Adelphi University takes the holistic welfare of our community seriously and adopts a culture of care that balances individual and community wellbeing with personal responsibility and autonomy.

We value learning and personal development as critical elements of student success and acknowledge that each student will advance along their own unique path which will be influenced by choices they make and resources available to them.

If you have any concerns, please share a concern with us.

To foster an inclusive and developmental approach, we encourage discussions about incidents that involve different viewpoints. We believe that understanding the perspectives of all parties is crucial.

Additional Resources at Adelphi

The University has several resources available for our students and community members. Here are some of the resources available to support you:

  • Behavioral Intervention Team– Responds to reports of concerning or threatening behaviors with real or perceived serious safety implications.
  • Bias Response Team– Is a multidisciplinary group of faculty and staff led by the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students who can respond to non-disciplinary claims of perceived bias.
  • CARE Team– Provides support and guidance for students facing a wide range of challenges associated with school or life, especially if the student isn’t sure who to ask for assistance.
  • Community Concerns and Resolution– Provides members of the Adelphi community with a single office to report a nonemergency complaint or concern, including those that involve harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct and to provide oversight of the many channels for issue resolution at Adelphi.
  • Student Conduct and Community Standards– Respond to claims of possible deviations from expectations in the Code of Conduct and other policies and standards.
  • Title IX – The Title IX Office educates the community about their rights and resources on and off campus and responds to reported incidents of sexual misconduct, sexual violence and discrimination.

To facilitate the timely and accurate distribution of reported information to the correct campus resource, the university uses a “no wrong door approach” when it comes to incident reporting. The platform used to receive report submissions allows the staff members who receive the reports to review the submission and ensure that it is quickly and correctly routed to the appropriate campus resource.

If you have any questions about which form to complete, please contact the Office of Community Concerns and Resolution at 516.877.6864 or email

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