The student teaching experience enables you to practice the skills you have developed during your academic program and implement them in a classroom setting.

As an Adelphi teacher candidate, student teaching will be your culminating instructional experience, held under the supervision of the university faculty and guidance of a mentor teacher(s).

Adelphi offers extensive partnerships with school districts and professional communities to provide you with a diverse array of opportunities to refine your skills and connect with experienced educators.

Adelphi offers placements in multiple school districts across Nassau and Suffolk counties, New York City and upstate New York. Additionally, Adelphi supports out-of-state and international placements for teacher candidates. All field experiences are carefully supervised to make sure you develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn.

The Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences Office of Student Success

This Office is committed to supporting students throughout their fieldwork and clinical experiences. Our goal is to keep in mind the needs of our students, and to offer you an experience that facilitates your transition from teacher candidate to professional.

  • We seek school placements that will better position you to secure employment.  School sites are considered based on their commitment to providing a rich student teaching experience through collaborative work between mentor teachers and university field supervisors.
  • Sites are also selected to match the certification area(s) sought and the school environment that can support university expectations and New York State Education Department standards.
  • Sites include public, private, and center-based schools.
  • Our various student teaching models provide you with an opportunity to consider your academic, financial, and personal commitments.

Teachers Who Can Teach Every Child: An Adelphi Mission

Fayth Vaughn-Shavuo, PhD, senior adjunct faculty member, and Professor Pavan John Antony, EdD underscore the importance of teachers stepping out of their comfort zones to meet the needs of every child. They highlight the vital role universities play in preparing graduates to effectively teach students from diverse backgrounds. This perspective resonates with Adelphi University’s commitment to fostering equity and inclusion within our communities.

Student Teaching Experiences

  • A sixteen-week experience of student teaching
  • Two eight-week placements for a total of 70 days of student teaching (35 days per placement)
  • You will be observed and evaluated twice by your teacher and twice by the Adelphi University supervisor
  • Adelphi University supervisors also hold weekly seminars to discuss all aspects of your student teaching experience
  • A two-semester participant-observer/student teaching program (Fall and Spring)
  • This clinical experience offers you the opportunity to observe and participate in a partnering school district’s classroom during the fall semester for one day each week as a participant-observer
  • You will then continue in the partnering classrooms to student teach full-time or nineteen weeks during the spring semester while continuing to meet with your Adelphi University supervisor each week
  • You must have an overall GPA of 3.0 to be eligible for the program
  • You will need to submit a writing sample and engage in an interview
  • Applications must be filed by March 1st of the semester prior to the fall term in which the student will begin this two-semester program

Adelphi partners with Mineola, Freeport, and West Hempstead to sponsor residency programs.

  • This is a year-long student teaching experience
  • You begin your immersion with new teacher orientation, followed by the Superintendent’s day of professional development
  • Both University and school-based faculty will provide you with an effective schedule (four days per week in the Fall, five days per week in the Spring) to ensure rich opportunities to learn high-leverage teaching practices from mentor teachers, along with teachers of ESL and special education
  • Residents contribute to the school community as they work to positively impact student learning
  • University coursework will be embedded into the residency to seamlessly weave theory and practice together

This Internship is open to teacher candidates who are seeking certification in Adolescent Education.

  • You are required to student teach in the fall term of your fifth year and then serve as a paid intern from January through June in the Spring semester
  • You must have an overall GPA of 3.0 to be eligible for the program
  • You will need to submit a writing sample and engage in an interview
  • Applications must be filed during the first week of February of the semester prior to the Fall term of the fifth professional year


Practica are Adelphi University-supervised learning experiences that allow you to practice your skills in individual or group settings under the mentorship of a certified teacher. For more information, please contact us at

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