Great Campus Photo Ops
We’ve listed a few of the most iconic spots on Adelphi University’s gorgeous Garden City Campus to help you plan your graduation photoshoot.
Our Favorite Locations on Campus
Adelphi has a beautiful campus and we can’t wait to see your pics on social media. Be sure to share with us using #AdelphiGrad2024.
Adelphi Bush
The row of shrubs trimmed to spell out “Adelphi” offers a natural caption for your cap and gown photo. Stand by the D for the perfect shot of A and you!
Adelphi Sign
With markers on Cambridge Avenue, on the southern end of the campus, and South Avenue, overlooking Ficke Field, you can announce to the world where you were when you share your shots on social media.
Panther Statue
The 8-foot bronze panther outside the Center for Recreation and Sports is the very definition of our Panther pride.
Flagpole Lawn
The Flagpole Lawn is the center of the Garden City campus arboretum, which is lush with beautiful, colorful plant life. The purple leaves of the two weeping maples make for a particularly appealing backdrop.
Outdoor Amphitheater
The expansive glass wall and patio theater on the west side of the newly renovated Ruth S. Harley University Center provides a variety of portrait vistas.
Patio Between Nexus and Swirbul Library
Adelphi’s thoroughfare, bordered by the Nexus Building, Swirbul Library and Levermore Hall, sets the stage for your keepsake scene.

Show off your Panther Pride!