Lombardi, K. (2011). Internal space and (dis)connection in cyberspace: Adolescent longings in a pseudo-connected society. In B. Willock, R. Curtis, & L. Bohm (Eds.). Longings. New York: Routledge.
Lombardi, K. (2010). Alice down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass: The container and the eye of the (be)holder. In Michael O’Loughlin and Richard Johnson (Eds.). Imagining Children Otherwise: Theoretical and Critical Perspectives on Childhood Subjectivity. New York: Peter Lang.
Lombardi, K. (2009). The psychology of group membership and alienation: Projective identification and the Other. In Randall E. Osborne & Paul Kreise (Eds.). Global Community, Global Security. New York/Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi..
Lombardi, K. (2007). Notes on negativity. In Brent Willock, Lori C. Bohm, & Rebecca C. Curtis (Eds.). On Deaths and Endings: Psychoanalysts’ Reflections on Finality, Transformations and New Beginnings. New York: Routledge. Winner of the 2008 Gravida Award for Best Anthology.
Lombardi, K. (2000). The preconscious – Freud and beyond. In Erwin, E. (Eds.). The Freud Encyclopedia. New York: Garland.
Lombardi, K. and Civin, M. A. (1996). Chloe by the afternoon: Relational configurations, identificatory processes, and the organization of clinical experience in unusual circumstances. In Gerson, Barbara (Eds.). The Therapist as a Person: Life Crises, Life Choices, Life Experiences and Their Effects on Treatment. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press.
Lombardi, K. (1995). Anxiety states in childhood and adolescence. In B. Wolman (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. New York: John Wiley;.
Lombardi, K. (1994). Anxiety states in childhood and adolescence. In B. Wolman (Eds.). Anxiety and Related Disorders. New York: John Wiley.
Lombardi, K. (1990). Countertransference: On what constitutes shareable experience. In Eric Morgenau (Eds.). The Encyclopedic Handbook of Private Practice. New York: Gardner Press.
Lombardi, K. (1990). The therapist’s personality inside and outside the consulting room. In Eric Margenau (Eds.). The Encyclopedic Handbook of Private Practice. New York: Gardner Press.
Lombardi, K. (1990). Depressive states and somatic symptoms. In B. Wolman (Eds.). Affective Disorders: Facts, Theories, and Treament Methods. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Lombardi, K. (2010), Holding: A psychoanalytic commentary on A Decade of Parent and Infant Relationship Support (PAIRS) Group Therapy Programs. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 60(1), 141-150.
Lombardi, K. (2006), When a body meets a body: A neo-Kleinian view of language and bodily experience. Psychoanalytic Review, 93(3), 377-390.
Lombardi, K. (2005), Eracing the simple certainty of difference: A psychoanalytic contribution. Sociological Abstracts, 51(2).
Lombardi, K. (2002), Eracing the simple certainty of difference: A psychoanalytic contribution. Race, Gender, and Class in Psychology: A Critical Approach, 9(4), 134-146.
Lombardi, K. (1998), Mother as object, mother as subject: Implications for psychoanalytic developmental theory. Gender and Psychoanalysis, 3(1), 33-45.
Lombardi, K.. and Lapidos, E. (1990), Therapeutic engagements with children: Integrating infant research and clinical practice. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 7(1), 91-103.
Rucker, N. G. and Lombardi, K. (1990), Symbiotic recognition: A striving for acknowledgement of self. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 50(3), 263-273.
Rucker, N. G. and Lombardi, K (1990), The familial ménage-a-trois: Mother-daughter sexuality and father-daughter incest. Contemporary Psychotherapy, 20(2), 99-107.
Civin, M. A. and Lombardi, K.. (1990), The preconscious and potential space. Psychoanalytic Review, 77(4), 573-585.
Stein, M. and Lombardi, K. (1983), The Physiognomic Cue Test and hemisphericity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 17(4), 275.
Lombardi, K. (1982), Lateralization, physiognomic perception, and flexibility of cognitive control. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 55, 1063-1070.
Ryan, D., Lombardi, K., Leiderman, B., and Zelinger, F. (1980), The internship in school psychology: An intensive multisupervisory model. Psychology in the Schools, 17(2), 216-221.
Lombardi, K. and Nix V. (1976), Abstract: Racial issues in psychotherapy: Realism or symbolism? Psychiatric Spectator, 9, 12-13.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Lombardi, K. (2012). Whole and/or in Bits: Bohm, Matte Blanco, and (Un)consciousness. In Division 39 (APA) Annual Meeting. Santa Fe.
Lombardi, K. (2011). Transgression and Freedom in the Academy: The Master-Slave Dialectic and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis. In Annual Conference, Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society. Rutgers University.
Lombardi, K. (2005). The symbol, language, and the body: Modes of symbolic expression in young children. In 13th Annual Conference, RECE. University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Lombardi, K. (2004). Maternal Desire. In William Alanson White Conference, Longing: Psychoanalytic Musings on Desire.. Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York.
