Abu-Ras, W. & Azhar, S. (2020). Practice with Arab families. In Elaine P. Congress & Manny J. Gonzalez (Eds.), 4th edition, Multicultural Perspectives in Working with Families, (pp.227-249), Springer Publishing Company, New York, NY.
Abu-Ras, W. (2016). Religious-Spiritual Counseling of Patients: The role of Social Workers and Health Care Providers in Saudi Arabia. In Religion and Spirituality Counseling & Care (Ed). Centre for Values Education, Ensar Foundation. Istanbul, Turkey
Abu-Ras, W. (2015). Psychological wellbeing among Arab American youth and adults. In Amer, M. & Awad, G. (Eds.). Handbook of Arab American Psychology. Routledge.
Abu-Ras, W. (2013). Working with Arab-American Families. In In Elaine P. Congress & Manny J. Gonzalez (Editors), 3rd edition, (Eds.). Multicultural Perspectives in Working with Families. (pp. (pp.191-204).). NYC, NY: Springer..
Abu-Ras, W. & Faraj, Z. (2013). Social Work and Mental Health in Palestine: Services to the Refugee Population. In Soliman, Hussien (Eds.). Social Work in the Middle East. (pp. (pp.51-80)). Abingdon, Oxon, UK.: Routledge.
Abu-Ras, W., Idris, L. B., & Aboul-Enein, B. H. (2024). Effectiveness of Cartoons, Comics, and Animation-Based Sexual Health Promotion and Education Interventions: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Sexual Health, 1-19.
Abu-Ras, W, Badhadah, A. Shaheen, M., & Decker, E. ( 2024). The Impact of COVID-19 on Egyptian Social Workers Wellbeing. Clinical Social Work Journal
Abu-Ras, W., Aboul Enein, B.H., Almoayad, F., Nada Benajaiba N., & Elizabeth Doger, E. (2024). Mosque and public health promotion: A scoping review of faith-driven health interventions. Health Education & Behavior
Rabab Ali Abumalloh, Osama Halabi, Wahiba Abu-Ras and Raian Ali. (2024). User correction against the violation of gender equality and social inclusion on social media? The role of the perceived sense of power, social inclusion, and social exclusion. In International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT '24), September 04-06, 2024, Bremen, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 Pages.
Abu-Ras, W. Burghul, M. Decker, E. Terrana, S. (2024). The Psychological Effects of Political Hostility on Children and Adults' Behavior: Aggression and Bullying During the Blockade on Qatar. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Abu-Ras, W. Almoayad F, Bakry HM, Alammari D, Kelly PJ, & Aboul-Enein BH. (2024). Interventions to promote mental health in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Palestinian refugees: A scoping review. International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Abu-Ras, W., Burghul, M., Decker, E. (2023). Mental Health Issues are Common, Resiliency Is Rare: Qataris and Residents’ Experiences with Distress, Traumatic Symptoms, and Coping During the Blockade. PLOS Global Public Health
Abu-Ras, W., AbuLaban, A.A., AlQaaisi, S.T., AlQaisi M.T., and Decker, E. (2023). Orphans in Syria and Iraq Juggling Balls: Wars, COVID-19, and the NGO's Financial Crisis. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 10.1080/17482631.2023.2170010
Abu-Ras, W., Birani, A., Suarez, Z. E., & Arfken, C. L. (2022). Palestinian Muslim College Students’ Attitudes to Mental Health Treatment: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 16005.
Abu-Ras, W., Birani, A., Suarez, Z. E., & Arfken, C. L. (2022). Palestinian Muslim College Students’ Attitudes to Mental Health Treatment: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 16005
Abu-Ras, W., Senzai, F., Laird, L., & Decker, E. (2022). The Influence of Religious Identity, Culture, and Values on the Practice of American Muslim Physicians. Social Sciences, 11(11), 499.
