Katz, M., Hilsenroth, M., Rokah, N., Wolster, O., & Ziv-Beiman, S. (In Press). Interaction between Alliance and Technique Use in the Prediction of Client Post-Session Change: Replication and Extension of Owen et al. (2013) in a Different Cultural Context. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,
Cersosimo, B. H., Hilsenroth, M. J., Siefert, C., & Blais, M. A. (In Press). Antisocial Personality Traits and Outcome in Psychotherapy: Does the Therapeutic Alliance Mediate Negative Effects? Psychotherapy,
Diener, M. J., Hilsenroth, M. J., & Giannopoulos, E. (2025). Therapist affect focus and patient outcomes in psychodynamic therapy: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychotherapy. Advance online publication.
Giannopoulos, E., & Hilsenroth, M. (2024). Therapist Ratings of Technique and Alliance Among Adults With Eating Disorders: Support for Integrative Treatment. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 34, 392-400.
Katz, M., Hilsenroth, M., Johnson, N., Budge, S., & Owen, J. (2024). Window of Opportunity": Clients' Experiences of Crying in Psychotherapy and Their Relationship with Change, the Alliance, and Attachment. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication.
Cersosimo, B. H., Hilsenroth, M. J., Bornstein, R. F., Gold, J. R., & Blais, M. A. (2023). Convergence in Patient and Therapist Alliance Ratings Early in Treatment with PAI Clinical Scales and Subscales. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 30, 1512–1519.
Cersosimo, B. H., Hilsenroth, M. J., Bornstein, R. F., Gold, J. R., & Blais, M. A. (2022). Personality assessment inventory items in relation to patient- and therapist-rated alliance. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29(6), 1905–1917.
Katz, M., Ziv-Beiman, S., Rokah, N., & Hilsenroth, M. (2022). Crying in psychotherapy among Israeli patients and its relation to the working alliance, therapeutic change and attachment style. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 22, 439–457.
Cersosimo, B., Hilsenroth, M., Bornstein, R., & Gold, J. (2022). Personality Assessment Inventory Clinical Scales in Relation to Patient and Therapist Rated Alliance Early in Treatment. Assessment, 29, 806-816.
Levy, S. R., Hilsenroth, M. J., Conway, F., & Owen, J. (2022). Patient personality characteristics and therapeutic integration:treating borderline personality and emotionally dysregulated-dysphoric personality features. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 25(2), 173-188. https://dx.doi:10.4081/ripppo.2022.611
Capps Umphlet, K., Fiori, K., Mullin, A., Cain, L., & Hilsenroth, M. (2021). Patient crying during psychotherapy intake sessions: Relationship to patient characteristics and early treatment process. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28,1482–1493.
Slavin-Mulford, J., Amerson, L., Cain, L., Hilsenroth, M., Wilcox, M., & Stein, M. (2021). How Narrative Source Impacts Convergence of Ratings From the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale - Global Rating Method with Psychotherapy Process Measures. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28.1550–1561.
Katz, M., Hilsenroth, M., Moore, M., & Gold, J. R. (2021). Profiles of Adherence and Flexibility in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Cluster Analysis. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 31, 348-362.
Groth, T., Hilsenroth, M., McMillen, K., Cersosimo, B., Bindon, N., Cain, L., & Katz, M. (2021). How are expert therapists similar, different, and integrative in the treatment of borderline personality disorder? Psychotherapy, 58, 310-323.
Slavin-Mulford, J., Amerson, L. Hilsenroth, M., Zodan, J., Charnas, J., Cain, L.A., & Stein, M.B. (2021). Are all narratives the same: Convergent and discriminant validity of the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global Rating Method (SCORS-G) across two narrative types. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,28,623–632.
Genova, F., Zingaretti, P., Gazzillo, F., Tanzilli, A., Lingiardi, V., Katz, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2021). Patients’ Crying Experiences in Psychotherapy and Relationship With Working Alliance, Therapeutic Change and Attachment Styles. Psychotherapy, 58, 160-171.
Groth, T., & Hilsenroth, M. (2021). Psychotherapy techniques related to therapist alliance among adolescents with eating disorders: The utility of integration. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 31, 104–114.
McMillen, K., Hilsenroth, M., Moore, M., & Gold, J. (2021). Interpersonal clusters in a depressed outpatient sample. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 5, 1-8.
Cersosimo, B., & Hilsenroth, M. (2021). Personality Pathology Severity, Cluster Type and Specific Therapeutic Interventions in Outpatient Psychotherapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21, 154-163.
Groth, T., Hilsenroth, M., Boccio, D., & Gold, J. (2020). Relationship between Trauma History and Eating Disorders in Adolescents. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 13, 443-553.
Groth, T., Hilsenroth, M., Gold, J., Boccio, D.,& Tasca, G. (2020). Therapist Factors Related to the Treatment of Adolescent Eating Disorders. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice,51, 517–526.
Cain, L., & Hilsenroth, M. (2020) Examining the Relationship Between Object Relations and Interpersonal Distress in a Clinical Sample. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 27, 760–769.
Bindon, N.O. & Hilsenroth, M.J. (2020). Evaluation of adaptive interpersonal vulnerability and relationship to attachment style. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 48, 26-40.
