Craven. J. & Hogan, T., Bello, O. (In Press). Assessment Challenges and Opportunities for Reformin STEAM Education in Farenga, S.J., Garofalo, S.G., Ness, D. (Eds), International Handbook of Research on STEAM Curriculum and Praxis. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T. (2017). Emerging technologies and changing practices in science classrooms. In J. Cibulka & B. Cooper (Eds.), Technology in the classroom: Can it improve teaching and student learning in American schools? (pp. 128-143). Rowan & Littlefield: Lanham, MD.
Hogan, T., Gordon, D., & Donovan, C. (2017). A Clinically Rich Teacher Education Model for Bilingual Science Teachers: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned. In Ryan Flessner & D. Lecklider (Eds.), Case Studies of Clinical Preparation in Teacher Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Hogan, T. (2010). Students empowering change through published works. In R. Verma (Eds.). Be the change: Teacher, activist, global citizen. (pp. 199-213). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T. (2010). Resisting an unbecoming science. In D. Moss and T. Osborn (Eds.). Resistance in Education. (pp. 201-222). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Hogan, T. & Craven, J. (2008). Disempowering the Authority of Science- Preparing Students for a Public Voice. In L. Wallowitz (Eds.). Critical literacy as resistance: Teaching for social justice across the secondary curriculum. (pp. 65-84). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T. (2007). Science literacy, media literacy, and the Internet: Change forces in the United States and the People's Republic of China. In F. Blumberg (Eds.). When East meets West: Media research and practice in US and China. (pp. 170-196). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Hogan, T. & Brown, J. (2018). Tapping into Forensic Science to Explore the Wrongfully Convicted: Mirroring the Work of The Innocence Project in the Middle School Science Classroom. Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) Quarterly Magazine 6(3), 15-18.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T. (2017). Professional Development Consultants: The Costs and Benefits. School Business Affairs, 15(4), 14-16. Association of School Business Officials International. Reston, VA.
McGuire, C., Kang, E., Hogan, T., McCarthy, M.J. (2016). Robots, Bookmarks, and Guitars, oh My! Fusing Art and Design into an Electricity Unit. Science and Children, 54(4), 70-75.
Gabrilean, N., Blumberg, F., & Hogan, T.M. (2009), The effects of appeal on children's comprehension and recall of content in educational television programs. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 30, 161-168.
Hogan, T.M., & Rabinowitz, M. (2009), Teacher expertise and the development of a problem representation. Educational Psychology, 2, 153-169.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T. (2008), Re-Thinking Science Fairs. Phi Delta Kappan, 89, 679-680.
Rabinowitz, M. & Hogan, T.M. (2008), Experience and problem representation in statistics. American Journal of Psychology, 121, 395-407.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T.M. (2006), Beachcombing for Fossils. Science Scope, 30, 66-69.
Hogan, T.M., & Craven, J. (2005), Invasive species in your backyard: What you need to know about investigating the problems of space invaders. Science Scope, 29, 62-64.
Auld, D.P., Blumberg, F.C., & Hogan, T.M. (2004), Computer games. Applied Developmental Science: An Encyclopedia of Research, Policies, and Programs..
Hogan, T.M., Rabinowitz, M., & Craven, J. (2003), Problem representation in teaching: Inferences from research of expert and novice teachers. Educational Psychologist, 38, 235-247.
Craven, J., & Hogan, T.M. (2001), Assessing student participation in the classroom. Science Scope, 25, 26-40.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Hogan, T. & Cohen, H. (2018, November). Stem into STEAM in the middle school classroom: E-Textiles and Drawing Machines. Presentation at the Association for Middle Level Education. Orlando, FL. (peer reviewed).
Maguire, C., Kang, E., Hogan, T., & McCarthy, M. (2018, March). Visioning STEAM on a liberal arts campus. Creating community one project at a time. Presentation at the National Art Education Association. Seattle, WA. (peer reviewed)
Hogan, T. & Brown, J. (2017, November). Engaging our students in critical literacy and social justice in the science classroom. Presentation at the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE). Philadelphia, PA.
Donovan, C., Hogan, T. & Gordon, D. (2017, February). Examining new teacher success via different clinical pathways. Presentation at the American Association of College Teacher Education. Tampa, Fl.
Donovan, C. & Hogan, T. (2016). Mentor Perceptions and Commitment in an Era of Increased Accountability. Presentation at the 9th Annual Mentoring Conference. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Hogan, T., McCarthy, M., Kang, E., Cruper, D., Donovan, C. (2016). Introducing K12 Citizen Science Initiatives around Community Based Issues: A Partnership Explored. In 7th Living Knowledge. Dublin, Ireland.
Hogan, T., Gordon, D., & Donovan, C. (2015). Targeted teacher training: Developing bilingual science teachers through a residency-based teacher preparation program. In 4th Annual New Perspectives in Science Education. Florence, Italy.
Hogan, T., Thornburg, D., Kang, E., McCarthy, M.J., Mason, M. & Phalen, D (2015). Responding to Policy Reform Initiatives: EdTPA and Afforded Opportunities. In American Association of College Teacher Education. Atlanta, GA.
Donovan, C., Hogan, T., & McCarthy, M. (2014). Taking action based on evidence: A collaboration between the P-12 community and a school of education that focuses on improvement for both levels. In American Association of College Teacher Education. Indianapolis, IN.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T. (2013). Differentiating investigations of global conflicts: making a challenging curriculum accessible to learners with diverse needs. In National Science Teachers Association National Conference.. San Antonio, TX.