Badahdah, A. Shahin, M. & Abu-Ras, W. (2022). The Invisible Frontiers: Mental Health and Turnover Intention among Egyptian Social Workers. International Social Work,
Abu-Ras, W., Elzamzamy, K., Burghul, M. M., Al-Merri, N. H., Alajrad, M., & Kharbanda, V. A. (2022). Gendered Citizenship, Inequality, and Well-Being: The Experience of Cross-National Families in Qatar during the Gulf Cooperation Council Crisis (2017–2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6638.
Abu-Ras, W., Suárez, Z.E., and Raid Breiwish, R. (2021). Beyond the Axes of Inequality: Religion, Race, and Everything In Between. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(2), 217-235
Elsabbagh, L., Al-Atwi, T., Aldossary, D., Alshami, A. M., Hill, J. C., Abu-Ras, W., ... & Brooks, D. (2019). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the STarT Back Tool for Arabic speaking adults with low back pain in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 24(2), 200-206.
Manejwala, R. & Abu-Ras, W. (2019). The impact of microaggressions on the mental health of Muslim American women. Muslim Mental Health Journal, 13(1) DOI:
Abu-Ras, W., Suarez, Z., Abu-Bader, S. (2018). Muslim Americans' safety and well-being in the wake of Trump: a public health and social justice crisis. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88(3),
Abu-Ras, W., Saleh, M. & Berani, A. (2018). Psychological stressors among Palestinian parents of children with disabilities: Challenges, coping, and determination. Journal of Family Issues, 1-24,
Abu‐Ras, W., & Mohamed, R. A. (2018). Child poverty and youth unemployment in Palestine. Poverty & Public Policy, 10(3), 354-370.
Kira, I., Shuwiekh, H., Kucharska, J., Abu-Ras, W., & Bujold-Bugeaud, M. (2017). The Dynamics Underlying the Negative Mental Health Effects of Gender Discrimination in Two Samples: Poland and Egypt. Current Psychology, 1-15.
Abu-Ras, W., Hosein, S. (2015), Understanding Resiliency through Vulnerability: Cultural Meaning and Religious Practice among Muslim Military Personnel. Psychology of Religion & Spirituality, 7(1).
Ahmed, S., Abu-Ras, W. & Arfken, C. (2015), Prevalence of risk behaviors among U.S. Muslim college students. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 8(1),
Arfken, C., Abu-Ras, W., & Ahmed, S. (2014), Water pipe use among Muslim U.S. college students. Journal of Religion and Health., 8(1),
Laird, L., Abu-Ras, W., & Senzai, F. (2013). Cultural citizenship and belonging: Muslim international medical graduates in the USA. Journal of Muslim Minority Affair, 33 (3), 356-370, doi: 10.1080/13602004.2013.863075
Abu-Ras, W. (2013), American Muslim physicians’ civic and community involvement: Community empowerment and policy implications. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 19(1), 11-19.
Abu-Ras, W., Senzai, F. and Laird, L. (2013), Muslim Physicians Experiences Post 9/11: Cultural Trauma and the Formation of Islamic Identity. Traumatology, 19(1), 11-19.
Arfken, C., Ahmed, S., & Abu-Ras, W. (2012), Arfken, C., Ahmed, S., & Abu-Ras, W. (2012). Respondent-Driven Sampling of alcohol use among Muslim undergraduate U.S. college students. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 48, 945-953.
Abu-Ras, W. (2011), Perception of Muslim chaplain’s role by pastoral care directors and chaplains of New York City hospitals and health care settings. Journal of Muslim Mental Health., 6 (1), 21-43.
Abu-Ras, W. (2011), Assessment of the existing chaplaincy and spiritual care services for minority groups as perceived by chaplains and directors of New York City hospitals: The case of Muslim patients. Topics in Integrative Health Care: An International Journal,, 2(2), ID: 2.2002.
Abu-Ras, W. & Laird, L. (2011), How Muslim and non-Muslim Chaplains Serve Muslim Patients: Does the Interfaith Chaplaincy Model have Room for Muslims' Experiences? Journal of Religion and Health,, 50(1), 46-61.
Abu-Ras, W., Ahmed, S., & Arfken, C (2010), Alcohol use among Muslim college students: Risk and protective factors. Journal of Religion and Health, 9(3), 206-220.
