Glock, G., Hilsenroth, M., & Curtis, R. C. The interventions patients with anziety problems find most helpful: A case for integration? Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
Curtis, R. C. (2017). The use of imagery in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 36, 593-602.
Curtis, R. C. (2016), Psychotherapy in a Global Community. PsycCritiques, 61 (17).
Curtis, R. C. (2016), One Self or Many? PsycCritiques, 61 (19).
Curtis, R. C. (2015), Knowing Psychosis When You See It. PsycCritiques, 60 (48).
Curtis, R.C. & Tittel, L. (2014), Opening the door to the gas chamber after a generation of silence. PsycCritiques.
Curtis, R. C. (2014), Research supporting psychoanalytic and psychodynamic treatments. Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
Curtis, R. C. (2012), New experiences and meanings: A model of change for psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, online version, 81-98.
Curtis, R.C. & Winarick D.A. (2012), Jung's personality theory:No, the Myers-Briggs. PsychCritiques, 57 (8).
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2011), Speaking Freely: My Experiences in Individual Psychotherapies, Group Psychotherapies, and Growth Groups. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2010), Review of Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 44, 536-538.
Curtis, R. & Katzander, N. (2010), Tank half full: Regulating the selfand its irrational emotions. PsycCritiques, 55 (3).
Curtis, R., Winarick, Daniel (2008), Unifying psychoanalysis and developmental psychology: A review of Attachment and Sexuality. psycCRITIQUES 53 (11).
Curtis, R.C. (2008), Self-Defeating Behaviors. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences..
Curtis, R. (2007), Self-Defeating Behavior. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
Curtis, R (2007), A little night science. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 43.
Curtis, R (2007), Psychoanalytic Training: Is there any need for change? Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 43, 135-140.
Curtis, R. C. (2006), Don't Eat Your Heart Out! Review of Adam Phillips’ Going Sane. PsycCRITIQUES, 51.
Curtis, R. C. (2006), Pyrrhic Revenge, Piers, and Disappointed Bridges. PsycCRITIQUES..
Curtis, R. C. (2006), Can We Hope to Measure "The Self"? PsycCRITIQUES.
Curtis, R. C. (2006), Separating the Baby of change from the Backwater of Theoretical Context. PsycCritiques, 51.
Curtis, R. C. (2005), Control-Mastery Theory: Is It a Comprehensive Theory of Therapeutic Action? Review of G. Silberschatz’ Transformative Relationships. PsycCRITIQUES, 50 (19).
Curtis, R. C., Field, C., Knaan-Kostman, I., & Mannix, K. (2004), What 75 Psychoanalysts Found Helpful and Hurtful in Their Own Analyses. Psychoanalytic Psychology.
Curtis, R. C. (2002), Termination from a Psychoanalytic Perspective. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 350-357.
Curtis, R. C. (2002), "Both/And" and But: A review of J. C. Muran's Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process. Contemporary Psychology.
Curtis, R. C. (2001), Can We Overuse Our Strengths? A review of J. Safran and J.C. Muran's Negotiating the Therapeutic Alliance: A Relational Treatment Guide. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 37, 329-335.
Curtis, R. C. (1999), Robbing a Man of His Illusions. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 157-160.
Curtis, R. C. (1999), The Angry Patient. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 133-142.
Curtis, R. (1996), The Death of Freud and the Rebirth of Free Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 563-589.
Curtis R. (1992), A Process View of Consciousness and the Self Integrating Our Sense of Agency with our Sense of Community. Psychological Inquiry, 3, 29-32.
Curtis R. (1992), A Process View of Consciousness and the Self Integrating Our Sense of Agency with our Sense of Community. Psychological Inquiry, 3, 29-32.
Curtis, R.C. (1992), Self-organizing Precess, Anxiety and Change:From Helplessness and Destructiveness to Creative Problem Solving. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 2, 295-319.
Curtis, R.C. & La Noue, J.B. (1984), Improving Women's Performance in Mixed Sex Situations by Effort Attributions. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9, 165-173.
