Most incidents referred to Student Conduct & Community Standards or Residential Life and Housing for resolution are addressed either through an informal resolution process, or a disciplinary conference.

Departmental Learning Goals

The conduct process is designed to facilitate departmental learning outcomes. Educational sanctions should be linked to the following learning goals:

  • The student possesses knowledge of University policies.
  • The student relates University policy to daily life.
  • The student considers alternative perspectives and solutions.
  • The student applies information and experiences to a new situation.
  • The student articulates a rationale for personal behavior and learns from past experiences.
  • The student accepts personal accountability.
  • The student articulates the values and principles involved in personal decision-making.
  • The student demonstrates consideration for the welfare of others.

The Sanction Guidebook

In a meeting (face-to-face or virtual), the Conduct Officer and the student should identify the individual learning goals. This process should be collaborative. The student and the Conduct Officer should agree on learning goals based on the individual needs of the student and the circumstances of the incident.

When selecting sanctions, the Conduct Officer should take into consideration the student’s demonstrated level of ability in relevant domains. Based on the student’s individualized need, the student and the Conduct Officer should agree on the knowledge acquisition level from which to complete sanctions. Students should select sanctions that will meet their learning goals in, or just above, their demonstrated level of ability. Click here to view the Sanction Guidebook. 


The following is a non-exhaustive list of the sanctions available to a student conduct officer or hearing board. Sanctions are listed alphabetically.

A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations, including a warning that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct may result in further disciplinary action.

Designated service to the University or to another entity designed to compensate the University community for violations of this Code.

A period of increased scrutiny of a student’s behavior. This may include exclusion from participation in privileged or cocurricular activities for a specified period; additional restrictions or conditions may be imposed. Violations of disciplinary probation terms, or any other Code violation during the probation period, will normally result in suspension or expulsion from the University

The required completion of one or more assignments, projects, activities, and/or other endeavors, which are determined appropriate to the offense and is designed to provide the student with a better understanding of his or her behavior and that behavior’s impact on others.

Termination of student status and permanent exclusion from University privileges and activities. An expelled student is permanently persona non grata (banned) from all University facilities, grounds, buildings, programs, and activities.

In certain instances, students may be required to pay a monetary fine if found to have violated certain policies.

As deemed appropriate to the situation.

Permanent exclusion from residence halls.

Mandatory completion of a rehabilitation program for drug- or alcohol-related offenses and/or mandatory completion of a counseling program for anger-related or other violations. The student may be responsible for paying a fee for such a program.

Exclusion from designated privileges, facilities, and/or activities.

A period of increased scrutiny of a resident student’s behavior to determine if the student should remain in housing. This may also include exclusion from participation in privileged residence hall activities for a specified period.

Exclusion from residence halls for a specified period.

Repayment to the University or to an affected party for damages resulting from a violation of this Code.

Exclusion from classes and other privileges and activities as set forth in a written notice for a definite period of time, usually not exceeding one year. A suspended student is persona non grata (banned) from all University facilities, grounds, buildings, programs, and activities. As a condition of suspension, credits earned elsewhere during the period of suspension may not be transferable to Adelphi and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Loss of a specific job on campus, or the privilege of working on campus in general.

Written notice to the offender that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action.

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