Lombardi, K. (2004). Alice through the Looking Glass: The Container and the I of the Beholder. In Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Conference. Oslo, Norway.
Lombardi, K. (2002). Interpretation, Enactment, and Psychic Development: Play as Bilogic. In Third International Bi-Logic Conference. Garden City, NY.
Lombardi, K. (2002). Negativity and the True-Real: Life and Death in Klein, Kristeva, and Matte-Blanco. In Second Joint International Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
Lombardi, K. (2002). Alienation and Identity: On the Functions of Negativity. In Twenty-Second Annual Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), APA. New York, NY.
Lombardi, K. (2001). How can I be with(out) border? In Twenty-First Annual Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), APA. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Lombardi, K. (2000). A Kleinian view of a case presentation. In The Roots of Relational Psychoanalysis. Garden City, NY.
Lombardi, K. (2000). When a Body Meets a Body: A Neo-Kleinian View of Language and Bodily Experience. In Division 39 (APA) Annual Meeting. San Francisco.
Lombardi, K. (2000). Symmetry Wrapped in Asymmetry: Matte Blanco’s Modes of Being and the Depressive Position. In Division 39 (APA) Annual Meeting. San Francisco.
Lombardi, K. (2000). A Kleinian Object Relations Approach to Self Disclosure. In Bruce Kopp Memorial Lecture, Self Disclosure: Getting Real and Getting Lost in Analysis. Garden City, NY.
Lombardi, K. (1999). Subjectivity in child psychotherapy: A relational approach. In In session: The process of child psychotherapy. Garden City, NY.
Lombardi, K. (1999). Working with the child patient. In Annual Bruce Kopp Lecture, Melanie Klein: Her Influence on Psychoanalysis. Garden City, NY.
Lombardi, K. (1997). The relatedness of the unconscious. In Seventeenth Annual Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), APA. Denver, Colorado.
Lombardi, K. (1995). Mother as Object, Mother as Subject. In Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), APA. San Diego, California.
Lombardi, K. (1995). The Mutual Creation of Temporal Experience. In Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), APA. San Diego, California.
Lombardi, K. (1995). Prenatal Experience: Implications for Psychoanalytic Developmental Theory. In Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), APA. San Diego, California.
Lombardi, K. and Civin, M. (1994). Chloe by the afternoon: Relational configurations, identificatory processes, and the organization of clinical experience in unusual circumstances. In Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Division 39, (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C..
Lombardi, K. (1994). Freud, Klein, and the British Middle School: Psychoanalytic theories as metaphors for critical social conditions. In Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Division 39, (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C..
Lombardi, K. (1994). Individuation or individualism? Revisions of psychoanalytic developmental theory. In Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Division 39, (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C..
Lombardi, K. (1993). Curiosity can kill the cat: The patient’s fear of her own greed. In Spring Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Lombardi, K., and Rucker, N. (1991). The unconscious “catch” in psychoanalytic supervision. In Second Annual Conference, Federation of Psychoanalytic Training Programs. San Francisco, California.
Lombardi, K., and Rucker, N. (1991). The family erotic: An object relational view of incest. In Annual Convention, American Psychological Association. San Francisco, California.
Lombardi, K., and Rucker, N. (1991). Symbiotic relatedness, narcissistic injury, and the context of culture. In Spring Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. Chicago, Illinois.
Lombardi, K., and Rucker, N. (1991). Parallel dreams as a form of transitional relatedness with the silent patient. In Spring Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. Chicago, Illinois.
Lombardi, K. (1989). Regression, unconscious communication, and transitional space. In Spring Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association. Boston, MA.
Lombardi, K. (1989). Images of women in psychoanalysis. In Interdisciplinary conference: The role and significance of the Image in Contemporary American Culture. Garden City, NY.
Lombardi, K. and Civin, M. (1988). The preconscious and potential space. In Spring Meeting, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis). San Francisco, California.
Lombardi, K. and Lapidos, E. (1987). Therapeutic engagements with children: Integrating infant research and clinical practice. In Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Lombardi, K. and Esquilin, S.C. (1983). Client-therapist misperceptions: How issues of social class, race, and ethnicity justify poor delivery of services. In 60th Annual Meeting, American Orthopsychiatric Association. Boston, MA.
Lombardi, K., Dennis, R., Leiderman, B. and Zelinger, F. (1979). The internship in school psychology: An intensive multisupervisory model. In National Association of School Psychologists. San Diego, California.
Lombardi, K., Esquilin, S.C., Cohen, C., Nix, V. and Sitgraves, M. (1977). Racial and social class biases in projective testing. In 54th Annual Meeting, American Orhtopsychiatric Association. New York, NY.
Lombardi, K. and Nix, V. (1976). Racial issues in psychotherapy: Realism or symbolism? In 53rd Annual Meeting, American Orthopsychiatric Association. Atlanta, GA.
Lombardi, K., Cohen, S., Kerman, S., Nix, V. and Schwartz, A. (1975). Culture of poverty revisited. In 52nd Annual Meeting, American Orthopsychiatric Association. Washington, D.C..