The National Leadership Honor Society

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded December 3, 1914, at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia by 15 student and faculty leaders.

The Adelphi University Chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa was established in May 2002 and has become one of the most prestigious organizations on the Adelphi campus.

The purpose of the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society is threefold:

  • To recognize those who have attained a high standard of leadership in collegiate activities and to inspire others to strive for conspicuous attainments along similar lines.
  • To bring together the most representative students in all phases of collegiate life and thus to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate interest.
  • To bring together members of the faculty and student body of the institution as well as other Omicron Delta Kappa members on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and helpfulness.

The Society recognizes achievement in the following five areas:

  • Scholarship
  • Athletics
  • Campus/ Community Service, Social/Religious Activities, and Campus Government
  • Journalism, Speech and the Mass Media
  • Creative and Performing Arts

Applications are by email invitation only and are sent out in September of each year. Please check your Adelphi University student email for an invitation. Contact us at if you have any questions.

Phone Number
More Info
Ruth S. Harley University Center, 123
Regular Semester Hours