Our Faculty
Generating scholarship, leadership, and entrepreneurial thought.
Our faculty members are talented, successful individuals who integrate knowledge, experience, and real-world application into the lessons that make up our curriculum. They are well-respected thought leaders with specialized industry knowledge, and they inspire students through their instruction, mentoring, and real-world focus.
Adelphi Business Review
While Willumstad School faculty members are expert and dedicated teachers, they also connect the classroom experience meaningfully for our students with their own passion for scholarly work. They conduct fascinating and useful research, publishing descriptions and results of their work in books and learned journals.
Accommodation Index
The Accommodation Index—a quantitative measure, calculated quarterly, of central bank monetary accommodation—was developed to assess central bank policy by looking at the sum of the difference between money supply and GDP growth and the difference between inflation and interest rates.
Innovators and Top Researchers
Willumstad School of Business faculty are distinguished scholars who bring significant entrepreneurial and executive experience to their roles—driven by a deep passion for teaching.
Faculty Voices
Our faculty are thought leaders on important topics of the day. Read their latest insights on issues that affect the business world, and explore the challenges they see, and the solutions they offer, for a healthy economy.
We hope that our research will encourage clinical practitioners to implement data analytics in healthcare decision-making.