Curtis, R.C. (1981), Success and Failure, Gender Differences and the Menstral Cycle. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5, 702-710.
Curtis, R.C. & Schildhaus, J. (1980). (1980), Children's Attributions to Sefl and Situation. Journal of Social Psychology, 110, 109-114.
Curtis, R.C. (1979), Effects of Self Interest and social Relationships Upon Choice of Equity, Utilitarian and Rawlsain Principles of Justice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 9, 16-175.
Curtis, R.C., Zanna, M.P. & Campbell W. (1975), Sex, Fear of success and the Perceptions and Performance of Law School Students. American Educational Research Journal, 11, 187-197.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Curtis, R. C.. What nurses need t know and may already know about psychotherapy. World congress on Nursing and Health. Rome, Italy.
Curtis, R. C., Tanner, J. G., & Cooper, A. (2019). How Helpful Trauma Surivivors found Various Interventions. Paper prresented at the UK-EU meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Krakow, Poland.
Curtis, R. C (2019). The meaning of life. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Explration of Psychotherapy Integration. Lisbon, Portugal.
Curtis, R. C. (2017). Identity and the experiential self. Paper given at the International Conference of Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences. Brighton, UK.
Curtis, R. C. (2016). Sleep no more: Nightmares in emerging nazi Germany. Paper given at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, Rutgers University, NJ.
Curtis. R. C. (2016). Lies, Deception, Imposters and Lack of Disclosure in Psychotherapy and Life. In Joint International Conference of Psychoanalytic Societies. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Curtis, R. C. (2016). Women Who Marry Terrorists. In International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies. New York, NY.
Curtis, R. C. (2015). (2015). Loneliness, Self-Harm & Suicide. In International Psychoanalytic Association. Boston, Ma.
Curtis, R. C. (2015). (2015). Toward of General Theory of Motivation: Survival and Survival of Meaning as Two Basic Motives. In European Congress of Psychology. Milan, Italy.
Curtis, R. C. (2015). (2015). The Power of Evoking Imagery in Clinical Work. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Baltimore, MD.
Moy, L., Curtis, R. C., Hien, D., Gorman, B. (2015). Helpful or Harmful? Online Communities for Non-Suicidal SElf-Injury. In Association for Psychological Science. New York, NY.
Curtis, R. C. (2014). Surivial and Survival of Meaning: Two Primary Motives. In American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Curtis, R.C.& Lapin, C. (2014). Social Media and Jealousy. In American Psychological Association. Washington., DC.
Curtis, R. C. (2014). Loneliness and Longing: Psychoanalytic, psychological and philosophical perspectives. In American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Lapine, C. & Curtis, R. C. (2014). Social Media and Text messaging: How are romantic relationships affected in the 21st Century. In International Association for Relattionship "Research. Melbourne,, Australia.
Curtis, R. C. (2014). Passion and Passion Plus. In Joint International Meeting of Psychoanalytic Societies. Florence, Italy.
Curtis,R. C. (2014). Preventing Self-harm. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Univ. of Copenhagen, Coopenhagen, Denmark.
Curtis R.C. & Georgiana, S (2014). What was most helpful in Treatment of Persons with Eating Disorders? In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lapine, C. & Curtis R.C. (2014). Social Media and Text Messaging. In Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Lapine, C. (2014). Social Media and Text Messaging: The Effect on Romantic Relationships. In Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.
Curtis, R. C. (2014). Pragmatic Integrative Supervision of Psychotherapy. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Montreal, Canada.
Curtis, R.C. (2014). Failure: Psychoanalytic Explorations. In Psychoanalytic Divison of the American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Curtis, R. C. (2013). New Experiences & New Meanings: Adding Meaning to Perls' Gloria. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Barcelona, Spain.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2012). Forbidden Vocies: Difference and Desires. In Joint International Conference of Psychoanalytic Societies (pp. 20). Copthorne Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2012). Veiled, Indecent Voices. In Art and Psyche (pp. 30). New York University, New York, NY.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2012). Loneliness and Longing: Conscious and Unconscious Aspects. In Psychoanalytic Division of American Psychological Association (pp. 15). La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2012). The Physicist David Bohm's Ideas about Creativity and Mind. In Psychoanalytic Division of American Psychological Association (pp. 20). La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Curtis, R. C. (2012). The role of freedom and discipline in moving beyond the secure and familiar. In International Organization of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (pp. 15). New York, NY.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2012). The Unconscious Mind in Psychoanalysis and Psychology. In International Organization for Relational Psychoanalysis, Barcelona (pp. 30). Barcelona, Spain.