Abu-Ras, W. & Suárez, Z.E. (2009), Muslim Men and Women’s Perception of Discrimination, Hate Crimes, and PTSD Symptoms Post 9/11. Traumatology,, 15 (3),, 48-63..
Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S. (2009), Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): The Case of Arab- & Muslim-Americans, post-9/11. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 7 (4).
Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S. (2008). The impact of 9/11 on the Arab-American well-being. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 3(2), 217-239.
Abu-Ras, W., Gheith A & Cournos, F (2008), Religion and Imams Role in Mental Health Promotion: A Study at 22 Mosques in New York City Muslim Community. Journal of Muslim Mental Health. The Journal of Muslim Mental Health., Vol. 3 (2), 157-178.
Abu-Ras, W. (2007), Cultural beliefs and utilization of services by Arab immigrant battered women. Violence Against Women, 13 (10), 1002-1028.
Lukens, E., O’Neill, P., Thorning, H., Waterman-Cecutti, J., Gubiseh- Ayala, D., Abu-Ras, W., Batista, M, & Chen, T. (2004), Building Resiliency and Cultural Collaboration Post September 11th: A Group of Brief Integrative Psychoeducation for Diverse Communities. Traumatology, 10 (2):, 103-122.
Abu-Ras, W. (2003). Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation: An International Publication, 4 (1), 49-66.
Glazer, I. and Abu-Ras, W (1994), Aggression, Human Rights and Hegemonic Discourse: The Case of a Murder for Family Honor (in the Arab Society) in Israel. Sex Role, 30 (3/4), 269-288.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Abumalloh, R. A., Halabi, O., Abu-Ras, W., and Ali, R. (4-6 September 2024). Social Power, Inclusion, and Exclusion: Their Effects on Participation and Prosocial Behavior in Virtual Communities. Submitted to the 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2024), Bremen, Germany
Pizzo, M., Terrana, S. & Abu-Ras, W. (12-14 June, 2024). Online Project-Based Learning in Small Groups: Innovative Approaches to Leadership Development for Social Work Students at the 2024 IASWG Symposium hosted by the Faculty of Social Work of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Abu-Ras, W., Arfken, C. (March 10-11, 2023). Alcohol Use and non-Use Among American Muslim College Students: Past Present and future. 15th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference (2023). Honoring Legacies Reflecting on Progress & Envisioning New Horizons. Michigan State University, Lancing, MI.
Abu-Ras, W., Smith, K., Kaplan, D., and Butler, A. (January, 2023). The Workshop entitled “Developing Project-Based Learning That Embeds Equity- Focused Environmental Justice Education into Existing MSW Programs” is to be presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Phoenix, AZ,
Abu-Ras, W. & Suarez, Z., (2018, January 10-14). “Safety As a Social Justice Concern: Muslim Americans' Well-Being and Islamophobia during the 2016 Election Campaign”. To be presented at the SSWR 2018 Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. USA.
Abu-Ras, W., Suarez, Z., Abu-Bader, S. (2017, October). “Post-Trump-Stress-Disorder (PTSD): Decreasing Social Isolation and Promoting Social Justice for Muslim Americans. Presented at the 2017 Annual Program Meeting (APM), the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Dallas, TX
Abu-Ras, W. Session Moderator. (2017, January 14). The session is "Race, Gender, identity and prejudice" which will be presented at the SSWR 2018 Annual Conference. Washington DC
Abu-Ras, W. Suarez, S. & Abu-Bader, S. (2017, April). “Islamophobia during the 2016 Election Campaign: A Public Health Concern. Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Islamophobia at Berkeley University, California, CA.
Abu-Bader, S., Abu-Ras, W. & Saleh, M. (2016). International Social Work Education and Practice in Islamic Contexts: Visiting Faculty Experiences. In Counsel on Social Work Education, 62nd Annual Program Meeting,. Atlanta, GA.
