Critical Knowledge Forum: Race, Racism, and Barriers to Participation in the Geological Sciences
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In this talk Professor Jackson will discuss the importance of representation for increasing the engagement and participation of racial and ethnic minority groups in geoscience, drawing on examples from his own involvement in several TV productions.
He will highlight the barriers and outright hostility towards such representation, specifically with reference to his participation in this year’s Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. He will follow this by outlining why we should focus on diversity and will conclude by focusing on what can be done to tackle these issues.
About the Speaker
Christopher Jackson, PhD
Professor Christopher Jackson is Chair in Sustainable Geoscience at the University of Manchester. Having completed his BSc (1998) and PhD (2002) at the University of Manchester, Chris was employed as an exploration research geologist in the Norsk Hydro (now Equinor) research centre, Bergen, Norway. Since moving to Imperial College in 2004 and then the University of Manchester in 2021, Chris’ research has focused on using traditional fieldwork techniques and seismic reflection data to study the tectono-stratigraphic analysis of sedimentary basins. When not studying rocks and the ways in which they deform, Chris gives geoscience lectures to the general public and in schools, having appeared on several, Earth Science-focused, television productions and podcasts. Chris is actively engaged in efforts to improve equality, diversity, and inclusivity in Earth Science in particular, and Higher Education in general.

About the Critical Knowledge Forum: This new lecture series for the Adelphi community aims to highlight how working across sectors, disciplines, and geographies helps us to identify needs and develop solutions to effectively support knowledge production and dissemination. It will explore how we can change the culture of higher education, embrace new opportunities to engage diverse communities in knowledge-making, as well as global knowledge sharing in accessible and expedited ways.
For more information please contact:
Cara Terzulli
Deputy to the Provost
Violeta Ilik
Dean, University Libraries