Curtis R.C. (2012). Dissociation in Psychoanalysis and Academic Psychology. In Relational Psychoanalysis Group. Bracelona, Spain.
Curtis, R.C. (2011). The Boogie Woogie Rumble of the Unconsicous Processes: The Mind in Scientific Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Curtis, R.C. (2011). Unconscious Processes in Psychoanalysis and Psychology. In Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis. Brookline, MA.
Curtis, R. C. (2011). An integrative model of psychological change: New experiences and meanings of experiences (NEMES). In World Congress of Psychotherapy. Sydney, Australia.
Curtis, R. C. (2011). The self and mind of divergent therapeutic modalities: Toward a unifed paradigm. In World Congress of Psychotherapy. Sydney, Australia.
Frank, T & Curtis R.C. (2011). They Really Will Grow Out of It! In Eastern Psychological Association. Cambridge, MA.
Graziano, B.J., Curtis R.C., Heinowitz, A.E. & Fiori, K.L. (2011). Personality and Political Extremism. In American Psychological Association. Washington D.C..
Curtis, R.C. (2011). The Self and Mind of divergent Therapeutic Modalities: Toward a Unified Paradigm. In World Congress of Psychotherapy. Sydney,Australia.
Curtis, R. C. & Massie, S. (2011). Why patients say they stopped psychotherapy. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Bern, Switzerland.
Roberts J & Curtis, R.C. (2011). Profile of a Facebook Addict:Effects of Impulsivity and Extroversion. In New York State Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Massie, R.C. & Curtis, R.C. (2011). Ready for Intimacy but not Commitment:African-American and Caucasian Men andWomen are Asked About Marriage. In New York State PsychologicalAssociation. New York, NY.
Curtis, Rebecca Coleman (2010). System Justification and Psychoanalysis. In Association for Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ.
Curtis, R. (2010). Fame, Fortune, & Failure:Suicides Among Celebrities. In Failure: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Curtis, R. (2010). An Integrated View of the Self and MInd. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Asilomar, CA.
Curtis, R. (2010). Unifying Views of the Mind and Change. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Florence, Italy.
Curtis, R.C. (2010). Intergrating Non-Psychoanalytic Techniques into Psychoanalysis. In Sullivan Institute of Psychoanalysis. Florence, Italy.
Curtis, R. & Frank, T. (2010). Working with Abused Children in the Inner City. In Spring Meeting of the Psychoanalytic Division of the American Psychological Association. Chicago, Ill..
Bohm, L.C., Curtis R.C. et al (2010). Taboo or Not Taboo? Forbidden Thoughts, Forbidden Acts in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. In Psychoanalytic Division of the American Psychological Association. Chicago, Il.
Graziano, B.J., Curtis, R.C. & Fiori, K.L (2010). A Correlational Study of Personality and Political Extremism. In Adelphi University Research Conference. Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
Curtis, R. (2010). Market Economies and the Creation of Unlimited Desires. In Institute of Cultural Studies. Hanoi, Viet Nam.
McCue, A & Curtis R.C. (2009). Recall of Positive and Negative Information Consistent and Inconsistent with the Self-View. In Mid-Atlantic Society for Psychotherapy Research. University of Penn, Philadelphia, PA.
Curtis, R. (2009). Chinese Communism and Its Effects on a Patient in Psychoanalysis. In Assoc. for te Psychoanalytic Study of Society and Culture. Rutgers Univ, NJ.
Curtis, R.C. (2009). The Toleration of Extreme Inequality. In Association for the Psychoanalytic Study of Culture and society. Rutgers University, New Brunswik, NJ.