Munder, M., Flückiger, C., Leichsenring, F., Abbass, A.A., Hilsenroth, M.J., Luyten, P., Rabung, S., Steinert, C., Wampold, B.E. (2019). Let’s distinguish relative and absolute efficacy to move psychotherapy research forward. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 65, 178-182.
Leichsenring F, Abbass A, Hilsenroth M, Luyten P, Rabung S, Steinert C (2019). Equivalence testing: reversed hypotheses, margins, and the need for controlling researcher allegiance. Psychological Medicine 49, 876–878.
Luyten P, Leichsenring F, Abbass A, Hilsenroth M, Rabung S, Steinert C (2019). What to conclude from a nonrandomized clinical trial comparing dialectical behavior therapy and mentalization-based treatment in patients with borderline personality disorder? Psychological Medicine 49, 2810–2811.
McMillen K,. & Hilsenroth MJ. (2019). What interpersonal problems are related to different therapeutic techniques early in treatment? Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,26, 502-509.
Munder T, Flückiger C, Leichsenring F, Abbass AA, Hilsenroth MJ, Luyten P, Rabung S, Steinert C, Wampold BE (2019). Is psychotherapy effective? A re-analysis of treatments for depression. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 28, 268–274.
Katz, M., Hilsenroth, M. J., Gold, J. R., Moore, M., Pitman, S. R., Levy, S. R., & Owen, J. (2019). Adherence, flexibility, and outcome in psychodynamic treatment of depression. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 66(1), 94-103.
Hilsenroth, M., Katz, M., & Tanzilli, A. (2018). Psychotherapy Research and the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2). Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35, 320-327.
Leichsenring, F., Abbass, A., Driessen, E., Hilsenroth, M., Luyten, P., Rabung, S., & Steinert, C. (2018). Equivalence and non-inferiority testing in psychotherapy research. Psychological Medicine, 48, 1917-1919.
Leichsenring, F., Abbass, A., Hilsenroth, M., Luyten, P., Munder, T., Rabung, S., & Steinert, C. (2018). “Gold Standards,” Plurality and Monocultures: The Need for Diversity in Psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9:159.
Goldman, R., Hilsenroth, M., Gold, J., Cersosimo, B., Levy, S., & Owen, J. (2018). Psychotherapy Integration and Borderline Personality Pathology: An Examination of Treatment Outcomes. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 28, 444-461.
Katz, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2018). Psychodynamic Technique Early in Treatment Related to Outcome for Depressed Patients. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 25, 348-358
Tanzilli, A., Lingiardi, V., & Hilsenroth, M. (2018). Patient SWAP-200 personality dimensions and FFM traits: Do they predict therapist responses? Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9, 250-262.
Glock, G., Hilsenroth, M., & Curtis, R. (2018). Therapeutic Interventions Patients with Anxiety Problems Find Most Helpful: A Case for Integration? Journal of Psychotherapy Integration,28, 233-241.
Goldman, R., Hilsenroth, M., Gold, J., Owen, J., & Levy, S. (2018). Psychotherapy Integration and Alliance: An Examination across Treatment Outcomes. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 28, 14-30.
Mullin, A., Hilsenroth, M., Gold, J., & Farber, B. (2018). Facets of Object Representation: Process and Outcome over the Course of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100, 145-155.
Nienhuis, J. B., Owen, J., Valentine, J. C., Black, S. W., Halford, T. C., Parazak, S. E., Budge, S., & Hilsenroth, M. J. (2018). Therapeutic alliance, empathy, and genuineness in individual adult psychotherapy: A meta-analytic review. Psychotherapy Research, 28, 593-605.
Katz, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2017). Is Therapist Evaluation of Social Anxiety/Avoidance Traits Associated with Patient-Reported Attachment Style? Psychiatry Research, 257, 226-232.
Pitman, S., Hilsenroth, M., Weinberger, J., Conway, F., & Owen, P. (2017). Psychotherapy Technique Related to Changes in Anxiety Symptoms with a Transdiagnostic Sample. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205, 427-435.
Miller, R., Hilsenroth, M., & Hewitt, P. (2017). Perfectionism and Therapeutic Alliance: A Review of the Clinical Research. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 20, 19-29.
Pitman, S., Hilsenroth, M., Goldman, R., Levy, S., Siegel, D., & Miller, R. (2017). Therapeutic Technique of APA Master Therapists: Areas of Difference and Integration Across Theoretical Orientations. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48, 156-166.
Leichsenring, F., Abbass, A., Hilsenroth, M., Leweke, F., Luyten, P., Keefe, J., Midgley, N., Rabung, S., Salzer, S., & Steinert, C. (2017). Biases in research: risk factors for non-replicability in psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy research. Psychological Medicine, 47, 1000-1011.
Weil, M., Katz, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2017). Patient and Therapist Perspectives during the Psychotherapy Termination Process: The Role of Participation and Exploration. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 45, 23-43.
Miller, R., & Hilsenroth, M. (2017). Assessing Anaclitic and Introjective Psychopathology Using the SWAP-200 Q-Sort: Concurrent Validity with the IIP. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24, 932-941.
Wampold, B., Fluckiger, C., Del Re, A.C., Yulish, N., Frost, N., Pace, B., Goldberg, S., Miller, S., Baardseth, T., Laska, K., & Hilsenroth, M. (2017). In Pursuit of Truth: A Critical Examination of Meta-Analyses of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 14-32.
