Park B, Fareri DS, Delgado MR, Young L. (accepted). How right temporoparietal junction processes prediction error across relationship contexts. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
Fareri DS, Smith DV, Delgado MR. (in press). The role of relationship closeness on default mode network connectivity during social interactions. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
Fareri DS. (2019). Neurobehavioral mechanisms supporting trust and reciprocity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Callaghan BL, Gee DG, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Telzer E, Humphreys KL, Goff B, Shapiro M, Flannery JE, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. Decreased amygdala reactivity to parent cues protects against anxiety following early adversity: an examination across 3-years. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
Gee DG, Hanson C, Calgar L, Fareri DS, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Mills-Finnerty C, Caldera C, Lumian DS, Flannery J, Hanson SJ, Tottenham N. Experimental Evidence for a Developmental Switch in Human Amygdala-Prefrontal Cortex Communication. (under review).
Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam L, Goff B, Flannery J, Gee DG, Lumian DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. (2017). Differences in ventral striatal-medial prefrontal functional connectivity and social problems following early caregiving adversity. Development and Psychopathology, 29(5): 1865-76.
Silvers JA, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Gee DG, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. Vigilance, the amygdala and anxiety in youth with a history of institutional care. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2(6):493-501.
Slivers JA, Lumian DS, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Gee DG, Goff B, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Flannery J, Telzer EH, Humphreys KL, Tottenham N (2016), Previous institutionalization is followed by broader amygdala-hippocampal-PFC network connectivity during aversive learning in human development. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 6420-6430.
Fareri DS & Tottenham N (2016), Effects of early life stress on amygdala and striatal development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
Gabard-Durnam LJ, Gee DG, Goff B, Flannery J, Telzer E, Humphreys KL, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N (2016), Stimulus-Elicited Connectivity Influences Resting-State Connectivity Years Later in Human Development: A Prospective Study. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 4771-4784.
Fareri DS*, Chang LJ*, Delgado MR (2015), Computational substrates of social value in interpersonal collaboration. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35, 8170-8180.
Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam L, Goff B, Flannery J, Gee DG, Lumian DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N (2015), Normative development of ventral striatal resting-state connectivity in humans. NeuroImage, 118, 422-437.
Gee DG*, Gabard-Durnam L*, Telzer EH, Humphreys KL, Goff B, Shapiro M, Flannery J, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N (2014), Maternal buffering of human amygdala-prefrontal circuitry during childhood. Psychological Science, 25, 2067-2078.
Fareri DS, Delgado MR (2014), Differential reward responses during competition against in- and out-of-network others. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 412-420.
Fareri DS, Delgado MR (2014), The importance of social rewards and social networks in the human brain. The Neuroscientist, 20, 387-402.
Fareri DS, Chang LJ, Delgado MR (2012), Effects of direct social experience on trust decisions and neural reward circuitry. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, 6.
Fareri DS*, Niznikiewicz MA*, Lee VK, Delgado MR (2012), Social network modulation of reward-related signals. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 9045-9052.
Stanley DA, Sokol-Hessner P, Fareri DS, Perino MT, Delgado MR, Banaji MR, Phelps EA (2012), Perceived racial group trustworthiness influences the neural correlates of trust decisions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 367, 744-53.
Fareri DS, Martin LN, Delgado MR (2008), Reward related processing in the human brain: Developmental considerations. Development and Psychopathology, 20, 1191-1211.
Callaghan BL, Gee DG, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Telzer E, Humphreys KL, Goff B, Shapiro M, Flannery JE, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. Decreased amygdala reactivity to parent cues protects against anxiety following early adversity: an examination across 3-years. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Smith DV, Henninger NM, Hackett K, Kelly V, DeSalme D, Muzekari B, Katta S, Giovannetti T, Fareri DS. (June, 2019). Fairness increases connectivity between the executive control network and medial prefrontal cortex. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy.
Fareri DS, Kelly V, Henninger NM, Hackett K, DeSalme D, Muzekari B, Katta S, Reeck C, Giovannetti T, Smith DV. (May, 2019). The influence of close relationships on shared reward processing in older and younger adults. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society, Miami, FL.
VanTieghem M, Korom M, Flannery J, Varman L, Choy T, Caldera C, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Goff B, Gee DG, Humphreys KL, Telzer E, Shapiro M, Louie J, Fareri DS, Bolger N, Tottenham N. (2019, March). Developmental Trajectories of Stress Physiology and Subcortical Neurobiology Following Early Caregiving Adversity. 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development.
*Stasiak J, Fareri DS. (2019, February). Dissociating the reward value of social and non-social experiences. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Chen A, Fareri DS, Güroglu B, Delgado MR, Chang LJ. (2018, November). Towards a neurometric-based construct validity of trust. 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
VanTieghem M, Korom M, Flannery J, Varman L, Choy T, Caldera C, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Goff B, Gee DG, Humphreys KL, Telzer E, Shapiro M, Louie JY, Fareri DS, Bolger N, Tottenham N. (2018, November). Developmental trajectories of stress physiology and subcortical neurobiology following early caregiving adversity. 51st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.
