Nicholas J. Palmisano
Assistant Teaching Professor
Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Science Building 113
Assistant Teaching Professor
Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Science Building 113
Doctor of Philosophy, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (2017)
Master of Philosophy, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (2012)
Bachelor of Science, St. John's University (2008)
As both a graduate student and Postdoctoral fellow, I have gained extensive experience in animal model systems, such as Caenhorabditis elegans and Danio rerio. I also have acquired expertise in molecular biological techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, Gibson assembly, PCR, and Microscopy. As both a graduate student and Postdoctoral fellow, I obtained extensive experience in teaching undergraduate students in introductory biology, genetics, and cell biology. I have also taught and mentored both undergraduate and graduate students on experimental design, data analysis, critical reading of peer-reviewed literature, troubleshooting, and interpreting results. Lastly, I have successfully written and acquired grant funding to propel my research projects forward, and have authored and co-authored peer-reviewed manuscripts.
My interest in Science started when I was young. As a child, I always had a desire to learn, question, and understand how the world works. In school, science was my favorite subject because I was always intrigued by the topics my science teachers taught. I had a devout appreciation and fascination for science because for all the answers out there, there were always unknowns.
I defended my PhD dissertation in March of 2017, at Queens College, City University of New York, in the lab of Dr. Alicia Meléndez. My thesis project involved an RNAi screen to identify endocytic genes important for autophagy function, using C. elegans as a model. After obtaining my PhD, I pursued a Postdoctoral Research experience at Stony Brook University in the Matus lab. Here I used C. elegans as a model system to study cancer invasion mechanisms.
As a graduate student, I obtained a strong passion and love for teaching. While a graduate student at Queens College, I had the unique opportunity to teach and mentor students in both the laboratory and classroom setting. For six semesters in a row, I had been a lab instructor for the Introduction to Biology lab course, and for four semesters in a row, I was a recitation instructor for the Principles of Genetics course.
As a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, I was an associate scholar in the Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) program, funded by the National Institute of Heath, which is designed to educate researchers on effective teaching and pedagogy methods. Using this training, I was an effective instructor for both Cell Biology and Developmental genetics.