Mullin, A., Hilsenroth, M., Gold, J., & Farber, B. (2017). Changes in Object Relations over the Course of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24, 501-511.
Slavin-Mulford, J., Clements, A., Hilsenroth, M., Charnas, J., & Zodan, J. (2016). An examination of generalized anxiety disorder and dysthymia utilizing the Rorschach inkblot method. Psychiatry Research, 240, 137–143.
Pitman, S. & Hilsenroth, M. (2016), Interpersonal Subtypes of Anxiety Disorder Patients: Relationship to Assessment and Treatment Variables. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204, 513-518.
Briggie, A., Hilsenroth, M., Conway, F., Muran, J.C., & Jackson, J. (2016), Patient Comfort With Audio or Video Recording of Their Psychotherapy Sessions: Relation to Symptomatology, Treatment Refusal, Duration, and Outcome. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47, 66-76.
Smith, S., Levy, S., Hilsenroth, M., Fiori, K., & Bornstein, R. (2016), Relationship Between Patient SWAP-200 Personality Characteristics and Therapist-Rated Therapeutic Alliance Early in Treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204, 437-444.
Colli, A., Speranza, A., Lingiardi, V., Gentile, D., Nassisi, V., & Hilsenroth, M. (2015), Eating disorders and therapist emotional responses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203, 843-849.
Lehmann, M. E., Levy, S. R., Hilsenroth, M. J., Weinberger, J., Fuertes, J., & Diener, M. (2015), Evaluating pre-treatment patient insight as a factor in early therapeutic technique. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 23, 199-213.
Leichsenring, F., Luyten, P., Hilsenroth, M., Abbass, A., Barber, J., Keefe, J., Leweke, F., Rabung, S. & Steinert, C. (2015), Psychodynamic Therapy Meets Evidence-Based Medicine: A Systematic Review Using Updated Criteria. Lancet Psychiatry, 2, 648-660.
Levy, S., Hilsenroth, M. & Owen, J. (2015), Relationship Between Interpretation, Alliance and Outcome in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Control of Therapist Effects and Assessment of Moderator Variable Impact. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203, 418-424.
Hilsenroth, M., Kivlighan, D. & Slavin-Mulford, J. (2015), Structured Supervision of Graduate Clinicians in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Alliance and Technique. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 173-183.
Siefert, C. & Hilsenroth, M. (2015), Client Attachment Status and Changes in Therapeutic Alliance Early in Treatment. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 22, 677-686.
Gold, S., Hilsenroth, M., Kuutmann, K., & Owen, J. (2015), Therapeutic Alliance in the Personal Therapy of Graduate Clinicians: Relationship to the Alliance and Outcomes of Their Patients. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 22, 304-316.
Caligor, E., Roose, S., Hilsenroth, M., & Rutherford, B. (2015), Developing a Protocol Design for an Outcome Study of Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 35, 150-168.
Capps, K., Fiori, K., Mullin, A., & Hilsenroth, M. (2015), Patient crying in psychotherapy: Who cries, and why? Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 22, 208-220.
Sanders, A., Hilsenroth, M., & Fowler, J.C. (2014), Object Representation Quality, Therapeutic Alliance, and Psychotherapy Process. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 78, 197-227.
Pitman, S., Slavin-Mulford, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2014), Psychodynamic Techniques Related to Outcome for Anxiety Disorder Patients At Different Points in Treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202, 391-396.
Owen, J. & Hilsenroth, M. (2014), Treatment Adherence: The Importance of Therapist Flexibility in Relation to Therapy Outcomes. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 280-288.
Joseph, D., Hilsenroth, M., & Diener, M. (2014), Patient Participation in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Contributions of Alliance and Therapist Technique. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 68, 319-338.
Smith, S., Hilsenroth, M., Fiori, K., & Bornstein, R. (2014), Relationship Between SWAP-200 Patient Personality Characteristics and Patient-Rated Alliance Early in Treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202, 372-378.
Kivlighan, D., Marmarosh, C., & Hilsenroth, M. (2014), Client and Therapist Therapeutic Alliance, Session Evaluation and Client Reliable Change: A Moderated Actor Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 15-23.
Zodan, J., Hilsenroth, M., Charnas, J., Goldman, R., & Bornstein, R. (2014), Rorschach Assessment of Childhood Sexual Abuse Severity, Borderline Pathology and their Interaction: An Examination of Criterion Validity. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 6, 318-327.
Mullin, A., & Hilsenroth, M. (2014), The Relationship Between Patient Pre-Treatment Object Relations Functioning and Psychodynamic Techniques Early in Treatment. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 21, 123-131.
Goldman, R., Hilsenroth, M., Owen, J., & Gold, J. (2013), Psychotherapy Integration and Alliance: Use of Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques within a Short-Term Psychodynamic Treatment Model. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration,, 23, 373-385.
Monroe, J., Diener, M., Fowler, J.C., Sexton, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2013), Criterion Validity of the Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30, 535-566.
Leichsenring, F., Abbass, A., Luyten, P., Hilsenroth, M & Rabung, S. (2013), The Emerging Evidence for Long-Term Psychodynamic Therapy. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 41, 361-384.
Siegel, D., & Hilsenroth, M. (2013), Process and technique factors associated with patient ratings of session safety during Psychodynamic psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 67, 257-276.