Kucharska, J.; Shuwiekh, H.; Abu-Ras, W.; Lewandowsk, L. & Kira, (2016). Gender discrimination and mental health in women and men: A cross-cultural study. In The 31st International Congress of Psychology,. Yokohama, Japan.
Abu-Ras, W., Hosein, S. (2014). The Many Facets of Combat: Muslims Serving in the US Armed Forces. In 2014 Annual Program Meeting (APM). Tampa, FL.
Abu-Ras, W., Hosein, S. (2014). The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Building Resiliency Among Muslim Armed Forces Personnel. In the 18th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. San Anto, TX.
Ahmed, S., Abu-Ras, W. & Arfken, C. (2013). Importance of Ethnicity: Differences in Reported Discrimination towards Muslim Students. In The International Symposium on Arab Youth: Developmental. Ontario, Canada.
Abu-Ras, W., Moscato, T., & Almizar, H. (2013). Beyond the Binary: Experiences of LGBTQ Individuals of Different Ethnicities and Faith Groups. In The 17th Annual Conference of The Society For Social Work. San Diego, CA.
Abu-Ras, W., Senzai, F. and Laird, L. (2012). Muslim Physicians Experiences Post 9/11: Cultural Trauma and the Formation of Islamic Identity. In the 57th Annual Program Meeting (APM) of Counsel on Social Work Education (CSWE). Atlanta, GA.
Laird, L. Abu-Ras, W. & Senzai, F. (2012). Crossing Borders, Building Bridges: Muslim International Medical Graduates In The U.S. Society. In The Annual Meeting For Applied Anthropology (Sfaa)/Society For Medical Anthropology (SMA),. Baltimore, MD.
Ahmed, S., Abu-Ras, W., & Arfken, C. (2012). Alcohul Use Among Muslim U.S. College Students. In The 74th Annual Meeting- College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Palm Springs, CA.
Abu-Ras, W., Ahmed, S., & Arfken, C (2012). Water Pipe Use Among Muslim U.S. College Students. In The 74th Annual Meeting- College on Problems of Drug Dependence,. Palm Springs, CA.
Lance, L., Abu-Ras, W., & Senzai, F. (2012). Professing Muslims and Professional Medicine. In the Inaugural National Conference on Medicine and Religion. Responding to the Call of the Sick: Religious Traditions and Health Professions Today. The Program on Medicine and Religion at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL..
Abu-Ras, W. & Hosien, S. (2012). Assessing The Role Of Religion And Spirituality In Building Resiliency Among Muslim Military Personnel in the U.S. Armed Forces. In Conference on Promise Practice For Healing Psychological Trauma of Service Military, Veterans, Family, And Community. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Dubin, L. Zinko, A. Moscato, T. Hamza, M. & Abu-Ras, W. (2012). Beyond the Binary: Experiences of LGBTQ individuals of different ethnicities and faith groups. In Adelphi University's Ninth Annual Research Conference on “Innovation, Integration, and Imagination: Research and Scholarship in the New Millennium.”. Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
Tirmazi, T. Ross-Sheriff, F. & Abu-Ras, W (2011). Exploring the Immigrant Muslim Youth Experience in a Post 9/11 America. In to the 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR): Emerging Horizons for Social Work Research,. Tampa, Florida..
Abu-Ras, W. (2010). Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Services for Muslim Patients in NYC Hospitals. In at the 56th Annual Program Meeting (APM) of Counsel on Social Work Education (CSWE). Portland, Oregon.
Ahmed, S., Arfken, C.L., & Abu-Ras, W (2010). Risk-taking behaviors of Muslim college students in the U.S. In the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA),. Philadelphia, PA..
Abu-Ras, W., Arfken, C.L., and Ahmed, S (2010). Alcohol use among Muslim youth: Protective and risk factors. In the 14th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Social Work Research: A World of Possibilities.. San Francisco, CA..
Abu-Ras, W. & Suarez, Z (2010). Muslim Men and Women's Perception of Discrimination and PTSD Symptoms Post September 11. In the 14th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Social Work Research: A World of Possibilities.. San Francisco, CA..
