Feingold, R.S. and Fiorentino, L (2005). Physical Education in the United States, in Uwe Puhse, COMPARATIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Basel, Switzerland: Swiss Institute.
Feingold, R, Crum, B, O'Sullivan, M, and Naul, R. (2002). Sport Pedagogy in VADE MECUM,. Berlin, Germany: ICSSPE.
Feingold, R.S. (2001). LEADING FACULTY AND STAFF THROUGH A CHANGING HIGHER MATRIX , in Bryant and Passmore, Administrative Leadership in Health, Kinesiology, and leisure. Phila, PA: Kendall/Hunt.
Feingold, R.S. (2001). Recent trends in physical education in the United States, in Chin, M.K., et. al. , INNOVATION AND APPLICATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT SCIENCES: AN ASIAN-PACIFIC PERSPECTIVE. Hong Knog: Hong Knog Institute of Education.
Feingold, R.S., et. al. (1999). EDUCATION FOR LIFE. Garden City, NY: Adelphi.
Feingold, R.S. (1996). Public Health: Role of Physical Education, in Lidor, R, et al., BRIDGING THE GAPS BETWEEN DISCIPLINES, CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. Netanya, Israel: Zinman College.
Feingol, R.S. (1996). Health and Physical Education: Partners for the Future, in Lidor, R., BRIDGING THE GAPS BETWEEN DISCIPLINES CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. Netanya, Israel: Zinman College.
Feingold, R.S., Barrette, G.T., and Rees, C.R. (1995). Yoouth Sport, in Hawkins and Nastasi, VIEWING THE YEAR 2000. Melbourne, Australia: Brown and Benchmark.
Feingold, R.S. (1995). Health and Wellness, in Hawkins and Nastasi, VIEWING THE YEAR 2000. Melbourne, Australia: Brown and Benchmark.
Feingold, R.S. (1993). Health and Wellness: Future Preospects in the year 2000, in Tubino, et. al., PROSPECTS FOR THE YEAR 2000. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Gamma Filho.
Feingold, R.S., C.R. Rees, and G.T. Barrette, (1991). Strategies for school fitness curricular modification, in Almond, L., er. al., PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT. Loughborough, United Kingdom: Loughborough University.
Feingold, R.S. (1990). Sport Education: the Fitness Component, in Telama, R., PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND LIFE-LONG PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Jyvaskyla University.
Feingold, R.S. (1990). Integration through Diversity, in INTEGRATION OR DIVERSIFICATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT STUDIES. Netanya, Israel: Gill, publ.
Feingold, R.S (1989). Organizational Strategiesin the Development of new Curricular Options, in Barrieo, H., HUMAN KINETICS. Lisbon, Portugal: Lisbon.
Feingold, R.S. (1987). Why can't the sport sociologist teach sociology of physical education? in Feingold et. al., SPORT PEDAGOGY: MYTHS, MODELS AND METHODS. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
Feingold, R.S., Barrette, G.T., Rees, C.R. and Pieron, M. (1987). SPORT PEDAGOGY: MYTHS, MODELS AND METHODS. Champaign: Human Kinetics, publ.
Feingold, R.S. and Barrette, G.T. (1984). Amodel Teacher Preparation Program, in Vendien, Jaeger and Nixon, PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER EDUCATION: INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING. NY: John Wiley, publ.
Feingold, R.S (1978). CONTINUING (IN-SERVICE) EDUCATION: PROFESSION DIRECTION OR DELIMMA. champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, Publ.
Dougherty, N., Feingold, R.S., and Studer, G. (1976). CAREERS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, Publ..
Dougherty, N., Feingold, R.S., and Studer, G. (1976). COMPETENCY-BASED PHYSICAL DUCATION. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, Publ.
Dougherty, N., Feingold, R.S. and Studer, G (1976). MAINSTREAMING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, Publ.