Owen, J., Hilsenroth, M., & Rodolfa, E. (2013), Interaction among Alliance, Psychodynamic-Interpersonal and Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques in the Prediction of Post-Session Change. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 20, 513-522.
Caligor, E., Hilsenroth, M., Devlin, M., Rutherford, B., Terry, M., & Roose, S. (2012), Will patients accept randomization to psychoanalysis? A feasibility study. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 60, 337-360.
Pesale, F., Hilsenroth, M., & Owen, J. (2012), Patient Early Session Experience and Treatment Outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 22, 417-425.
Fowler, J.C., Hilsenroth, M., Groat, M., Biel, S., Biedermann, C., & Ackerman, S. (2012), Risk factor for medically serious suicide attempts: Evidence for a psychodynamic formulation of suicide crisis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,, 60, 555-576.
Mayotte-Blum, J., Slavin-Mulford, J., Lehmann, M., Pesale, F., Becker-Matero, N., & Hilsenroth, M. (2012), Therapeutic Immediacy Across Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: An Evidence-Based Case Study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 27-40..
Owen, J., Quirk, K., Hilsenroth, M., & Rodolfa, E. (2012), Working Through: In-Session Processes that Promote Between Session Thoughts and Activities. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 161-167..
Kuutmann, K., & Hilsenroth, M. (2012), Exploring In-Session Focus on the Patient-Therapist Relationship: Patient Characteristics, Process and Outcome. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19, 187-202.
Leichsenring, F., Salzer, S., Hilsenroth, M., Leibing, E., Leweke, F., & Rabung, S. (2011), Treatment integrity: An unresolved issue in psychotherapy research. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 7, 313-321.
Slavin-Mulford, J., Hilsenroth, M., Weinberger, J., & Gold, J. (2011), Therapeutic Interventions Related to Outcome in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorder Patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, 214-221..
Stein, M., Siefert, C., Vala-Stewart, R., & Hilsenroth, M. (2011), Relationship between the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS) and Attachment Style in a Clinical Sample. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18, 512-523..
Slavin-Mulford, J., Hilsenroth, M., Blagys, M., & Blais, M. (2011), Experiences Related to Expert Supervisors' Views of Ideal Therapuetic Practice. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 11, 97-104..
Owen, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2011), Interaction between Alliance and Technique in Predicting Patient Outcome during Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, 384-389..
Lehmann, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2011), Evaluating Psychological Insight in a Clinical Sample Using the SWAP. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, 354-359..
Haggerty, G., & Hilsenroth, M. (2011), The use of videotape in psychotherapy supervision. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 27, 193-210..
Diener, M., Hilsenroth, M., Shaffer, S., & Sexton, J. (2011), A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between the Rorschach Ego Impairment Index (EII) and Psychiatric Severity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18, 464-485..
DeFife, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2011), Starting Off on the Right Foot: Common Factor Elements in Early Psychotherapy Process. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 21, 172-191..
Westen, D., DeFife, J., Bradley, B., & Hilsenroth, M. (2010), Prototype Personality Diagnosis in Clinical Practice: A Viable Alternative for DSM-V and ICD-11. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41, 482-487..
Stein, M., Pesale, F., Slavin, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2010), A Training Outline for Conducting Psychotherapy Process Ratings: An Example using Therapist Technique. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 10, 50-59..
Cromer, T. & Hilsenroth, M. (2010), Patient Personality Characteristics and Outcome in Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198, 59-66..
Charnas, J., Hilsenroth, M., Zodan, J., & Blais, M. (2010), Should I Stay or Should I Go? PAI and Rorschach Indices of Early Withdrawal From Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 47, 484-499..
Zodan, J., Charnas, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2009), Rorschach Assessment of Reality Testing, Affect and Object Representation of Borderline Pathology: A Comparison of Clinical Samples. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 73, 121-142.
Wright, A., Pincus, A., Conroy, D., & Hilsenroth, M. (2009), Integrating Methods to Optimize Circumplex Description and Comparison of Groups. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91, 311-322.
Stein, M., Hilsenroth, M., Pinsker-Aspen, J., & Primavera, L. (2009), Validity of DSM-IV Axis V Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF): A Multi-Method Assessment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197, 50-55..
Smith, S., Hilsenroth, M., & Bornstein, B. (2009), Convergent Validity of the SWAP-200 Dependency Scales. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197, 613-618.
Pesale, F. & Hilsenroth, M. (2009), Patient and Therapist Perspectives on Session Depth in Relation to Technique During Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 46, 390-396.
Haggerty, G., Hilsenroth, M., & Vala-Stewart, R. (2009), Attachment and Interpersonal Distress: Examining the Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Interpersonal Problems in a Clinical Population. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 16, 1-9.
Gold, S. & Hilsenroth, M. (2009), Effects of Graduate Clinicians’ Personal Therapy on Therapeutic Alliance. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 16, 159-171.
Diener, M.J., Hilsenroth, M.J., & Weinberger, J. (2009), A Primer on Meta-Analysis of Correlation Coefficients: The Relationship between Patient-Reported Therapeutic Alliance and Adult Attachment Style as an Illustration. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 519-526.
Baity, M., Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., Fowler, C., & Padawer, J. (2009), Self-Mutilation, Severity of Borderline Psychopathology, and the Rorschach. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 73, 203-225.
