Executive Director Roundtable Series

Credit Option
Non credit
Program Type
Garden City

The Executive Director Roundtable series is open exclusively to Executive Directors or CEOs of nonprofit organizations.

Join Us for the Kickoff of Our 2025 Executive Director Roundtable Series

A safe space for Executive Directors and CEOs to share ideas and resources, explore challenges, enable professional development, and discuss relevant topics to help you succeed in your role.

Kickoff Topic

Navigating Today’s Environment

Why should you attend?

You will now have someone to turn to for support, resources, and suggestions

  • When questions or situations arise for which you need guidance and support
  • When your board or a funder just isn’t the place you want to go
  • When you want to explore new ideas and get some feedback
  • When you want a network of colleagues

Location and Time

The first in-person session will be on Tuesday, April 1. The sessions will be held at Adelphi University’s Garden City Campus in the School of Social Work. Sessions are from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The remaining three sessions will be scheduled at the kickoff meeting.

Registration Fee

$200.00 per person paid via check. Please make checks payable to Adelphi University and indicate “Center for Nonprofit Leadership” on the memo line. Payments should be received before the first date of the series.


To register, please contact Diane Wunderlich at dwunderlich@adelphi.edu.

Those who register are able to invite another Executive Director as a guest to the kickoff meeting.

The Executive Director Roundtable sessions have been invaluable to me and my organization.

Liz O'Shaughnessy Freeport Trailer

No matter if you are a big or small nonprofit organization, we all have similar concerns that are shared freely at the Executive Roundtable meetings.  This has been a safe place to get advice and support.

Ilene Corina Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education and Advocacy

To register, please contact

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