Date & Time: October 13 9:00am – 3:00pm
Location: Randall’s Island Harlem River Event Area

Attend the 10th annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration on Randall’s Island.

The event is free to attend but donations are appreciated to help fund future events and there will be food and other good for sale at the event, so it is recomended that participants bring cash.

To help interested students attend the event, The Multicultural Center, The Center for Student and Community Engagement, and the Resident Student Association have sponsored a bus that will be leave from the university center at 9:00 AM and will be available at the end of the event at 2:00 PM to beirng studnets back to campus. To reserve your free seat on the bus, please visit University Tickets. Students may also reserve a guest seat for 1 person to accompany them to the event. If you are taking your own transportation, you do not need a ticket from this page and can arrive whenever is best for you. For more information about the event we encourage you to check out the Instagram page @IPDNYC.

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