Hilsenroth, M., & Slavin, J. (2008), Integrative Dynamic Treatment for Co-Morbid Depression and Borderline Conditions. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 18, 377-409.
DeFife, J., Hilsenroth, M., & Gold, J. (2008), Patient Ratings of Psychotherapy Session Activities and their Relation to Outcome. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196, 538-547.
Kochinski, S., Smith, S., Baity, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2008), Rorschach Correlates of Adolescent Self Mutilation. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 72, 39-62.
Stein, M., Pinsker, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2007), Borderline Pathology and the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI): An Evaluation of Criterion and Concurrent Validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88, 81-89.
Slavin, J., Stein, M., Pinsker, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2007), Early Memories from Outpatients with and without a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 12, 435-451.
Pinsker, J., Stein, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2007), The Clinical Utility of Early Memories as Predictors of Therapeutic Alliance. Psychotherapy, 44, 96-109.
Hilsenroth, M., Menaker, J., Peters, E., & Pincus, A. (2007), Assessment of Borderline Pathology Using the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex Scales (IIP-C): A Comparison of Clinical Samples. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 14, 365-376.
Hilsenroth, M., Eudell-Simmons, E., DeFife, J., & Charnas, J. (2007), The Rorschach Perceptual and Thought Index (PTI): An Examination of Reliability, Validity, and Diagnostic Efficiency. International Journal of Testing, 7, 269-291.
Hilsenroth, M., DeFife, J., Blake, M., & Cromer, T. (2007), The Effects of Borderline Pathology on Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Depression. Psychotherapy Research, 17, 175-188.
Hilsenroth, M., & Cromer, T. (2007), Clinician Interventions Related to Alliance During the Initial Interview and Psychological Assessment. Psychotherapy, 44, 205-218.
Hilsenroth, M., Charnas, J., Zodan, J., & Streiner, D. (2007), Criterion Based Training For Rorschach Scoring. Training & Education in Professional Psychology, 1, 125-134.
Hilsenroth, M. (2007), A Programmatic Study of Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Assessment, Process, Outcome and Training. Psychotherapy Research, 17, 31-45.
Eudell-Simmons, E. & Hilsenroth, M. (2007), The Use of Dreams in Psychotherapy: An Integrative Model. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 17, 330-356.
Diener, M.J., Hilsenroth, M.J., & Weinberger, J. (2007), Therapist Affect Focus and Patient Outcomes in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 936-941.
Bradley, R., Hilsenroth, M., Guarnaccia, C., & Westen, D. (2007), Relationship Between Clinician Assessment and Self Assessment of Personality Disorders Using the SWAP-200 and PAI. Psychological Assessment, 19, 225-229.
Siefert, C., Hilsenroth, M., Weinberger, J., Blagys, M., & Ackerman, S. (2006), The Relationship of Patient Defensive Functioning and Alliance with Therapist Technique During Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 13, 20-33..
Peters, E., Hilsenroth, M., Eudell-Simmons, E., Blagys, M., & Handler, L. (2006), Reliability and Validity of the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale in Clinical Use. Psychotherapy Research, 16, 606-614.
Hilsenroth, M., DeFife, J., Blagys, M., & Ackerman, S. (2006), Effects of Training in Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Changes in Graduate Clinician Technique. Psychotherapy Research, 16, 293-305.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., & Hilsenroth, M. (2005), Impact of Event Scale Prediction of DSM-IV PTSD and Physical Symptoms in Gulf War Veterans. Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal, 8, 215-228.
Hilsenroth, M., Blagys, M., Ackerman, S., Bonge, D., & Blais, M. (2005), Measuring Psychodynamic-Interpersonal and Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques: Development of the Comparative Psychotherapy Process Scale. Psychotherapy, 42, 340-356.
Hilsenroth, M., Arsenault, L., & Sloan, P. (2005), Criterion Validity of the Hand Test in the Assessment of Combat-Related Stress and Physical Symptoms of Gulf War Veterans. Journal of Personality Assessment, 84, 156-163.
Giyaur, K., Sharf, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2005), The Capacity for Dynamic Process Scale (CDPS) and Patient Engagement in Opiate Addiction Treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 193, 833-838.
Eudell-Simmons, E., Stein, M., DeFife, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2005), Reliability and Validity of the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS) in the Assessment of Dream Narratives. Journal of Personality Assessment, 85, 325-333.
Eudell-Simmons, E. & Hilsenroth, M. (2005), A Review of Empirical Research Supporting Four Conceptual Uses of Dreams in Psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 12, 255-269.
DeFife, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2005), Clinician Rated Defensive Structure and the Assessment of Depression. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 193, 176-182.
Clemence, A., Hilsenroth, M., Ackerman, S., Strassle, C., & Handler, L. (2005), Facets of the Therapeutic Alliance and Perceived Progress in Psychotherapy: Relationship Between Patient and Therapist Perspectives. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 12, 443-454.
Callahan, K., Hilsenroth, M., Jonay, T., & Waehler, C. (2005), Longitudinal Stress Responses to the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in a New York Metropolitan College Sample. Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal, 8, 45-60.
Callahan, K., & Hilsenroth, M. (2005), Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adult Defensive Functioning. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 193, 473-479..