Dougherty, N., Feingold, R.S., and Studer, G. (1975). TITLEIX: MOVING TOWARDS IMPLEMENTATION. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, Publ.
Feingold, R. S., Beck, R., and Tiemann, P. (1969). OUTLINES FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS. Champaign, Il: Stipes, Publ.
Feingold (2004), Higher Education: Service to Society. Proceedings: Asian Physical Education Association.
Feingold, R.S. (1997), Service based scholarship: An Introduction. QUEST.
Feingold, R.S. and Fiorentino, L. (1997), Service Based Scholarship. QUEST.
Feingold, R.S. (1994), Making Connections: An Outline for the Future. QUEST.
Feingold, R.S. (1993), Health and Wellness in the Third Millennium. Int. J. Physical Education.
Berenson, Virgilio, Feingold, and Kowalski (1993), School Fitness education. ERIC Monograph.
Feingold, R.S. (1992), Compact for Learning: re-thinking our mission. NYSAHPERD Journal.
Feingold, R.S., Rees, C.R. and Barrette, G.T. (1991), Overcoming obstacles in collaboration and integration. QUEST, 43.
Feingold, R.S. and Lidstone, J. (1991), The case for integration and collaboration, reprise. QUEST, 43.
Feingold, R.S. and Lidstone, J. (1991), Integration and Collaboration: Challenge for the Future. QUEST, 43.
Rees, C.R., Feingold, R.S., and Barrette, G.T. (1991), Benefitting Youth Sport. JOPERD.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Feingold, R.S. (2009). Education Leadership: Superordinate Goal Theory. In NAKPEHE. Scottsdale, Ariz.
Feingold, R.S, DePauw, K, and Shelton, C. (2006). International Perspectives - World Summit and the Role of the United States. In AAHPERD. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Feingold, R.S and Amade Escot, Chantal (2005). New Perspectives in Pedagogy. In World Summit. Magglingen, Switzerland.
Feingold, R.S. (2005). Small Steps - Big Ideas. In NYSAHPERD - First Feingold Lecture. Rochester, NY.
Feingold (2004). Making a case: higher education connection. In ICPE (int. Conf Phys.Education. Hong Kong.
Feingold (2004). EDA Scholar Lecture. In EDA. Burlington, VT.
Feingold, et. al., (2003). International Cooperation. In AAHPERD. Phila, PA.
Feingold (2001). Research: Role of physical activity. In Connecticut State Conf - HPERD. CN.
Feingold (2001). Making a case for physical education. In Buck's County Teachers Association. PA.
Feingold (2000). Physical Activity and Cognition. In NY State Health and Literacy Conf. Hudson, Valley, NY.
Feingold (2000). Physical Education's Future. In National Student Leadership -HPERD Conference. Alabama.
Feingold (2000). New directions in physical education. In Asian Conference on Physical Education. Hong Kong.
Feingold (2000). Keynote (Brown Lecture)-New Directions. In New Jersey State HPERD Conf. NJ.
Feingold, R.S. and Davis, M (1999). Advocacy in Physical Education. In World Summit on School Physical Education. Berlin, Germany.
Feingold (1999). Future Perspectives in Sport Science. In German Sport Science Association. Heidelberg, Germany.
Feingold (1998). Implementation of the new NY State Standards. In NY State Council of Administrators. Rochester, NY.
Feingold (1997). Higher Education: Integrative Model. In AIESEP. Rio deJaneiro, Brazil.
Feingold, et. al., (1995). Physical Best: Implementation Strategies. In NYSAHPERD. Syracuse.
Feingold, et al., (1995). Public Health: Role of physical education. In AIESEP. Netanya, Israel.
Feingold (1995). Keynote (Cagigal Lecture) Health and Physical Education: Partners for the future. In AIESEP. Netany, Israel.
Feingold, R.S. and Barrette, G.T. (1994). Adelphi Program: Future directions in the US. In EAST meets WEST Conference. Budapest, Hungary.