Abu-Ras, W. & Suarez, Z (2009). Muslim Men and Women's Perception of Discrimination and PTSD Symptoms Post September 11. In . Islam and Muslim Symposia. Presented at the 2009 Annual Program Meeting (APM) of Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).. San Antonio, TX.
Abu-Ras, W (2009). Chaplaincy Services in Health Care Settings: Have Muslim Patients' Needs Been Addressed? In Islam and Muslim Symposia. Presented at the 2009 Annual Program Meeting (APM) of Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).. San Antonio, TX.
Abu-Ras, W., Giglia, C., and Binetti, M. (Attendees). 3-5 September (2008). Reaffirming Human Rights For All. In The 61st Annual UN- DPI /NGOs Conference UNESCO. Paris, France, 2008.
Abu-Bader, S. H., & Abu-Ras, W. (2008). Correlates of Depression and Post. In The 7th International Conference of Social Sciences,Honolulu, HI., May 2008.
Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S. (2007). Depression and PTSD Among Muslims and Arab-Americans Post 9/11. In The 52nd Annual Program Meeting of Counsel on Social Work Education. (pp. one). San Francisco, CA.
Abu-Ras, W. (2006). Imams Role in Mental Health Promotion: A Study at 22 Mosques. In The 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA). . (pp. one). New Orleans.
Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S. (2006). “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in NYC Muslim Communities Post 9/11”. In “Social Justice Through Social Reform. 52nd Annual Program Meeting of Counsel on Social Work Education. (pp. two). Chicago, Illinois..
Abu-Ras, W. (2006). Adopting Western Psychotherapy for the New York City Muslim Community”. In Social Justice Through Social Reform. 52nd Annual Program Meeting of Counsel on Social Work Education.. Chicago, Illinois..
Abu-Ras, W. (2005). The Impact of September 11th Upon Arab-Americans' Wellbeing. In Community Trauma and Access to Mental Health Care: Using Mixed Methodology to Uncover Need, Barriers and Innovative Pathways. Miami, FL.
Lukens, E., Thorning, H. & Abu-Ras, W (2005). "When Disaster Strikes in Unprecedented Ways: Evaluating a Culturally Sensitive Psychoeducational Group Intervention During a National Crisis". In Community Trauma and Access to Mental Health Care: Using Mixed Methodology to Uncover Need, Barriers and Innovative Pathways". Celebrating a Decade of SSWR. Miami, FL..
Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S. (2004). The Impact of 9/11 on the Arab-American and Muslim Community. In 50th Annual Meeting of the CSWE.. Atlanta, GA..
Abu-Ras, W. (2003). Cultural beliefs and Utilization of Services among Arab Immigrant battered Women in the US. In Seventh Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. Washington, DC.
Abu-Ras, W. (2002). Barriers to services by Arab Immigrant women in Dearborn area. In Wayne State University,. Detroit, MI.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Abu-Ras, W. ( 2017, Aprol 13-14). “Intimacies in Islam I & II.” Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Abu-Ras, W. (2016, April). Religious-Spiritual Counseling of Patients: The role of Social Workers and Health Care Providers in Saudi Arabia. First International Congress on Spiritual Counseling and Care, Istanbul, Turkey.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, August). End of Life Issues: Spirituality, Grief, Loss & Mourning. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, August). Theory and Practice : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Patients with Chronic Illness & with Their Family Caregivers. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, August). Family Systems Theory, Concepts & Therapy: Recognizing Patient’s resources and Needs. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Recognizing and Moving Barriers to Professional Social Work Skills. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Clinical Intervention Skills in Health Care Settings. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Clinical Assessment Skills in Health Care Settings. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Empowering Patients and their Family Members. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Applying the Bio-Psycho-Social Spiritual Assessment Tools: Using Person-in Environment. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Physical Environment and Effective Interviewing skills, Part and II.” Training Workshop. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, April). Human Behavior Dimensions: Person, Environment and Time.” Training Workshop to Social Work Staff. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, March). Social Work Values & Supervision Education. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2015, March). Social Work: A profession with Multiple Identities. King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2014, June). Social Work Values and Skills: Reputation of the Profession.” Training Workshop. King Fahd Medical City, Riyadh.
