National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
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We inevitably end up with prescription drugs at home that we no longer need or they’ve expired. We can’t flush them or throw them in the garbage (that’s killer to the environment) and we shouldn’t give them away (that’s illegal). How about dropping them off at our collection site and you’ll never have to worry about them again. Stop by the Nexus Building north entrance (facing South Ave.) and drop off your unused prescriptions no-questions-asked. Our volunteers will box them all up at the end of the day and prepare them for incineration.
This event is a part of a nationwide program through the Drug Enforcement Agency. Adelphi was one of the very first colleges on Long Island to offer this free service to the public and has become one of our most successful and important initiatives.
Registration is not required. Simply pop over and drop off what you have.
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. If you or someone you know is living with any issues related to substance use, reach out to your Alcohol and Other Drugs Program at or 516.833.8189. Services are free and confidential to all, currently enrolled, Adelphi students.