Enrich your life by sitting in on (auditing) classes at Adelphi University. Courses are available throughout the year, including summer.

Members of our community can audit graduate and undergraduate courses for personal enrichment offered online or at Adelphi’s campuses in Garden City, Manhattan, Hauppauge or Hudson Valley. The majority of the courses in the University are open to auditors, including but not limited to literature, social sciences, history and foreign language.

Because there is no credit attached to the courses taken by a Community Auditors there is no academic responsibility. Students who are currently enrolled as matriculated students at Adelphi University, but who have not graduated, are not eligible to enroll in this program.

Course Fees

  • General Registration (Undergraduate and Graduate): $450 per course.
  • Senior Citizens/Alumni: $85 per course

Payment can be made online by credit card or electronic bank transfer after the Community Auditor contacts an advisor to select a course and establish a student account.

Finding and Enrolling in Courses

You may enroll in many courses offered at Adelphi. However, the following are not open to Community Auditors:

  • Writing courses
  • Art courses
  • Accounting I and II
  • Performing arts courses
  • Lab courses
  • Honors courses
  • Communications

Search for classes using Course Search. From here you can narrow the search parameters to the upcoming semester, and the school or discipline of your choice. After clicking the “Find Courses” button, you are able to view the course description by selecting the course number.

Auditing Application

Once you have found the courses you want to attend fill out an application, and an advisor will contact you to help you complete an application, set up your student account and registration. Registration will be open to auditors on  Monday, March 10, 2025.

FAQs for Community Auditors

No, this program is open to anyone who is 18 and over. The only exception is that students who are currently enrolled as matriculated students at Adelphi University, but who have not graduated, are not eligible to enroll. A senior citizen is anyone aged 62 or older. 

 An Adelphi Alumni is anyone with an undergraduate degree, graduate degree, or has accrued 30 or more credits from Adelphi University. Beginning with the Spring 2023 semester the course fee upon verification for Adelphi Alumni is $85 per course.

No, there is no credit attached to courses taken by Community Auditors. Course transcripts will show a grade of “AU.”  Courses taken as a Community Auditor cannot later count towards a degree or certificate.

Auditors follow the schedule on the academic calendar in regards to dropping a course, the last day to drop a course can be found on the academic calendar.

Please be advised that if you drop a course 2 weeks after the course start date you will still be financially responsible for the fee of the course and no refunds will be given. Students must call 516-877-3400 or email communityauditing@adelphi.edu.


You have 2 weeks after the course start date to get a full refund when dropping a course, any courses dropped after that no refunds will be issued. Students must call 516-877-3400 or email communityauditing@adelphi.edu.

There is no limit to the number of courses that can be audited each semester.

Yes, you will be on the roster as an “auditing student.”  You should inform the instructor that you are attending as a Community Auditor through the College of Professional and Continuing Studies.

Registration for Community Auditors officially opens approximately 2 weeks after registration opens for our traditional students. Please be aware this may mean some of the courses you are interested in may be completely full prior to Community Auditing Registration, so we advise to have a few back up courses in mind so that we can do our best to accommodate your request to attend a class.

No, undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at Adelphi have priority in registration. Once you pick out your classes, we will verify if there are available seats and ask for department approval. Once department approval is given you can proceed with the next step in the registration process. The process of department approval, registration and account setup can take approximately 1 to 2 weeks.

Please be advised that late registration is still officially open after courses begin therefore it is possible for your registration to be withdrawn up to 2 weeks after the course start date. If you are asked to withdraw from a course you will receive a full refund. Due to this possibility we recommend checking the return policy of any course materials you purchase or hold off on making any purchases until 2 weeks after the course start date.

Community Auditors will not receive a student ID card since they are auditing classes. You do, however, need a parking sticker for on campus classes in Garden City, which can be obtained by bringing a printed copy of your course registration and photo ID to Public Safety.

Yes, access to a computer will be required to retrieve emails that will be sent to you via your Adelphi email address and to utilize your eCampus account for course assignments and materials.

Please note in order to participate as an auditor, you must have access to a computer with internet, access to a mobile phone to install authentication apps, a personal email address and be willing to accept our security and use policies.   

We strongly encourage that you first check with the professor prior to purchasing a textbook or purchasing a eBundle package as the package may not be required to audit the course.

Please note some courses may require a eBundle package therefore when you are registered as an auditor for that course a Panther eBundle fee will automatically be added to your tuition/auditing bill. Please be advised the auditor may “opt-out” if the courseware is not needed to audit the course.

Courses may be offered in one of the following modalities:

  • Traditional in-person courses (0-29 percent of coursework is delivered online, the majority being offered in person.)
  • Hybrid/blended courses (30-79 percent of coursework is delivered online.)
  • Online courses (100 percent of the coursework is delivered online, either synchronously on a designated day and time or asynchronously as a deadline-driven course.)
  • Hyflex (Students will be assigned to attend in-person or live streamed sessions as a reduces-size cohort on a rotating basis; live sessions are also recorded, offering students the option to participate synchronously or view asynchronously as needed.)

If you are enrolled in courses delivered in traditional or hybrid modalities, you will be expected to attend face-to-face instructions as scheduled.

Community Auditing Program
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