The Faculty Senate is the representative governing body of the Faculty, and has primary responsibility for establishing academic policies and the rules and regulations.

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee (SEC) provides leadership for the Faculty Senate. It is concerned with all areas of faculty authority and responsibilities as well as matters related to the strategy, goals and priorities of the university. The SEC is accountable to the faculty as a whole, from which it is elected. It maintains communication and provide information and recommendations on behalf of the Faculty Senate with all appropriate decision making and policy making bodies of the University.

The Senate Executive Committee exercises the following functions:

  • Call regular and special meetings of the Faculty;
  • Plan the agenda for such meetings;
  • Assign or refer the business of the Senate to appropriate committees for consideration and report;
  • Recommend the creation, abolition or alteration in the jurisdiction of the committees of the Senate;
  • Nominate members of the Senate or Faculty to membership on its committees;
  • Inform the Faculty at large on a regular basis of the results of the studies by and recommendations of the Senate committees;
  • Interpret all provisions of the Faculty Senate By-Laws; and
  • Discharge such other duties as may be delegated to it by the Faculty Senate.
Date & Time: March 28 12:15pm – 1:45pm
Location: Hybrid: Alumnae Hall, Room 132 and Virtual

Spring 2025 Meeting Schedule

Each meeting takes place virtually on Mondays between 3:45 and 5:15pm via Zoom.

  • February 3 – Meeting “I”
  • February 17 – Meeting “J”
  • March 3 – Meeting “K”
  • March 24 – Meeting “L”
  • April 7 – Meeting “M”
  • April 21 – Meeting “N”
  • May 5 – Meeting “O” and “A”


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More Info
Social Work Building, 352
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