Curtis, R. C. (2009). Lust and Desire in Psychoanalysis. In Seven Deadly Sins. St. Jacut de la Mer, Brittany.
Curtis, R.C. (2009). Bridging the Gap: Reconnecting Psychoanalysis and Psychological Scients. In Annual Spring Meeting of the Psychoanalytic Division. San Antonio, TX.
Curtis, R.C. (2009). Desire, Self, Mind and Psychotherapies. In Annual Spring Meeting of Psychoanalytic Division. San Antonio, TX.
Curtis R.C. (2009). Our Civilization and its Discontents. In Psychoanalytic Spring Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Sullivan, K.M. & Curtis, R.C. (2009). Alexvthymia, Dreams & Physical Health. In Emotions Pre-Conference Society of Social and Personality psychology. Tampa, FL.
Curtis, R (2008). Loneliness, Longing and Love: Laura and Her Fictional Managerie. In Loneliness & Yearnings:Joint International Conference of Psychoanalytic Societies. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Harris, L., Curtis, R., & Rotella, K. (2008). Hesitations of marriage. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Barcelona, Spain.
Crosby, J. & Curtis, R. (2008). Theories of change in psychotherapy candidates. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Barcelona, Spain.
Curtis, R (2008). Infidelity: Attachment styles, narcissism and sadism. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Barcelona, Spain.
Camporese, M., Curtis, R. & Arias, A. (2008). Attachment styles of students who live at home, in the dorm, or study abroad. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Barcelona, Spain.
Curtis, R.C. (2008). Infidelity:Attachment Styles, Narcissism and Sadism. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Baracelona, Spain.
Curtis, R. (2008). The Case of Rachel. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Boston, MA.
Curtis, R. (2008). The NEMES (New Experiences and Meanings of Experience) model:Implications for Psychotherapy Integration. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Boston, MA.
Curtis, R. (2008). Dangerous Dissociations in Two Clinical Cases: Suicide and a Green Card Marriage. In Psychoanalytic Division of APA. NY, NY.
Arisleida, Addy & Curtis, R. (2008). Attachment Styles of Students who live at home, in the Dorm and Go Abroad. In National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Salisbury Univ., Salisbury, Md.
Paul-Oduard, R. & Curtis, R (2008). Emotional Intelligence, Social Problem-Solving and Demographics as Predictors of Well-Being in Women with Multiple Roles. In Work & Stress. Washington, D. C..
Barra, M & Curtis R.C. (2008). Occupational Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Perfectionism. In Conference on Work and Stress. Washington DC.
Curtis, R. (2007). Depression, Globalization & Psychoanalysis. In Assoc. for the Psychoanalytic Study of Society and Culture. Rutgers, Univ., NJ.
Sullivan, K & Curtis, R. (2007). The Perceived Health Effects of Accessing Emotions and Recalling Dreams. In Emotions. Tilburgh Univ., The Netherlands.
Curtis, R.C. & Andriano, L (2007). Therapists' Theories of Change. In Mid-Atlantic Society for Psychotherapy Research. Fordham University, New York, NY.
Freeman, A. & Curtis, R. (2007). Early Memories, Attachment & Favorite Tales. In Mid-Atlantic Society for Psychotherapy Research. Forham Univ., NY, NY.
Curtis, R. & Andriano, L (2007). Therapists'Theories of Change. In Mid-Atlantic Society for Psychotherapy Research. Fordham Univ., NY, NY.
Curtis, R. (2007). Metamorphosis: The NEMES (New Experiences and New Meanings of Experiences ) Model of Change. In International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Athens, Greece.
Curtis, R.C (2007). Creativity and Madness. White Institute.
Curtis, R. Calverhouse, C. & Andriano, L (2007). Ph.D. Candidates' Theories of Change in Psychotherapy. In European Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madeira, Portugal.
Curtis R.C., Calverhouse, C & Andriano L (2007). Candidates' Theories of Change in Pscyotherapy. In European Society for Psycholtherapy Research. Maderia, Portugal.