Feingold (1994). Health and Physical Education: Implications for schools. In First Annual Governor's Conference on Lifestyle Fitness and Sport. Saratoga Springs, NY.
Feingold (1994). Wellness Implications for Schools. In Eastern Regional Wellness Conference. Buffalo, NY.
Feingold (1994). D.M. Miller (Keynote Lecture) Directions in Higher Education. In University of Arizona, Humanities Lecture Series. Tucson, AZ.
Feingold (1994). Making Connections (Keynote - Sargent Lecture). In NAPEHE (Nat. Assoc. for Phys. Ed. in Higher Education). San Antronio, TX.
Feingold (1993). Youth Sport. In AIESEP. Ballarat, Australia.
Feingold (1993). Health and Wellness: Socio-pedagogical considerations. In AIESEP. Ballarat, Australia.
Feingold (1992). Ethics in Sport. In Pennsylvannia State -HPERD Conf. Lancaster,PA.
Feingold, R.S. and Barrette, G.T. (1992). The Collaborative Process: Adelphi Model. In Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress. Malaga, Spain.
Feingold (1991). Health and Fitness in the Year 2000 (Keynote). In AIESEP. Rio deJaneiro, Brazil.
Feingold, Barrette, and Rees (1990). Strategies for school fitness curricular modifications. In AIESEP. Loughborough, England.
Feingold (1990). Integration through diversity. In AIESEP. Netanya, Israel.
Feingold, Ress, and Barrette (1989). Youth Sport: Utilization of the superordinate goal theory. In AIESEP. Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Feingold, Rees, and Barrette (1989). Perspectives for improving intervention strategies for youth sport coaches. In AIESEP. Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Feingold (1989). Sport Education: the fitness component. In AIESEP. Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Feingold and Hellison (1989). A view of the total person: Integration of the sub-disciplines. In NAPEHE. San Antonio, TX.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Ron Feingold (2013, February). Leadership in Transition (Memorial Lecture). EDA-AAHPERD, Valley Forge,, PA.
Ron Feingold (2013, January). Vision in an Age of Acoountability - Hanna lecture. National Association Kinesiology in Higher Education, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Ron Feingold (2012, January). Kinesiology Branding. American Kinesiology Association, Dallas, TX.
Feingold, R.S. (2009, May). Keynote: USA Future Issues in School Physical Education. International Conference on School Physical Education and Technology, Iowa.
Feingold, R. S. (2008, February). EDA Research Keynote: Collaboration - Impact Based Research. EDA Convention, Newport, Rhode Island.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
1) EDA Research Scholar Keynote Presentation, February, 2008.
2) Luther Halsey Gulick Award, AAHPERD, -highest award, March, 2007.
3) NAKPEHE, Administrator of the Year, January, 2007
4) Nassau County Sports Commission, Lifetime Achievement Award, 2006.
5) NYSAHPERD named Ronald S. Feingold Lecture series to begin 2005.
6) Gold Cross Award, FIEP, Spain, 2002 -- Highest award of FIEP
7) Professional of the Year Award, NYSAHPERD, 2002 -- Highest award, NY State
8) James Dowling Award, American Heart Association -- lifetime service, 2002
9) Higher Education Award, Nassau Zone, NYSAHPERD, 2001
10) Professional of Year Award, Student Section, NYSAHPERD, 2001
11) Chair, North American Leadership Society, 2000-01.
12) Fellow, International Society of Scholars in Physical Education, 2000-.
13) Fellow, North American Leadership Society, AAHPERD, 2000-.
14) Margaret Brown Lecturer, New Jersey State Conference, 2000.
15) World Summit, Physical Education, Planning Committee, Berlin, 1999.
16) Co-Director, AIESEP World Congress, New York, 1998.
17) Service Award, Suffolk County, NYSAHPERD, March, 1997.