Ackerman, S., Hilsenroth, M., & Knowles, E. (2005), Ratings of Therapist Dynamic Activities and Alliance Early and Late in Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 42, 225-231.
Price, J., Hilsenroth, M., Callahan, K., Petretic-Jackson, P., & Bonge, D. (2004), A Pilot Study of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 11, 378-391.
Hilsenroth, M., & Stricker, G. (2004), A Consideration of Challenges to Psychological Assessment Instruments Used in Forensic Settings: Rorschach as Exemplar. Journal of Personality Assessment, 83, 141-152.
Hilsenroth, M., Peters, E., & Ackerman, S. (2004), The Development of Therapeutic Alliance During Psychological Assessment: Patient and Therapist Perspectives Across Treatment. Journal of Personality Assessment, 83, 331-344.
Hilsenroth, M., Baity, M., Mooney, M., & Meyer, G. (2004), DSM-IV Major Depressive Episode Criteria: An Evaluation of Reliability and Validity Across Three Different Rating Methods. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 8, 3-10.
Diener, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2004), Multi-Method Validity Assessment of the SWAP-200 Dysphoric Q-Factor. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192, 479-486.
Callahan, K., Price, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2004), A Review of Interpersonal-Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy Outcomes For Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 54, 491-519.
Young, J., Laux J., Waehler C., McDaniel, P., & Hilsenroth, M. (2003), Four Studies Extending the Utility of the Schwartz Outcome Scale (SOS-10). Journal of Personality Assessment, 80, 130-138.
Smith, S., Hilsenroth, M., Baity, M., & Knowles, E. (2003), Assessment of Patient and Therapist Perspectives on Process: A Revision of the Vanderbilt Psychotherapy Process Scale. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 57, 195-205.
Hilsenroth, M., Callahan, K., & Eudell, E. (2003), Further Reliability, Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Overall Defensive Functioning. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 191, 730-737.
Hilsenroth, M., Ackerman, S., Blagys, M., Baity, M., & Mooney, M. (2003), Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Depression: An Evaluation of Statistical, Clinically Significant, and Technique Specific Change. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 191, 349-357.
Blais, M, Holdwick, D., McLean, R. Otto, M., Pollack, M., & Hilsenroth, M., (2003), Exploring the Psychometric Properties and Construct Validity of the MCMI-III Anxiety and Avoidant Personality Scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 81, 237-241.
Callahan, K., Price, J., & Hilsenroth, M. (2003), Psychological Assessment of Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse within a Naturalistic Clinical Sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 80, 174-185.
Ackerman, S., & Hilsenroth, M. (2003), A Review of Therapist Characteristics and Techniques Positively Impacting the Therapeutic Alliance. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, 1-33.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., & Hilsenroth, M. (2002), Use of the Rorschach in Assessment of War-Related Stress in Military Personnel. Rorschachiana: Yearbook of the International Rorschach Society, 25, 86-122.
Meyer, G., Hilsenroth, M., Baxter, D., Exner, J., Fowler, C., Piers, C., & Resnick, J. (2002), An Examination of Interrater Reliability for Scoring the Rorschach Comprehensive System in Eight Data Sets. Journal of Personality Assessment, 78, 219-274.
Hilsenroth, M., Ackerman, S., Clemence, A., Strassle, C., & Handler, L. (2002), Effects of Structured Clinician Training on Patient and Therapist Perspectives of Alliance Early in Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 39, 309-323.
Blagys, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2002), Distinctive features of Short-Term Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy: An Empirical Review of the Comparative Psychotherapy Process Literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 671-706.
Baity, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2002), Rorschach Aggressive Content Variable: A Study of Criterion Validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 78, 275-287.
Viglione, D., & Hilsenroth, M. (2001), The Rorschach: Facts, fictions, and future. Psychological Assessment, 13, 452-471.
Smith, S., & Hilsenroth, M. (2001), Discriminative Validity of the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale with Cluster B Personality Disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 801-813.
Smith, S., Baity, M., Knowles, E., & Hilsenroth, M. (2001), Assessment of Disordered Thinking in Children and Adolescents: The Rorschach Perceptual and Thought Index. Journal of Personality Assessment, 77, 447-463.
Price, J., Hilsenroth, M., Petretic-Jackson, P., & Bonge, D. (2001), A Review of Individual Psychotherapy Outcomes for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Clinical Psychology Review, 21, 1095-1121.
Presley, G., Smith, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Exner, J. (2001), Rorschach Validity with African Americans. Journal of Personality Assessment, 77, 491-507.
Hilsenroth, M., Ackerman, S., & Blagys, M. (2001), Evaluating the Phase Model of Change During Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research, 11, 29-47.
Fowler, C., Piers, C., Hilsenroth, M., Holdwick, D., & Padawer, R. (2001), Assessing Risk Factors for Various Degrees of Suicidal Activity: The Rorschach Suicide Constellation (S-CON). Journal of Personality Assessment, 76, 333-351.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Piers, C. (2001), An Empirical Study of Seriously Disturbed Suicidal Patients. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 49, 161-186.
Blais, M., Kelley, J., Holdwick, D., & Hilsenroth, M. (2001), The Perceived Clarity and Understandability of the DSM-IV Personality Disorder Criteria Sets. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 42, 466-470.