Miller, A & Curtis, R (2007). Deconstructing Gaydar. In Summit on Multiculturalism. Seattle, WA.
Curtis, R.C (2007). Metamorphosis: The NEMES Model of Change. In Interntional Association of relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy,. Athens, Greece.
Haran, T & Curtis R.C. (2006). Power Distribution in the Therapeutic Dyad Predicts satisfaction Beyond Alliance. In North American Society for Psychotherapy Research. Burr Oak, OH.
Curtis, R.C (2006). Globalization, depression and the Social Unconscious. White Institue, New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (2006). Unlimited Desires, Globalization, Deprivation and Depression: Toward a Social Unconscious. In American Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA.
Krachenfels, J, Curtis R.C. & Shefet, O (2006). Anxiety, Repression and Recal of Positive and Negative Information about the Self. In Association for Psychological Science. New York, NY.
Mannix, K & Curtis, R.C. (2006). The Perceived Health effects of Accessing emotions and Recalling Dreams. In Association for Psychological Science. New York, NY.
Lapidos, A. Yaar-Golan, M & Curtis, R.C. (2006). Emotional Intelligence, Attachment and Recollections of Parents' Behaviors. In Psycholanalytic Division of the American Psychological Associations. Philadelphia, PA.
Schrey C, Curtis R.C, Eagle, M & Jackson, J. (2005). Effectiveness of a Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at a University Based Outpatient Clinic for Nine Symptom Dimension. In American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Curtis R.C (2005). Has the Interpretation-Insight Model Been Washed out to Sea? The Tsunami of the New Experiences Model of Therapeutic Action. In Psychoanalytic Division of the American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Owen, C. & Curtis R.C. (2005). Adjustment to the Empty Nest and Aging: Attachment Style and toerh Predictors. In American Psychologoical Association. Washington DC.
Paul-Oduard, R. & Curtis, R.C. (2005). Emotional Intelligence Predicts Creativity and Performance on GRE Type Logical Reasoning Task. In American Psychological Associations.
Morrier C., Curtis R.C & Shefet O (2005). Actors vs Non-Actors: Self Complexity, Narcissism and depression. In American Psychological Association. Washington DC.
Owen, C & Curtis R.C (2005). Aging Well, the Empty Nest, Emotional Well Being and Attachment Style. In American Psychological Society. Los Angeles, CA.
Curtis R.C. (2005). The Power of Images in the Media, Globalism and the Social Unconscious. In Third Joint International Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
Collins, G & Curtis R.C. (2004). Effects of confrontational Interventions in Psychoanalysis. In North American Society for Psychotherapy Research. Springvale, UT.
Curtis R.C., Festa, L, Nagel, A & Coskuntuna S (2004). Three Empirical Studies of Masochism. In American Psychological Association. Honolulu, HA.
Lowe A. & Curtis R.C (2004). Self Reported Attachment and Defensive Style in Universities and Hospital. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Rome, Italy.
Futterman W & Curtis R.C. (2004). Attachment, Structural Analysis of Social Behavior, Perception of Parental Relationship and Recognition of Desire. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Rome, Italy.
Fest, L & Curtis, R.C. (2004). Adult Attachment and Masochism in Women. In Society for Psycholtherapy Research. Rome, Italy.
Curtis R.C (2004). Review of Three Empirical Studies Regarding Therapist Beliefs about what is Most Helpful and Hurtful in Relation to Theoretical Orientation. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Amsterdam, Holland.
Curtis, R.C. (2004). Supervision from an Integrative Perspective. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Amsterdam, Holland.
Momot, M. & Curtis, R.C. (2004). Cheating, Narcissism and attachment. In New York Stat Psychological Association. Saratoga Springs, NY.
Pinker, J., & Curtis, R. (2003). A Comparison of Therapeutic Techniques: Trainees, Therapist and Master Therapist. In North American Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Reseach. Newport, RI.
Curtis, R.C. (2003). Globalization, Relative deprivation and the Ideal Self. In Volcanic Mind. Enna, Italy.