18) James Dowling Award for Lifetime Achievement, American Heart Association, Long Island, June, 1996.
19) Jose Maria Cagigal Lecturer, AIESEP, Israel, 1995.
20) National Honors Award, AAHPERD, 1995.
21) National Service Award, NAPEHE, Palm Springs, Calif, 1995.
22) University of New Mexico, Alumnus of the Year, 1994.
23) Donna M. Miller, Humanities Lecturer (6th Annual), University of Arizona, 1994.
24) Dudley A. Sargent Lecturer (13th annual), NAPEHE, 1994.
25) R. Tait McKenzie Award, National Award, AAHPERD, 1993.
26) Olympic Prize Committee, 1990-01
One of five members (Finland, Germany, Australia, and England) who select the best research in sport pedagogy - $10,000 prize.
27) Distinguished Leadership Award, American Heart Assoc (Nassau), 1991.
28) Professional Honor Award, EDA's highest award, 1990.
29) New York State Service Award, NYSAHPERD's highest award, 1987.
30) Distinguished Service Award, Physical Education Council, NYSAHPERD, 1985.
31) Alumni of the Year Award, University of New Mexico, 1980
32) Member, New York Academy of Science, 1980 -
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
1) AIESEP, (Assoc. Int des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique), President, President, 1998-2006
2) UNESCO, CIECEPS Committee on Pedagogy, 2002-
3) Pre-Olympic Conference, Planning Committee, 2003-2004
4) AAHPERD, (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance) President, 1999-0
5) QUEST, Associate Editor, 1997-1999
6) Quest, editorial review board, 1997-1999
7) NAPEHE, Board Member, 1994-04
8) Physical Best (National Fitness Education Project), steering committee, 1992-7
9) EDA District Representative, AAHPERD Board, 1993-4
10) Nassau County Sports Commission, Board, 1992-01
11) President, NAPEHE, (National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education), 1992-93.
12) President, EDA, Eastern District of the AAHPERD, 1992-93
13) World University Games, pre-conference - central planning committee, 1990-93
14) Chairman of the Board, American Heart Association (Nassau), 89-91.
15) Vice President, NAPEHE, 1988-91
16) Vice President, Physical Education, EDA/AAHPERD, 1988-90.
17) American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate Board member, 1988-92.
18) Board of Directors, AIESEP, Assoc. Inter. ecole Superieur d'Education Physique (sixteen countries represented on the board), 1985-2006
19) State Education Department/NYSAHPERD, Chair on the Compact for Education Committee, Education reform 1990-92.
20) New York State Committee on Education Outcomes, Chair, 1991-5
21) Alliance Scholar Committee Chair, AAHPERD, 1990-92
22) Vice President Nassau Heart Assoc, 89-90
23) Vice President, NAPEHE, 1984-86.
24) President, NYSAHPERD, New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1984.
25) ACSM, Amer College of Sports Medicine, Special Projects Committee, 1982.
26) Chair, Speakers Bureau, Amer Heart Assoc, Nassau, 80-82.
27) Executive Board, NYSAHPERD, Nassau Zone (74-77), (79-04)
28) Executive Board, NYSAHPERD, (83-87).
29) Chair Exercise Committee, American Heart, Nassau (79-82)
30) Board of Directors, Nassau County Sports Medicine Council (77-82).
31) Quest, Editorial Review Board, (National Publication of NAPEHE), 79-82.
32) Professional Directions Committee, NCPEA,75-78.
33) President, New York State Professional Preparation Council, 76.
34) President Higher Education Section, NYSAHPERD, 1975
35) National Research Committee, NCPEA, 1973-76.
American Heart Association, (Long Island and Nassau County)Board Member 1975- 2005, Chairman of the Board 1989-91.
American Heart Association (New York State) Board Member, 91-93
Nassau County Sports Commission, member of the Board, 1992-2002.
Nassau County Sports Medicine Committee, 1977-82
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