All following rates are for September 2024 through August 2025.

Full-Time Rates

Full-time is considered 5 days per week from 8:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m.

While every effort is made to assist you in accommodating your schedule, requests for changes to your schedule need to be put in writing to the Directors or Administrative Assistant. Please understand that other families may be scheduled to attend for the alternate times you are requesting and that NYS Office of Children and Family Services enforces limits on how many children may be present at any one time in the program. This makes it difficult to accommodate variations in schedules.

Employee Rates

Pre-School/After School (3-5 years) Toddler (18 months-3 years)
$1,697 per month $1,878 per month

Student Rates

Pre-School/After School (3-5 years) Toddler (18 months-3 years)
$1,615 per month $1,746 per month

Local Community Rates

Pre-School/After School (3-5 years) Toddler (18 months-3 years)
$2,010 per month $2,249 per month

Additional Fees

The following fees are charged in addition to our standard tuition rates.

  • Registration: $150 (per child): Charged upon enrollment and every September thereafter
  • Late Tuition: Late payment fee of $25 for any tuition not paid in a timely manner (see Family Handbook for policy)
  • Credit Card Use: Additional charge of 3% per transaction (each time a credit card is swiped)
Tuition rates do not include the registration fee. All tuition is due whether or not your child attends. There are no sick or vacation or extended care option credits. All written notification of withdrawals from the program need to be made at least one month prior to the child exiting the program.

Register Your Child

Limited space is available for new registrations. Please contact us directly if you would like to inquire about enrolling your child.
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