Business Plan Competition Preliminary Proposal Guide
What goes into your Preliminary Business Plan Proposal? What you should know before submitting your entry.
Eligibility and General Info
- Students can participate individually or as a member of a team (three to five members). Cross-disciplinary teams are strongly encouraged.
- A team or individual can submit only one proposal. An individual cannot be a member of more than one team.
- Your strategic business plan must be developed during the student’s time at the university.
- Participants, whether teams or individuals, can have advisers and coaches. These advisers can be faculty members, business executives, entrepreneurs or family members. This is not a requirement. However, it is the students who must present their business plan and participate in the competition.
- Only students are eligible to earn prize money. No payments will be made to non-students.
Preliminary Proposal
The Idea and Team (100 to 200 words)
- The name and nature of the proposed venture?
- General Description: What problem are you solving? What is your business solution? Describe how your venture makes money and how it will assure long-term sustainability.
- Value Proposition: What are your company’s key, differentiated value propositions (e.g., lowest cost, highest reliability, best performance, etc.)? What is your idea’s competitive advantage versus the competition?
- Structure: What is the legal structure of your organization? Do you have the team members that you need to start and grow?
Product/Service (100 to 200 words)
- Product/Service: What is your product/service offering?
- Function and Benefit: How does your product/service work? Define and quantify key benefits (e.g., cost, performance, technical, etc.) for customers.
- Development Stage: Where is the product/service in its evolution (e.g., idea/conception, proof of concept, fully tested prototype, etc.)?
Competitive Position (100 to 200 words)
- Competitors: Who is your competition?
- Edge over Competition: What makes you better than other companies currently in the market?
- Sustainability: Is this competitive position sustainable?
- Intellectual Property Protection: How will you protect your proprietary information?
Markets (100 to 200 words)
- Target Market: What markets and market segments are you targeting? How big are these markets and how can you sustainably capture them?
- Barriers to Entry: What are the key market barriers and how will they lend to your success?
Customers (100 to 200 words)
- Customers: Who are the specific customers that you are pursuing or will pursue?
- Discovery: What kind of customer discovery have you conducted, or will you conduct to find out about people who want what you are offering?
Funding & Cost (Up to 100 words)
- What are the potential sources of funding to launch the project?
- What is the expected cost of launching this project?
Social Responsibility (Up to 100 words)
- Briefly explain your commitment to social responsibility.
We are no longer accepting any proposals.
Lori Cary

Hagedorn Hall of Enterprise 202 A