Curtis, R.C (2003). What 75 Norwegian and American Analysts Found Helpful and Hurtful in their own Analysis. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Weimar, Germany.
Rosow, A & Curtis, R.C. (2003). Beliefs in Psychoanalysis and Religion and Tolerance for Uncertainty and Ambiguity. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Weimar, Germany.
Murphy, J & Curtis, R.C (2003). The Relation Between Self Concept and Traumatic Symptoms. In New York State Psychological Association.
Curtis, R.C. (2003). Queer Theory and the Vicissitudes of Similarity and Difference. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. New York, NY.
Farley, J., & Curtis R.C. (2002). Decisions, Stages and readiness for Change of substance Abuse: A Study of Barbados Substance Abusers. In New York State Psychological Association.
Mannix, K, Curtis, R.C., & Knaan-Kostman, I (2002). Comparison of techniques of Interpersonal and Freudian Pscyoanalysts. In Society of Psychotherapy Research. Santa Barbara, CA.
Lowe, A., Reich, W., & Curtis, R.C. (2002). Attachment Security is Association with a Mature Defense Style. In Eastern Psychological Association. Boston, MA.
Marino, A & Curtis, R.C. (2002). Blaming the Patient: A Comparison of Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Behavior therapist. In Society for the Psychotherapy Research. Santa Barbara, CA.
Curtis, R.C. (2002). The Death of Stephen Mitchell and New Beginnings. In Joint Psychoanalytic Society Conference. Dubllin, Ireland.
Curtis, R.C., Knaan-Kostmand, I, Mannix, K & Field, C (2002). What 75 Psychoanalysts Believed led Most to Change in Their Own Analyses. In International Congress of Applied Psychology. Singapore.
Curtis, R.C (2002). Terrors, Traumas and the Tolerance of Uncertainty. White Institute, New York, NY.
Curtis R.C. (2001). Conclusions to the Conference. In Society for the Evolution of Psychotherapy Intergration. Santiago, Chile.
Curtis, R.C. (2001). Projective Identification: Is There Any Value to the Concept if no the Word? In Society for the Evolution of Psychotherapy Integration. Santiago, Chile.
Curtis, R.C. (2001). Intergrating Queer Theory into our Theories of the Self. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy. New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (2001). Teaching Method Acting and Psychoanalysis: Similarities and Differences. In Psychoanalytic Division of the American Psychological Association. Santa Fe, NM.
Noll, L & Curtis, R.C. (2001). Recognition of Desires, Attachment Style and self Esteem of Participants in a Clinical and Non Clinical Sample. In North American Society for Psychotherapy Research. Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.
Curtis, R. & Knaan-Kostman, I (2001). Analysts as Patients: Changes in Their Own Analyses and Their Relation to Their Analyst's Behaviors. In North American Society for Psychotherapy Research. Puerta vallarta, Mexico.
Lowe, A., & Curtis, R.C. (2000). Defensive Style and Attachment. In Eastern Psychological Association. Baltimore, MD.
Curtis, R.C. (2000). Loving the Analysis of Transference-Countertransferance or Helping the Patient. In International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies. Brooklyn, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (2000). Doctor's Errors: The Costs of Secrecy in Psychoanalysis. In Joint International Meeting. Niagrar-on-the-Lake, Canada.
Curtis, R.C. (1999). The Emerging Social-Clinical Paradigm. In Society of Experimental Social Psychology. Columbus, OH.
Hugger, L & Curtis, R.C. (1999). Attachment and the Etiology of Violent Behavior. In Conference of Culture, Children and Violence. Columbia Universtiy, New York, N.
Curtis, R.C. (1999). Termination:Psychanalytic Perspective. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Maimi, FL.
Curtis R.C (1999). Ghosts Who In Plain Daylight Grab at Passerby:Integrating Gestalt Dream Technique into Psychoanalytic Treatment. In Society of Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Miami, FL.
Hugger, L & Curtis, R.C. (1999). Attachment Style and Psychological symptoms in Young Children. In American Psychological Association. Boston, MA.
