Allies Conversation Series - A Discussion of the Text, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
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As we continue our discussions about race in our campus community, Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Jacqueline Jones LaMon and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Maggie Lally have created the Allies Conversation Series.
They will be leading the community in a discussion about the book White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo.
The Allies Conversation Series is open to anyone in the university community (students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, and parents) and is particularly intended to assist white participants to understand and address unconscious biases to become stronger allies.
The book is available on Amazon (Kindle version) for $9.99 or you can purchase a print version from Barnes & Noble for $13.99.
Tips from our Libraries
While there are Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble options, White Fragility is available via Adelphi’s ProQuest Ebook Central. Due to single-user access to the book, the full book is not available for download, so the “read only” option is best. Note: checking the book out may lock others from accessing it for a short period of time.
It is recommended that readers add the book to their “bookshelf” so that it is easiest to return to the book later without having a direct link. You can do this by clicking on “Add to Bookshelf” under the picture of the book on the left hand side of the page:

You can then access your bookshelf by clicking on the “bookshelf” tab at the top of the screen:

Any highlighting by readers will remain there should they exit the book and return to it later. So feel free to make notes without fear of losing them!
For further information, please contact:
Jacqueline Jones LaMon
e –
p – 516.877.4041
Margaret R. Lally
Associate Dean
e –
p – 516.877.4928