Baumann, B., Hilsenroth, M., Ackerman, S., Baity, M., Smith, C., Smith, S., Blagys, M., Price, J., Heindselman, T., Mount, M., & Holdwick, D. (2001), The Capacity for Dynamic Process Scale (CDPS): An Examination of Reliability, Validity, and Relation to Therapeutic Alliance. Psychotherapy Research, 11, 275-294.
Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., Castlebury, F., Fowler, C., & Baity, M. (2001), Predicting DSM-IV Cluster B Personality Disorder Criteria from MMPI-2 and Rorschach Data: A Test of Incremental Validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 76, 150-168.
Ackerman, S., Hilsenroth, M., Clemence, A., Weatherill, R., & Fowler, C. (2001), Convergent Validity of Rorschach and TAT Scales of Object Relations. Journal of Personality Assessment, 77, 295-306.
Ackerman, S., & Hilsenroth, M. (2001), A Review of Therapist Characteristics and Techniques Negatively Impacting the Therapeutic Alliance. Psychotherapy, 38, 171-185.
Smith, S., Wingenfeld, S., Hilsenroth, M., Reddy, L., & LeBuffe, P. (2000), The Use of the Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders in the Assessment of Attetion-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 22, 237-255.
Hilsenroth, M., Ackerman, S., Blagys, M., Baumann, B., Baity, M., Smith, S., Price, J., Smith, C., Heindselman, T., Mount, M., & Holdwick, D. (2000), Reliability and Validity of DSM-IV Axis V. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 1858-1863.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Handler, L. (2000), Martin Mayman’s Early Memories Technique: Bridging the gap between Personality Assessment and Psychotherapy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 75, 18-32.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Nolan, E. (2000), Exploring the inner world of self-mutilating borderline patients: A Rorschach investigation. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 64, 365-385.
Bornstein, R., Hilsenroth, M., Padawer, J., & Fowler, C. (2000), Interpersonal Dependency and Personality Pathology: Variations in Rorschach Oral Dependency Scores across Axis II Diagnoses. Journal of Personality Assessment, 75, 478-491.
Blagys, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (2000), Distinctive features of Short-Term Psychodynamic-Interpersonal Psychotherapy: An Empirical Review of the Comparative Psychotherapy Process Literature. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 7, 167-188.
Baity, M., McDaniel, P., & Hilsenroth, M. (2000), Further Exploration of the Rorschach Aggressive Content (AgC) Variable. Journal of Personality Assessment, 74, 231-241.
Ackerman, S., Hilsenroth, M., Clemence, A., Weatherill, R., & Fowler, C. (2000), The Effects of Social Cognition and Object Representation on Psychotherapy Continuation. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 64, 386-408.
Ackerman, S., Hilsenroth, M., Baity, M., & Blagys, M. (2000), Interaction of Therapeutic Process and Alliance during Psychological Assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment, 75, 82-109.
Smith, S., Hilsenroth, M., Castlebury, F., & Durham, T. (1999), The Diagnostic Utility of the MMPI-2 Antisocial Practices Content Scale. Journal of Personality Disorders, 13, 385-393.
Fowler, C., & Hilsenroth, M. (1999), Some Reflections on Self-Mutilation. Psychoanalytic Review, 86, 719-729.
Clemence, A., Hilsenroth, M., Sivec, H., & Rasch, M. (1999), Hand Test AGG and AOS Variables: Relationship with Teacher Ratings of Aggressiveness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 73, 334-344.
Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., Fowler, C., & Conboy, C. (1999), A Rorschach Exploration of the DSM- IV Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 563-572.
Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., & Fowler, C. (1999), Diagnostic Efficiency and Hierarchical Functioning of the DSM-IV Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 187, 167-173.
Baldrachi, R., Hilsenroth, M., Arsenault, L., Sloan, P., & Walter, C. (1999), MMPI-2 Assessment of Varying Levels of Post-Traumatic Stress in Vietnam Combat Veterans. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 21, 109-116.
Baity, M., & Hilsenroth, M. (1999), Rorschach Aggression Variables: A Study of Reliability and Validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 72, 93-110.
Ackerman, S., Clemence, A., Weatherill, R., & Hilsenroth, M. (1999), Use of the TAT in the Assessment of DSM-IV Cluster B Personality Disorders. Journal of Personality Assessment, 73, 422-448.
Walter, C., Hilsenroth, M., Arsenault, L., Sloan, P., & Harvill, L. (1998), Use of the Hand Test in the Assessment of Combat-Related Stress. Journal of Personality Assessment, 70, 315-323.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., Hilsenroth, M. (1998), A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Mississippi Scale for Combat Related PTSD in detecting war-related stress symptomatology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 1085-1090.
Holdwick, D., Hilsenroth, M., Blais, M., & Castlebury, F. (1998), Identifying the Unique and Common Characteristics Among the DSM-IV Antisocial, Borderline, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 39, 277-286.
Hilsenroth, M., Holdwick, D., Castlebury, F., & Blais, M. (1998), The Effects of DSM-IV Cluster B Personality Disorder Symptoms on the Termination and Continuation of Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 35, 163-176.
Hilsenroth, M., Fowler, C., & Padawer, R. (1998), The Rorschach Schizophrenia Index: An Examination of Reliability, Validity, and Diagnostic Efficiency. Journal of Personality Assessment, 70, 514-534.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Handler, L. (1998), Assessing Transitional Relatedness with the Early Memories Test: A Construct Validity Study. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 62, 455-474.
