Launched with an immersive 10-day study tour of India—from New Delhi to Mumbai—so students can gain a deeper appreciation of the country’s economics, politics and culture

The Bhisé Global Learning Experience to India provides an immersive 10-day study tour of India, including New Delhi, Goa, and Mumbai. Guided by Adelphi faculty members, students visit businesses, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), healthcare facilities, environmental programs, Universities, schools and cultural institutions to gain a deeper understanding of the country—and to enhance their global mindset.

The program also includes curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular components for the entire Adelphi University community, focusing on Indian economics, politics, culture and society.

Participation in the program is limited to eight juniors and seniors, who are selected through a competitive application process. Some of the inaugural participants found it to be a life-changing experience.

2023-2024 Participants

  • Kelvin Abraham, a senior majoring in nursing
  • Lila Ariste, a senior majoring in biology
  • Joacim Carhed, a senior majoring in management
  • Carolina Chaves, a senior majoring in management
  • Khamkay Inthavong, a senior majoring in management and international studies
  • Alexandra Lee, a senior majoring in criminal justice and sociology
  • Michelle Sarker, a senior majoring in health sciences
  • Anna Varveris, a junior majoring in international relations

Additionally, each student conducted a research project during and after the trip, which were presented at the 2024 Scholarship and Creative Works Conference in April 2024.

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