Cortese, A. & Hogan, T. (2013). Interdisciplinary unit focusing on water rights and access for middle schoolers. In National Science Teachers Association National Conference.. San Antonio, TX.
Hogan, T.& Christensen, B. (2012). Adelphi University Science Education Advancement (SEA) Program/NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. In NSF/Robert Noyce National Conference. Washington, DC, DC.
Hogan, T.M. & McCarthy, M.J. (2011). Problem representation in science: How experience matters. In EpiSteme 4: The Fourth International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai, India.
Hogan, T. (2009). Problem Representation and Science Literacy: The Effects of Experience. In American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.
Ness, D., Craven, J., Farenga, S., Hogan, T., Johnson, B. Johnson, D.D., (2007). NCATE-A Potemkin village on the Potomac: Using standards and high-stakes testing to ignore issues of social justice. In American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. Chicago, Il.
Craven, J. & Hogan, T.M. (2006). A disconnect between accredidation and the distinguished "new" teacher. In American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. Berkeley, California.
Hogan, T.M., & Rabinowitz, M. (2005). Representation and analogical problem solving of expert and novice teachers. In American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C..
Blumberg, F.C., Hogan, T.M., Solazzo, L., Galvin, K., & Fisch, S. (2002). Children's attention to educational television: A matter of appeal. In American Psychological Association. Chicago, Illinois..
Rabinowitz, M., & Hogan, T. (2002). Using a triad judgment task to examine the effect of experience on problem representation in statistics. In Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Rabinowitz, M., & Hogan, T.M. (2001). Using a triad judgment task to examine the effect of experience on problem representation in statistics. In Cognitive Science Society. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Craven, J.A., & Hogan, T.M. (2000). Elementary students constructing the nature and language of science. In National Association for Research in Science Teaching. New Orleans, LA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
McGuire, C., Kang, E., Hogan, T., McCarthy, M.J. (March 31, 2017). Elementary Extravaganza @ NSTA: Meet the authors. National Science Teachers Association National Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Hogan, T. (2016, February). Why we need NBCT’s in the profession: A study of expertise. National Board Certified Teachers Summit Long Island, Garden City, NY.
Hogan, T., McGuire, C., Kang, E., McCarthy, M (2015, December). Embedding Art + Design in STEM curricula: STEAM in the learning environment. Leadership for Change, Plainfield, NY.
Hogan, T. (2015, November). Argumentation in Science: Claims, Evidence and Reasoning: Using language to support learning in science. Lynbrook School District, Lynbrook, NY.
Hogan, T., McGuire, C., Kang, E., & McCarthy, MJ. (June, 2015). Problem-Based learning within a STEAM context. Global Kids, New York, NY.
Hogan, T., Gordon, D. & Donovan, C. (2015, February). Preparing bilingual science teachers through a residency-based teaching program: Lessons learned and future directions. Association for Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Craven, J., Nevárez-La Torre, A., Manocchi-Verrino, C. Kang, E., McCarthy, M. & Hogan, T. (2010, March). Reading and Writing for Learning in Science: Practical Classroom Strategies to Engage Young Learners. Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York, New York..
Hogan, T. (2007, July). Similarities and differences between experts and novices in the development of a problem representation. Fordham Summer Institute on Applied Cognition. Fordham University, New York, New York..
Hogan, T. & McCarthy, M. (2006, October). Linking science and literacy: Stories and Storytelling. the Long Island Science Education Leadership Association..
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
The Quiet Revolution: Supporting introverts in schools through Quiet Network. Program Evaluator (2016-2017)
National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, Engaging in the National Board Process to Improve student learning and improve professional practice, New York State Working Group Member, Albany, NY February 2016.
New York State Education Department (NYSED), Highlighting Clinical Residency Programs in Teacher Preparation, Presentation to the Board of Regents, October 27, 2015.
National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship Grant Competition, Reviewer/Lead Panelist, October 8-9, 2015: Washington DC.
International Journal of Science and Math Education, Reviewer, 2005 – present (editor: James Shymansky, Springer Publishers)
National Association for Research in Science Teaching: Awards Committee Member, 2009 & 2010 National Conferences.
National Association for Research in Science Teaching: 2007 & 2008 National Conference Strand 2 Co-Coordinator.
Gear Up (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs): Science Curriculum Developer: Wyandanch School District
New York City Board of Education District 29, Region 3
Smaller Learning Communities Grant Evaluation for Springfield Gardens High School: Evaluator
New York City Board of Education
District 29, Region 3
21st Century Grant Evaluation for IS 238 and IS 192: Co-Evaluator
Project Wet, Water Education for Teachers, Certified Trainer, 2007-present
University of Louisville Diagnostic Teacher Assessments in Mathematics and Science (DTAMS), Test Item Evaluator, 2005
Eastern Suffolk Board of Cooperative Educational Service (BOCES), Evaluator: school report card data for the Oyster Bay and Greenport School Districts, 2005
American Educational Research Association Committee Member, Division C Graduate Student Research Award Committee, 2002
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Reviewer for NSTA Recommends, 2001-2003. September 2001 – May 2003
University Service
University Service
Bellmore-Merrick Clinical Internship Program, Co-Coordinator, 2010-present
Oceanside School District MODEL Program - Coordinator, 2015-present.
Co-Author of NCATE Science Spa Report, National Recognition 2014, 2017
Oceanside-Adelphi Teacher Residency, Co-Coordinator, 2016-2017.
Mineola – Adelphi Teacher Residency Program, Co-Coordinator, 2015-2017
Westbury School District MODEL Program – Coordinator, 2012-2015
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by Adelphi University of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.