Doctor of Arts, Adelphi University (2005)
M.S., Adelphi University (1979)
B.A., Adelphi University (1978)
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Communications Systems For Individuals With Severe Disability
Introduction To The Clinical Process
Oral Motor Function Of The Developmentally Delayed Child
Alternative & Augmentative Communication
Feeding and Motor Speech Disorders in Young Children
Research Interests
Research Interests
Childhood apraxia of speech
Augmentative communication
Pediatric feeding disorders/intervention
Gozdziewski, T.H., Fabus, R., Arroyo, C.G., Limowski, J.R. & Yudes-Kuznetsov, J. (2018). Goal Writing for
the Speech-Language Pathologist and Special Educator. Burlington,MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Arroyo, Cindy Geise (2018). Augmentative and Alternative Communication. In Gozdziewski, T.H., Fabus, R., Arroyo, C.G., Limowski, J.R. & Yudes-Kuznetsov, J. (Eds.) Goal Writing for the Speech-Language Pathologist and Special Educator (pp. 153-168). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Arroyo, Cindy Geise (2018). Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders. In Gozdziewski, T.H., Fabus, R., Arroyo, C.G., Limowski, J.R. & Yudes-Kuznetsov, J. (Eds.) Goal Writing for the Speech-Language Pathologist and Special Educator (pp. 71-89). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Gozdziewski, T.H., Arroyo, C.G. & Fabus, R. (2018). The Elements of Goal Writing. In Gozdziewski, T.H., Fabus, R., Arroyo, C.G., Limowski, J.R. & Yudes-Kuznetsov (Eds.). Goal Writing for the Speech-Language Pathologist and Special Educator. (pp. 3-14). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Arroyo, Cindy Geise (2014). AAC strategies for children with cerebral palsy. In Redstone, Fran (Ed.). Effective SLP interventions for children with cerebral palsy: NDT/traditional/eclectic. (pp. 273-303). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Arroyo, Cindy Geise (2012). The Impact of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Technology. In Goldfarb, R.G. (Ed.). Translational Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Essays in honor of Dr. Sadahand Singh. (pp. 307 - 311). CA: Plural Publishing.
Arroyo, C.G., Goldfarb, R. & Sands, E. (2012), Caregiver Training in an AAC Intervention for Severe Aphasia. Journal of Speech and Language Pathology - Applied Behavior Analysis, 5, 59 - 64.
Arroyo, Cindy Geise (2010), Feeding and Speech Development in a Childhood Case of Cystic Hygroma. Early Childhood Services, 4 (4), 229 - 243.
Arroyo, C.G., Goldfarb, R., Cahill, D. & Schoepflin, J. (2010), AAC Interventions : Case study of In-utero Stroke. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology : Applied Behavior Analysis, 5(1), 32 - 47.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Arroyo, C.G. (2012). AAC Strategies for a young child with Cri du chat syndrome: A case report. In International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Pittsburgh, PA.
Arroyo, C.G. (2012). Family-centered interventions for young children with feeding and swallowing disorders. In YAI (Young Adult Institute) International Conference. New York City.
Arroyo, C.G. (2011). Symbol Comprehension and AAC in a Young Child with Cri du chat syndrome. In American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Conference. San Diego, CA.
Arroyo, C.G., Goldfarb, R. & Sands, E. (2010). Caregiver AAC Training in Aphasia : A Case Study. In American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Convention. Philadelphia.
Arroyo, C.G. (2009). Feeding/Speech Development in a Childhood case of Cystic Hygroma. In American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Conference. New Orleans.
Arroyo, C.G. (2008). Early Intervention & AAC : Case Study of a child with aphonia. In American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Conference. Chicago.
Arroyo, C.G. (2007). Co-occurrence patterns in childhood apraxia of speech. In American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Conference. Boston.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Arroyo, C.G. (2013, November). Effective Integration of iPad Technology into Preschool classrooms and Speech-Language Interventions. Developmental Disabilities Institute, Huntington, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2013, November). Intervention Strategies for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing: A Problem-Solving Approach. Hudson Valley Speech and Hearing Association, Newburgh, NY.
Arroyo, C.G.& Davis, L.F. (2013, October). Oral Motor Intervention: Feeding and Beyond. Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2013, July). Strategies for developing feeding & oral-motor skills. 5p- Society National Conference, Melville, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2013, July). AAC Strategies for Language Development. 5p- Society National Conference, Melville, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2013, June). AAC Assessment and Intervention Strategies. Levittown Public Schools, Levittown, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2012, September). Intervention Strategies for Pediatric Feeding and Oral-Motor Concerns. Long Island Speech and Myofunctional Therapy Centers, Stonybrook, NY.
Arroyo, C.G., Litwack, J.A. (2012, March). New Directions in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2010, May). Intervention Strategies for Pediatric Feeding and Oral-Motor Concerns. United Federation of Teachers, Speech Chapter, New York, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2009, August). Advanced Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding: Challenging Case Studies. The Hagedorn Little Village School Seaford, NY.
Arroyo, C.G. (2007, November). "Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding : Problem Solving and Intervention Strategies". The Hagedorn Little Village School Seaford, NY.
Other Work
Other Work
Accardo, P., Battle, D., Borie, D., Doherty, J., Gravel, J., Hopkins, K., Larson, C., Platkin, S., Schwartz, R. and Wiley, M. (1999). Clinical Practice Guidelines for Children ages Birth-3years with Communication Disorders.
Group Intervention for Pediatric Feeding Disorders, Faculty Development Grant, Adelphi University, $1,200, 2012 - 2013.
Federal Grant for Communication Sciences & Disorders Augmentative and Alternative Communication Lab,
$264,000, 2009 - 2010.
Effect of alternative-augmentative communication by caregivers in Alzheimer disease (with Prof. R. Goldfarb), Faculty Development Grant, Adelphi University, $3,500, 1/1/08 - 3/30/09
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Nominated for Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching, Adelphi University 2015
Mimi Katzen Award for Clinical Excellence. Long Island Speech & Hearing Association, October 2012.
Nominated for Faculty Excellence Award for Service, Adelphi University, 2012.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Award for Continuing Education (ACE) November 2011, 2009, 2007
AAC Institute Award, ASHA Division 12 for presentation at ASHA (November 2005)
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Volunteer - Adelphi University Breast Cancer Hotline 2007 - present
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