Curtis, R.C. & Field, C (1999). What is Helpful and Hurtful in Psychoanalysis Analysts Report on their Own Analyses. In American Psychoanalytic Association. New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (1998). Interpersonal vs Relational Psychoanalysis: A precarious Balance. In Psychoanalytic Division of APA. Boston, MA.
Collins, G & Curtis, R.C. (1998). Complexity of Self Ideals and Depression. In American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Bossis, A, Curtis, R.C. & Hendricksen G. (1998). Attributions, Management Style & Symptoms in Family Member of Psychotics. In American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Curtis,R.C (1998). working with the Angry Patient. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Madrid, Spain.
Curtis, R.C. (1997). Repression, Dissociation and Splitting: Some Theoretical Comments. In Psychoanalytic Division. Denver, CO.
Curtis, R.C. (1997). Attachment, Abandonment and Missed Appointments: Three Successes and One Failure. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy. Canada.
Curtis, R.C. (1997). The Gender Factor: Women's Mental Health and Its Treatment. In World Federation of Mental Health. Finland.
Curtis, R.C. (1996). Facilitating a Creative Journey:Alternative Routes to Change. In Psychoanalytic division of the American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C (1996). Making the Implicit Explicit: When Do Interpretations Work. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy. Berkeley, CA.
Curtis R.C. (1995). From Hell's Pasture to the Gleaming Arch: A New Model of Unconscious Processes. In American Psychological Association. Santa Monica, CA.
Curtis, R.C. (1995). Psychotherapy with Dead Patients:Integrating Psychoanalytic and Non analytic Therapies. In European Congress of Psychology. Athens, Greece.
Curtis, R.C. (1995). Consciousness: Current Perspectives. In Derner Centennial Conference on Consciousness. Adelphi Univeristy, Garden City, NY.
Curtis R.C. (1995). Moments of being. W. A. White Institue, New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C., Velker, D. & Austin, S. (1994). Evaluation Anxiety, Death Anxiety and Punitivness Towards Others. In Eastern Psychological Association. Providence, RI.
Curtis, R.C., Austin, S. & Schultz, G (1994). Anxiety and Recall of Information Consistent & Inconsistent with Self Views. In Eastern Psychological Association. Providence, RI.
Curtis, R.C., Coskuntuna, S & Wright, J. (1994). Patients and Therapists Perceptions of Changes During Therapy. In Internation Congress of Applied Psychology. Madrid, Spain.
Curtis, R.C. (1994). Empathic Inquiry and Understanding. In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy. Buenos Aries, Argentina.
Curtis, R.C (1993). Opening Gambits in Psychotherapy. In society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (1993). Psychoanalysis at the Edge: The Emergin Model of Motivation and Mental Process. In American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.
Curtis, R.C. (1993). Ferenczi and Psychotherapy Integration. In International Conference of the Sandor Ferenczi society. Budapest, Hungary.
Curtis R.C. (1992). Sefl-Destructive Motivation:Personality, Social and Clinical Perspectives. In American Psychological Association. Washington D.C..
Curtis, R.C (1992). A Social-Clinical Model of Conscious and Unconscious Process. In American Psychological Association. Washington D.C..
Curtis, R.C. (1992). Effects of Anxiety Upon Expectancy Confirmation in Perception of Self and Others. In Society of Social Psychology. Louvain, Belgium.
Curtis R.C. (1992). The emerging Social-Clinical Theory of Personality, Motivation and Change. In International Congree of Psychology. Brussels, Belgium.
Curtis, R.C. (1991). Sexual Development and Self Worth in Children. In Women's Financial Association. World Trade Center, New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (1991). Avoiding Self-Defeating Behaviors. In Society of behavioral Therapy. Paine-Whitney Hospital, New York, NY.
Curtis, R.C. (1991). Psychoanalysis a Century Later. In American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Curtis, R.C., Zaslow, G & Pacell, D (1991). Self-Discrepancy, Self-Evaluation and Recall of Positive and Negative Information about the Self. In Eastern Psychological Assocation. New York, NY.
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