David A. Ranzan
Associate Professor
Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries
Residence Hall A 005 Ll
Associate Professor
Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries
Residence Hall A 005 Ll
M.L.I.S., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2006)
M.A., East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (2002)
IDC-228 (Special Topics) Why We Party - guest lecturer (Fall 2020)
IDC-228 (Special Topics) Why We Party - guest lecturer (Spring 2022)
Ranzan, D. (2023). Miracle on the Eastern Shore: The 1937 Salisbury Indians and Baseball’s Greatest Comeback. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company.
Ranzan, D. and Sauer, M. P. (Eds.) (2019). “To My Dearest Wife, Lide”: Letters from George B. Gideon Jr. during Commodore Perry’s Expedition to Japan, 1853-1855. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Ranzan, D., & Hollis, M. (Eds.) (2014). Hero of Fort Schuyler: Selected Revolutionary War Correspondence of Brigadier General Peter Gansevoort, Jr. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company.
Wolter, J., Ranzan, D., & McDonough, J. (Eds.) (2013). With Commodore Perry to Japan: The Journal of William Speiden, Jr., 1852-1855. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press.
*Honorable Mention, John Lyman Book Award, North American Society for Oceanic History, 2014.
Ranzan, D. (Ed.) (2013). Surviving Andersonville: One Prisoner's Recollections of the Civil War's Most Notorious Camp. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company.
Ranzan, D. (2015). Adapting the READ Scale for AU's UASC. In 2015 Research Forum. Society of American Archivists annual meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Ranzan, D. & Hollis, M. (2015). Hero of Fort Schuyler: Selected Revolutionary War Correspondence of Brigadier General Peter Gansevoort, Jr. In Conference on New York State History. Niagara University, Lewiston, NY.
Ranzan, D. (2013). Surveying a Great Lake: Mapping the South Side of Lake Erie from 1789 to Present Day. In North American Society for Oceanic History annual meeting. Alpena, MI.
Ranzan, D. & Kranjac, A. (2019, May). The Bill and Bunny Hoest Papers: From donor relations to digital preservation and online accessibility. Digital Transition Cultural Heritage's 2nd Annual Archivist Seminar Series. New York City, NY.
Ranzan, D. & Hollis. M. (2017, June). Middling Officers in the Mohawk Valley. Third Annual Conference on the American Revolution in the Mohawk Valley, Johnstown, NY.
Ranzan, D. & Hollis, M. (2016, April). The Middling Officer in the American Revolution. Fort Stanwix National Monument, Rome, NY.
Ranzan, D. (2015, April). With Commodore Perry to Japan: The Journal of William Speiden, Jr., 1852-1855. The Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Ranzan, D. (2014, June). Fly on the Bulkhead Aboard the Mississippi: The Journal of William Speiden, Jr., 1852-1855. National Museum of the U. S. Navy, Washington, DC.
Ranzan, D. (2014, April). Surviving Andersonville: One Person’s Recollection of the Civil War’s Most Notorious Camp. Paper presented at the Irish-American Heritage Month Lecture Series at Wor-Wic Community College, Salisbury, MD.
Ranzan, D. (2015). An Island of Historical Attraction: A Young American Sailor’s Visit to the Island of St. Helena. Wirebird: The Journal of the Friends of St Helena, Volume 44 (2015): 53-59.
Adelphi University Faculty Development Grant, 2022
Long Island Library Resource Council Digitization Grant, 2022.
Adelphi University Women's Giving Circle Grant, 2017
Friends of the Adelphi University Library Grant, 2016
Adelphi University Faculty Development Grant, 2016
Service Award, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (2015, 2019)
John Lyman Book Award, North American Society for Oceanic History (2014)
Member, CNY Digitization Committee, 2018-2020.
Member, LILRC Advisory Committee for the Preservation of Local History, 2018-2019.
Member, LILRC Advisory Committee on Long Island History, 2014-2017.
Member, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, 2006-.
-- Workshop Coordinator, Education Committee, 2013-2015.
-- Vendor Coordinator, Meetings Coordinating Committee, 2015-2019.
-- Program Coordinator, Meetings Coordinating Committee, 2019-2023.
Library AAUP representative (2021-2022, 2023-2024).
Library Faculty Peer Review Committee, member (2019-2025), chair (2020-2022).
Library Faculty Academic Affairs Committee, member (2019-2021, 2023-2025).
Library Marketing and Outreach Committee, member (2021-2023)
Library Faculty Elections and Credentials Committee, member (2016-2020); chair (2017-2020).
Alicat/Alicat Plus Advisory Committee, member (2016)
Library Faculty Academic Affairs Committee, alternate (2015-2016, 2017-2018)
University Libraries Strategic Plan Task Force #2: Space and Facilities, member (2015)
University Libraries Strategic Plan Task Force #4: Education and Curriculum Building, member (2015)
AAUP CBA Negotiation Team, member (2022-2023)
AAUP Executive Committee, representative (2020-2023)
Faculty Senate Committee on Credentials & Elections, member (2020-2022)
Faculty Senate, Library representative (2015- 2016, 2017-2018, 2020-2021).
AAUP Elections Committee, member (2019-2021)
Director, Center of Innovation Search Committee, co-chair (2019).
Task Force for University Records Retention Policy, member (2019).
University Momentum Committee, member (2016-2017)
Faculty Senate Library Committee, member (2016-2017)
Presidential Inauguration Committee, co-chair – Program Subcommittee (2015-2016).
Campus Planning Committee, member (2014-2016).
Digital Asset Management Task Force, member (2015).
Planning Committee for Changing Nature of War and Peace, member (2014-2015).