Knee, E., & Anderson, A. R. (2021). Gentrification of the (leisure) mind: Organizational justifications and community concerns of a proposed LGBTQ2S sport and recreation center. Journal of Homosexuality, 1-23. doi:10.1080/00918369.2021.1984752
Anderson, K. R., Knee, E., & Mowatt, R. (2021). Leisure and the “White-Savior Industrial Complex”. Journal of Leisure Research, 52(5), 531-550. doi:10.1080/00222216.2020.1853490
Anderson, K. R., Knee, E., & Mowatt, R. (2021). Reflections on altruism, action, and “moral imagination” in the context of the White Savior. Journal of Leisure Research, 52(5), 561-563. doi:10.1080/00222216.2020.1854559
Knee, E. & Anderson, A. R. (2021). Queer politics, the gay bar, and hapless victimhood during COVID-19: A brief response to Burns (2021) queerness as/and political attunement. Leisure Sciences, 1-7. doi:10.1080/01490400.2021.1919254
Anderson, A. R., Knee, E., & Ramos, W. D. (2021). Impact of an LGBTQ campus recreation student employee training initiative on professional competencies. Recreational Sports Journal, 45(2),139-148. doi:10.1177%2F15588661211010185
Piatt, J. A., Knee, E., Valentine, C., Eldridge, L. A., & Herbenick, D. (2020). The lived experience of sexual health and intimacy among men living with a spinal cord injury: The role of the recreational therapist. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 19(3), 21-34. doi:10.5055/ajrt.2020.0217
Anderson, A. R.*, & Knee, E.* (2020). Queer isolation or queering isolation? Reflecting upon the ramifications of COVID-19 on the future of queer leisure spaces. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 118-124. doi:10.1080/01490400.2020.1773992 [*Shared first authorship]
Anderson, A. R., Knee. E., & Ramos, W. D. (2020). “I’m not an expert, but…”: Perspectives on aquatic management for LGBTQ participants. Recreational Sports Journal, 44(1), 24-37. doi:10.1177/1558866120909449
Anderson, A. R., Knee, E., & Ramos, W. D. (2020). LGBTQ training for aquatic employees: Impacts on attitudes and professional competencies. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 12(3), 1-17. doi:10.25035/ijare.12.03.03
Knee, E. (2019). Gay, but not inclusive: Boundary maintenance in an LGBTQ space for leisure. Leisure Sciences. doi:10.1080/01490400.2018.1441767
Anderson, A., Ramos, W.D., Knee, E. (2018). Practice makes perfect: Student employee transferable skill utilization in campus recreation. Recreational Sports Journal. doi:10.1123/rsj.2017-0038
Piatt, J.A., Knee, E., Eldridge, L., Herbenick, D. (2018). Women with spinal cord injury and sexual health. American Journal of Recreational Therapy. doi:10.5055/ajrt.2018.0165
Knee, E., & Means, W.T. (2018). Out of the stands and onto the court: A signature pedagogy for the recreation field. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education. doi:10.1080/1937156x.2018.151327
Ramos, W.D., Greenshields, J.T., Knee, E., Kreitl, B.K., & Espirito, K.J. (2018). Drowning prevention: Assessment of a classroom-based water safety education program in Vietnam. Asian-Pacific Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1177/1010539518784396
Anderson, A. Knee, E., Ramos, W.D., & Quash, T.M. (2018). "We just treat everyone the same": LGBTQ aquatic management strategies, barriers, and implementation. International Journal of Aquatic Reserach and Education. doi:10.25035/ijare.11.01.02
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Knee, E., & Sebastian, D. (2021). Sexual and gender minorities in recreational therapy: A first step to competent care. New York State Recreation & Parks Society Downstate Conference. Tarrytown, NY.
Knee, E., Anderson, A. R., Ramos, W. D., & Anderson, K. R. (2021). Perceived risk, COVID-19, and the propensity for participating in recreation. National Recreation, Parks Association Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
Knee, E. (2021). What’s our worth? A reflection on COVID-19’s impact on campus recreation. NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Recreation and Wellness Exposition. Virtual.