Abu-Ras, W. (2014, June). “Why Domestic Violence: The Role of Social Workers in Hospital Settings.” Training Workshop. Prince Sultan Medical Center, Protection of Family Violence and Neglect., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2014, June). How to Connect Field Practice to Course objectives: Overview of Social Work Code of Ethics.” Training Workshop. King Saud University, Social Work Program, Riyadh.
Abu-Ras, W. (2014, June). General, Direct, and Evidence Based-Practice: Similarities and Differences.” Training Workshop. King Saud University, Social Work Program, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2014, May). Revisiting Social Work Curriculum: Specialization and or Concentration. Workshop. Social Work Department, Princes Nora University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2014, May). “Social Work and the Empowerment Approach.” Training Workshop. Saudi Social Studies Society (SSSS), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Abu-Ras, W. (2013, October). Counseling Muslim and Arab Students at Adelphi University.” Training workshop. Student Counseling Center, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
Abu-Ras, W. (2013, June). Spirituality and Trauma workshops, conducted at. The Annual Convention Cultural Competency Training Center’s (CCC) Annual Convention on Traumat, Atlantic City, NJ.
Abu-Ras, W. (2012, October). Working with Muslim Americans. The 9th Annual Cultural Conference on Developing Multicultural Competence Across Settings. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
Abu-Ras, W. (2012, August). Spiritual Services and Mental Health Issues. The 49th Annual Convention of the Islamic Society of North America. Washington, DC.
Ahmed, S., Abu-Ras, W., & Arfken, C. (2012, June). Alcohol Use among Muslim U.S. College Students. The 74th Annual Meeting- College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Abu-Ras, W., Ahmed, S., & Arfken, C. (2012, June). Water Pipe Use among Muslim U.S. College Students. Presented at The 74th Annual Meeting- College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Abu-Ras, W. & Hosien, S. (2012, May). Assessing the Role of Religion and Spirituality in Building Resiliency among Muslim Military Personnel in the U.S. Armed Forces. the 2012 Conference on Promise Practice for Healing Psychological Trauma of Service Military, Veterans, Family, and Community, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Lance, L., Abu-Ras, W., & Senzai, F. (23-25 May, 2012). Professing Muslims and Professional Medicine. Presented at the Inaugural National Conference on Medicine and Religion. Responding to the Call of the Sick: Religious Trad (2012, May). Professing Muslims and Professional Medicine. The Inaugural National Conference on Medicine and Religion. Responding to the Call of the Sick, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Abu-Ras, W. (2012, March). Developing Chaplains and Imams: Best Practices Through Research. The Islamic Seminary Foundation and The Association of Muslim Chaplain Conference about “In-service Training for Chaplains and Imams,”Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Laird, L., Abu-Ras, W., & Senzai, F. (2012, March). Crossing Borders, Building Bridges: Muslim International Medical Graduates in the U.S. Society. The Annual Meeting for Applied Anthropology (Sfaa)/Society, Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), Baltimore, MD.
Abu-Ras, W. (2011, October). Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Services for Muslim Patients in NYC Hospitals. the 56th Annual Program Meeting (APM) of The Council On Social Work Education (CSWE), Portland, OR.
Abu-Ras, W., Senzai, F., & Laird, L. (2011, October). Muslim Physicians’ Experiences Post 9/11: Cultural Trauma and the Formation of Islamic Identity. the 57th Annual Program Meeting (APM) of the CSWE, Atlanta, GA.
Abu-Ras, W. (2010, March). “Muslim Men and Women's Perception of Discrimination and PTSD Symptoms Post September 11”. The Second Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference. Michigan State University Club, Lansing, MI.
Abu-Ras, W. (2009, April). Care Needs Assessments and the Perception of The Muslim Chaplin’s Role. Presented at the first National Conference of Islam & Medicine. Treating Muslims: A Mental Health Perspective. Lansing, MI.