Fareri DS, Sokol-Hessner P. (2018, October). Choosing for another: Social context changes computational mechanisms of risky decision-making. 2018 Society for Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Chen A, Fareri DS, Güroglu B, Delgado MR, Chang LJ. Towards a neurometric-based construct validity of trust. (2018, May). Annual Meeting of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society, Brooklyn, NY.
Stasiak J*, Fareri DS. (2018, April). Dissociating the value of social and non-social rewards. 15th Annual Adelphi University Research Conference. Garden City, NY.
Frankl EL*, Fareri DS. (2018, April). Neural correlates of social reward processing during adolescence: An activation-likelihood meta-analysis. 15th Annual Adelphi University Research Conference. Garden City, NY.
Stasiak J*, Fareri DS. (2018, April). Dissociating the value of social and non-social rewards. National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Oklahoma City, OK
Gee DG, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam L, Caldera C, Fareri DS, Lumian DS, Flannery J, Tottenham N. (2017, November). Experimental manipulation of prefrontal cortex differentially affects amygdala reactivity following early-life stress. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
Fareri DS, Smith DV, Delgado MR. (2017). Reciprocation from a friend enhances coupling between the default mode network and ventral striatum. Annual Meeting of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society. Los Angeles, CA.
Gee DG, Calgar LR, Mills-Finnerty C, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam L, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Lumian DS, Flannery J, Hanson C, Hanson SJ, Tottenham N (2016). Novel fMRI approaches reveal developmental changes in frontoamygdala circuitry with implications for the emergence of psychiatric disorders during development. In Society for Research in Psychopathology. Baltimore, MD.
Gee DG, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam L, Monti M, Jovanovic T, Casey BJ, Tottenham N (2015). Safety Signal learning as a novel mechanism for fear reduction. In Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL.
Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Goff B, Flannery J, Gee DG, Lumian DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N (2015). Effects of early life stress on ventral striatal resting state conectivity. In Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL.
Gee DG, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam L, Monti M, Jovanovic T, Casey BJ, Tottenham N (2015). Safety Signal learning as a novel mechanism for fear reduction. In Flux Congress. Leiden, Netherlands.
Fareri DS, Chang LJ, Delgado MR (2015). Mechanisms of social value in collaboration. In New York Social and Affective Neuroscience Gathering. New York University, New York, NY.
Delgado MR, Fareri DS, Chang LJ (2015). The influence of social context on reward processing and collaborative decisions. In American Psychological Society. New York, NY.
Gee DG*, Gabard-Durnam L*, Telzer EH, Humphreys KL, Goff B, Shapiro M, Flannery J, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera CJ, Tottenham N (2015). Maternal buffering of human amygdala-prefrontal circuitry during childhood but not adolescence. In Social and Affective Neuroscience Society. Boston, MA.
Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Goff B, Flannery J, Gee DG, Lumian DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N (2014). Normative development of ventral striatal resting-state connectivity in humans. In Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C..
Gabard-Durnam L, Gee DG, Goff B, Flannery, J, Telzer EH Humphreys KL, Lumian D, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham, N (2014). Hebbian-like mechanism for human amygdala-mPFC network development. In Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C..
Silvers JA, Lumian DS, Gabard-Durnam L, Gee DG, Goff B, Fareri DS, Caldera, C, Flannery J, Telzer EH, Humphreys KL, Tottenham, N (2014). Early maternal deprivation accelerates amygdala based fear learning in humans. In Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C..
Goff B, Gabard-Durnam L, Gee DG, Flannery J, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. (2014). Human chromosomal modification associated with early-life stress induced adolescent depression and nucleus accumbens hyporeactivity. In Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C..
Fareri DS, Chang LJ, Delgado MR (2013). How real-life prior experience influences trust decisions and reward learning mechanisms. In Cognitive Neuroscience Society. San Francisco, CA.
Fareri DS, Chang LJ, Delgado MR (2013). How real-life prior experience influences trust decisions and reward learning mechanisms. In Social and Affective Neuroscience Society. San Francisco, CA.
Fareri DS, Niznikiewicz MA, Johnson MP, Delgado MR (2012). Effects of social network on reward-related signals during a competitive context. In Social and Affective Neuroscience Society. New York, NY.
Fareri DS, Niznikiewicz MA, Johnson MP, Delgado MR (2011). Effects of social closeness on reward-related BOLD signals during a competition. In Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C..
Niznikiewicz MA, Fareri DS, Lee VK, Delgado MR (2010). The effects of social relationships on neural activity during a cooperative gambling game. In Social and Affective Neuroscience Society. Montreal, Canada.
Fareri DS, Niznikiewicz MA, Delgado MR (2009). Prior social interactions modulate trust decisions and reward learning in the striatum. In Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL.
Fareri DS, Niznikiewicz MA, Delgado MR (2009). Prior social interactions modulate trust decisions and reward learning in the striatum. In Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL.
Martin LN, Fareri DS, Delgado MR (2007). The influence of emotion regulation strategies on risky decision-making. In Cognitive Neuroscience Society. New York, NY.