Knee, E. (2021). Challenging heteronormativity in youth development: Narratives of homeless LGBTQ youth. The Academy of Leisure Sciences Research Institute. Virtual.
Knee, E., & Sebastian, D. (2020). Considering gender and sexual diversity in recreational therapy – Caring for LGBTQ populations. American Therapeutic Recreation Association National Conference. Birmingham, AL
Coble, C., Ryder, R., Knee, E., & Zeller, H. (2020). Evaluation of community partners: Student relationships in the service-learning context. North American Society for Sport Management. San Diego, CA.
Anderson, K. R., & Knee, E. (2020). Integrating diversity throughout the curriculum. The Academy of Leisure Sciences Research Institute. Urbana, IL.
Knee, E., Kiessling, P.B., Jordan, K.A., Quash, T.M., Ramos, W.D., Piatt, J.A., & Young, S.J. (2019). Are good intentions enough? The importance of culturally competent programming. National Recreation, Parks Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Jordan, K.A., Quash, T.M., Knee, E., Kiessling, P.B., Ramos, W.D., Piatt, J.A., & Young, S.J. (2019). Training the trainer: A model for program implementation success. National Recreation, Parks Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Knee, E., & Ramos, W.D. (2019). LGBTQ neoliberal politics and a contested space for leisure: The case of Moss Park, Toronto. Canadian Association for Leisure Studies. Vancouver, BC.
Knee, E., Ramos, W.D., & Means, W.T. (2019). Critical reflections upon leisure studies’ signature pedagogy. Canadian Association for Leisure Studies. Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, K.R., & Knee, E. (2019). “White savior”? Framing hegemonic norms and practices in outdoor recreation. Canadian Association for Leisure Studies. Vancouver, BC.
Knee, E. (2018). Gay, but not inclusive: Intersectional experiences in LGBTQ spaces for leisure. The Academy of Leisure Sciences Research Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
Knee, E., & Taylor, J. (2018). Out of the stands and onto the court: Defining our signature pedagogy. The Academy of Leisure Sciences Research Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
Anderson, A., Ramos, W.D., & Knee, E. (2019). Programming for all: LGBTQ management in collegiate aquatic settings. NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Recreation and Wellness Exposition. Boston, MA.
Piatt, J.A., Knee, E., Burton, G., & Valentine, C. (2019). Sexual health as a component of rehabilitation for males living with a spinal cord injury. Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals. Nashville, TN.
Knee, E. (2018). Boundary maintenance, leisure spaces, and "respectable segregation": The case of an urban LGBTQ neighborhood. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Toronto, ON.
Anderson, A., Knee, E., Ramos, W.D., & Quash, T.M. (2018). Aquatic management and LGBTQ participants in park and recreation settings. National Recreation, Parks Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Piatt, J.A., Knee, E., Eldridge, L., & Herbenick, D. (2018). Sexuality, intimacy and living with a spinal cord injury: A female's perspective. American Therapeutic Recreation Association National Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.
Anderson, A., Knee, E., Ramos, W.D (2018). Student employee development: Utilization of skills employers most desire. NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Recreation and Wellness Exposition. Denver, CO.
Knee, E. (2018). Happy talk, ambivalent feelings, lackluster outcomes? Moving forward with inclusion in campus recreational sports. NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Recreation and Wellness Exposition. Denver, CO.
Knee, E. (2018). The power of homonormativity and the need for an intersectional LGBTQ neighborhood. Critical Ethnic Studies Symposium. Bloomington, IN.
Knee, E., & Means. W.T. (2018). Negotiating normal: Leather, hyper-masculinity, and discourses of acceptable gayness. Leisure Studies Association. Bath, U.K.
Means, W.T., Knee, E. (2018). Normal science or revolution: An exploration of the leisure paradigm. Leisure Studies Association. Bath, U.K.
Taylor, J., Piatt, J.A., Knee, E., & Kiessling, P.B. (2017). Piloting the affinity research group model in recreational therapy. American Therapeutic Recreation Association National Conference. Orlando, FL.
Knee, E. (2013). Homeless in Boystown, Chicago. Chicago Ethnography Conference. Chicago, IL.
Knee, E. (2010). Gay discourse in popular press. Midwest Sociological Society. Chicago, IL.