F. (2024). (Re)conceiving female desire. Derner School of Psychology Postgraduate Program Seminar, Adelphi University.
Chmielewski. J. F. (2022). New questions and new data: Using feminist psychology to further our understandings. Association of Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Chmielewski, J. F. (2019). A Listening Guide analysis of lesbian and bisexual young Women of Color’s experiences of sexual objectification. Association for Women in Psychology, Newport, RI.
Chmielewski, J. F., Tolman, D. L., & Bowman, C. B. (2018). Exploring embodiment and sexual subjectivity as pathways to women’s sexual agency. Beyond Consent: A Practical Symposium for Researchers, Advocates and Educators, The New School for Social Research.
Chmielewski, J. F., & Belmonte, K. (2016). Using Participatory Action Research in social justice community-based work. Westchester County Senior Youth Leadership Council (WCSYLC), White Plains, NY.
Chmielewski, J. F., & Belmonte, K. (2016). LGBTQ Youth, Public Schools, and Public Space in New York City. Montclaire State University Anthropology Department.
Chmielewski, J. F., Belmonte, K., & Torre, M. (2014). A closer look at school discipline disparities for LGBTQ youth in NYC. The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, New York, NY.
Chmielewski, J. F., & Belmonte, K. (2014). School discipline disparities for LGBTQ youth in NYC. LAMBDA Legal, New York, NY.
Smith, L., Bernstein, E., Chmielewski, J., Donoho, R., Kohler, L., Ozer, G., & Turner, C. (2011). Poverty and PAR: Unpacking the meaning of help. 20th Annual Albany Diversity Conference, Albany, NY.