We’ve got plenty of fun and discovery in store for your child.

This schedule is flexible based on the needs of the children, the weather, and any spontaneous learning opportunities. This is a sample that includes the different types of components to the daily schedule.

Daily Schedule

As children arrive they are given the opportunity to explore the possibilities for learning that the environment offers and make choices about the materials and people they wish to engage with.

Teachers facilitate and support the children’s play and expand the children’s interests with a wide variety of interactions and activities. Ongoing project work may also occur at this time.

Children can help themselves to an individually wrapped light snack.

Children are cued visually as lights are turned out and a jingle is sung preparing children for clean-up time.

The children clean the room to restore order for the next work time. They learn to take pride in a neat and orderly space that affords them the confidence of knowing where things are.

Teachers facilitate and support the children’s play and expand the children’s interests with a wide variety of interactions and activities. Ongoing project work may also occur at this time.

The whole group gathers for a discussion on the current events taking place in the classroom, news of future events, children discussion and sharing, stories and songs may be shared.

All the children are toileted and helped to dress for outdoors (weather permitting). Materials and toys are gathered for outdoor fun. When appropriate, project work and/or small group work may occur outside.

The children play outdoors weather permitting. Walks in the neighborhood/campus and visits to community organizations may take place at this time as well. Team members actively participate in children’s play, supporting and extending their ideas.

Lunch is a shared time. Children and team members enjoy socializing and purposefully engage in meaningful conversation. Children develop their social and self help skills during this time.

When children are finished eating, they gather in the meeting area where songs, stories, fingerplays, and games are shared. The children are given the opportunity to use the bathroom before rest. Adults assist children in preparing to rest.

Sleeping children awaken on their own. Children who are awake put away their mats and supplies, and begin to select an activity.

Children who become self engaged or return to a previous activity continue what they are doing. Teachers will set up the environment to engage children’s interest and support them in exploring other materials and experiences.

Teacher’s facilitate and support children’s play and work with a wide variety of activities and interactions. Project work and/or small group work may also occur.

Children are cued visually as lights are turned out and a jingle is sung preparing children for clean-up time.

The afternoon meeting time focuses on a book with a story that can be enjoyed more in-depth. Discussions frequently come from reflection of the story as it relates to the children and their experiences.

This is served family-style and shared with team members who model appropriate behavior and engage the children in conversation.

All the children are toileted and helped to dress for the weather. Materials and toys are gathered for outdoor fun. When appropriate, project work and/or small group work may occur outside.

The children play outdoors weather permitting. Team members actively participate in children’s play, supporting and extending their ideas.

Team members help children wash hands and face, share conversations, and experiences with children. Drawing equipment, books and fingerplays are available.

Outdoor play area at the Alice Brown Early Learning Center.

Inclement Weather Schedule

Children are cued visually as lights are turned out and a jingle is sung preparing children for clean-up time.

Children will utilize the gym space to play active games and engage in song and movement activities.

This is served family-style and shared with team members who model appropriate behavior and engage the children in conversation.

The afternoon meeting time focuses on a book with a story that can be enjoyed more in-depth. Discussions frequently come from reflection of the story as it relates to the children and their experiences.

Team members help children wash hands and face, share conversations, and experiences with children. Drawing equipment, books and fingerplays are available.

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