Abu-Ras, W. (2009, February). Muslim Physicians: Health care Services and Civic Involvements. New Jersey.
Abu-Ras, W. (2008, October). Muslim Physicians: Demographic overview, civic services, and community involvement. East Brunswick, NJ.
Wahiba Abu-Ras (1995, November). Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the peace process. Abraham Fund, New York, NY.
Abu-Ras, W (1991, May). Social & economic development among Palestinians live inside Israe. The Fellowship for Arab-Jewish Youth Meeting, Cambridge, MA.
Abu-Ras, W. & Beari, A (1991, February). The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Brandies University, Waltham, M.A..
Abu-Ras, W. (1990, March). Women, children and the need for social development in the Palestinian community in East Jerusalem. The National Congress of Community Economic Development, Phoenix, Arizona.
Abu-Ras, W. (1989, August). Prostitution phenomena in the Arab society: Causes and consequences. Third Annual Conference of Legacy International, Jerusalem Chapter, Israel.
Other Work
Other Work
Work Under Review:
Abu-Ras, W. Babiker, L.I, and Abul-Enein, B. H. (Under review). Effectiveness of cartoons, comics, and animation-based sexual health promotion and education interventions: A scoping review
Kaplan, D., Terrana, S., Abu-Ras, W., *Pizzo, M., *Brandow, D., *Butler, A. (Under-review). Teaching social work students about racial justice through innovative social action initiatives.
Pizzo, M. Terrana, S. & Abu-Ras, W. (under-Review). Online Project-Based Learning in Small Groups:
Innovative Approaches to Leadership Development for Social Work Students.
Terrana, S. Pizzo, M. Abu-Ras, W. Kaplan, D., Buttler, A. Brandow. (under review). Social Work Students and Social Action: Evaluating Impacts of Teaching Racial Justice Work in the Online Environment
Abu-Ras W, Idris LB, & Aboul-Enein BH. (under review). Effectiveness of cartoons, comics, and animation-based sexual health promotion and education interventions: A scoping review. International Journal of Sexual Health, under review.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Abu-Ras, W. Hamid, H. et al., (Data collection). Telemental Health and Stigma toward Mental Health Utilization.
Abu-Ras, W., Tatli, Z. & ElTaweel, G. Neves, J. (in progress) Bright Stars in Dark Skies: Illuminating Palestinian Experiences and Stories Under Israeli Occupation. (This study is conducted under the sponsorship of HBKU in collaboration with their faculty).
Abu-Ras, W. Barakat, S. Decker, E. (in progress). Resonating Voices: Unveiling Not In Our Name's Legacy in the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle
Tatli, Z. and Abu-Ras, W. Developing a Digital Storytelling Scale: Measuring Emotional and Cognitive Behavior (This study is conducted in collaboration with Dr. Zeyneb Tatli from Trabzon University, Turkey).
Abu-Ras, W. & Arfken, C. (in progress). The use and non-use of alcohol & mental health issues among College students: Past, Present, and Future
Abu-Ras, W. Omari, E., Elsabbagh, L. Salout, N., Shammari, F. et al. (writing results). Health beliefs and practice of breast self-examination: Awareness and barriers to screening services among Saudi Muslim women with and without Breast Cancer in the Eastern Province.
Abu-Ras, W. (Data Analysis). Health beliefs and practices of breast self-examination: Awareness and barriers to screening services among Palestinian women with and without Breast Cancer in the West Bank and the Green Line
Abu-Ras, W., Terrana, S., Kaplan, D., Smith, K., Decker, E. (editing stage) Perceptions of (in)justice: How identity shapes engagement in environmental justice.
Terrana, S., Kaplan, D., *Pizzo, M., Abu-Ras, W., *Butler, A., *Brandow, D. (Finalizing the discussion). Teaching social work students about social action: Evaluating impacts of learning activities.
Abu-Ras, W. (Literature Review & Data Analysis). Al-Qaisi, S. Abu-Laban, A., and Alqisi, M. Syrian Immigrant
Widows: The Impact of the Syrian Crisis on Their Mental Health Issues
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