Clemence, A., Hilsenroth, M., Sivec, H., Rasch, M., & Waehler, C. (1998), Use of the Hand Test in the Classification of Psychiatric In-patient Adolescents. Journal of Personality Assessment, 71, 228-241.
Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., & Fowler, C. (1998), Rorschach Assessment of DSM-IV Histrionic Traits. Journal of Personality Assessment, 70, 362-371.
Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., & Castlebury, F. (1997b), The Content Validity of the DSM-IV Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Criteria Sets. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 38, 31-37.
Blais, M., Hilsenroth, M., & Castlebury, F. (1997a), Psychometric Characteristics of the Cluster B Personality Disorders Under DSM-III-R and DSM-IV. Journal of Personality Disorders, 11, 270-278.
Hilsenroth, M., Fowler, C., Padawer, J., & Handler, L. (1997), Narcissism in the Rorschach Revisited: Some Reflections on Empirical Data. Psychological Assessment, 9, 113-121.
Celenza, A., & Hilsenroth, M. (1997), Personality Characteristics of Mental Health Professionals Engaged in Sexualized Dual Relationships: A Rorschach Investigation. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 61, 90-107.
Castlebury, F., Hilsenroth, M., Handler, L., & Durham, T. (1997), Use of the MMPI-2 Personality Disorder Scales in the Assessment of DSM-IV Antisocial, Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Assessment, 4, 141-154.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Handler, L. (1996b), A Multimethod Approach to Assessing Dependency: The Early Memory Dependency Probe. Journal of Personality Assessment, 67, 399-413.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Handler, L. (1996a), Two methods of early memories data collection: An empirical comparison of the projective yield. Assessment, 3, 63-71.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., Hilsenroth, M. J., Handler, L., & Harvill, L. (1996), Rorschach measures of Post-traumatic stress in Persian Gulf War Veterans: A 3-year follow-up. Journal of Personality Assessment, 66, 54-64.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., Hilsenroth, M. J., & Harvill, L. (1996), Assessment of non-combat, war-related Post-traumatic stress symptomatology: Validity of the PK, PS and IES scales. Assessment, 3, 37-41.
Hilsenroth, M., Handler, L., & Blais, M. (1996), Assessment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Multimethod Review. Clinical Psychology Review, 16, 655-684.
Wagner, E., Wagner, C., Hilsenroth, M. & Fowler, C. (1995), A taxonomy of Rorschach autisms with implications for differential diagnosis among thinking disordered patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 290-293.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., Hilsenroth, M. J., & Harvill, L. (1995), Use of the Mississippi Scale for Combat Related PTSD in detecting war-related, non-combat, stress symptomatology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 799-801.
Sloan, P., Arsenault, L., Hilsenroth, M. J., Harvill, L., & Handler, L. (1995), Rorschach measures of Post-traumatic stress in Persian Gulf War Veterans. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64, 397-414.
Sivec, H. J., Hilsenroth, M. J, & Lynn, S. J. (1995), The impact of simulating borderline personality disorder on the MMPI-2: A costs-benefits model employing base rates. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64, 295-311.
Hilsenroth, M., Handler, L., Toman, K., & Padawer, J. (1995), Rorschach and MMPI-2 indices of early psychotherapy termination. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 63, 956-965. [Abstracted in Clinician’s Research Digest (May, 1996), 14 (5), pg.2].
Hilsenroth, M. J. & Handler, L. (1995), Graduate students' experiences, interests and attitudes about learning the Rorschach. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64, 243-257.
Hibbard, S., Hilsenroth, M., Klesper-Hibbard, J., & Nash, M. (1995), A validity study of two projective object representation measures. Psychological Assessment, 7, 432-439.
Fowler, C., Hilsenroth, M., & Handler, L. (1995), Early memories: An exploration of theoretically derived queries and their clinical utility. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 59, 79-98.
Sivec, H. J., & Hilsenroth, M. J. (1994), The use of the Hand Test with children and adolescents: A review. School Psychology Review, 23, 526-545.
Hilsenroth, M. J., Fowler, C., Sivec, H. J., & Waehler, C. A. (1994), Concurrent and discriminant validity between the Hand Test pathology score and MMPI-2. Assessment, 1, 111-113.
Hilsenroth, M. J., Hibbard, S., Nash, M. R., & Handler, L. (1993), A Rorschach study of narcissism, defense, and aggression in Borderline, Narcissistic, and Cluster C personality disorders. Journal of Personality Assessment, 60(2), 346-361.
Waehler, C., Rasch, M., Sivec, H., & Hilsenroth, M. (1992), Establishing a placement index for behaviorally disturbed children using the Hand Test. Journal of Personality Assessment, 58, 537-547.
Wagner, E. E., Hilsenroth, M. J., & Sivec, H. J. (1990), Raw scores vs. percentage conversions in factorial solutions for projective test variables. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 71, 827-831.
Hilsenroth, M.J., & Sivec, H.J. (1990), Relationships between Hand Test variables and maladjustment in school children. Journal of Personality Assessment, 55, 344-349.
Sivec, H.J., Hilsenroth, M.J., & Wagner, E.E. (1989), Correlation's between Hand Test variables and intelligence for public school students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 69, 241-242.