
Spirit Weekend 2019 continued what will become a new tradition at Adelphi. Instead of naming two accomplished seniors homecoming king and queen, we now name three seniors to preside under the gender-inclusive title of Prestigious Panthers.

The 2019 Prestigious Panthers (from left): Tyler Coyoc, Amanda Considine, Zach Hopkins

Spirit Weekend 2019 continued what will become a new tradition at Adelphi. Instead of naming two accomplished seniors homecoming king and queen, we now name three seniors to preside under the gender-inclusive title of Prestigious Panthers.

“After the success of last year, we continued with having our court be 10 individuals, regardless of gender identity, with the top three being selected by the student body as Prestigious Panthers,” said Thomas Severin, assistant director of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI). “This is a really exciting opportunity to recognize Panthers for the work they’ve done during their time at Adelphi.”

What does it take to be named to the Spirit Court and elected a Prestigious Panther? CSI put out a call earlier this semester for seniors to nominate themselves. Severin said CSI looked “for students who represent the best of Adelphi: academically excellent, creative, innovative, collaborative, globally aware, respectful and with integrity and, of course, Panther pride!”

The self-nominated students were then interviewed by administrators and faculty from various departments, who selected the members of the Spirit Court. These students then campaigned for the Prestigious Panther position, with undergraduate student body votes determining the three winners, who were announced at the Panther Carnival at Spirit Weekend by President Christine M. Riordan.

We asked the 2019 Prestigious Panthers a little about themselves, what it takes to get elected and their postgraduation plans.

Tyler Coyoc, nursing

How he stands out: He is a three-time Orientation leader, three-time First-Year Community Action Program leader, vice president: internal of the Inter-Greek Council, cheerleading team captain, co-captain of the Evolution Hip-Hop Dance team and a member of Kappa Sigma. He won the Panther Pride Award at the May 2018 Brown and Gold Awards. As a sophomore, he was featured in the video “A Life Transformed: Tyler’s Story,” and as a 2018 Orientation leader, he performed in a video posted on Adelphi’s Instagram that went viral.

What got him the win: “I represent a lot of different populations on campus and am involved in a variety of activities. I think this has made me a recognizable face to all kinds of students at Adelphi who can find something that they have in common with me. Through social media campaigning, I was able to reach so many Adelphi students and share my passion for the title in a fun and lighthearted way.”

What being a Prestigious Panther means to him: “It allows me to represent Adelphi’s diverse student body, show my love for Adelphi and act as a voice for many. Though the non-gender conforming titles don’t directly affect me, it means so much to me because it represents inclusion.”

Postgraduation goals: Passing the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) nursing exam and working with pediatric patients. “Through Adelphi’s nursing program, I’ve been able to discover a career that I am truly passionate about and undoubtedly feel it is worth putting my life’s work toward.”

Amanda Considine, business management, human resources specialization

How she stands out: She serves as a senior admissions ambassador, resident assistant, Orientation leader, and president of Phi Sigma Sigma.

What got her the win: Building a Prestigious Panther-worthy “personal brand [and] being involved across campus with all different types of students.”

What being a Prestigious Panther means to her: “Being crowned a Prestigious Panther this year was a moment that my life came full circle. Present-day me was proud of everything that past me accomplished. Being a first-generation college student, it held a lot of meaning that I took full advantage of the education and opportunities at my fingertips that weren’t always offered to those in my family.”

Future plans: Securing employment in human resources in New York City or Long Island. “I’m excited to see what postgraduation life has in store for me and the changes I’ll sadly transition through without Adelphi being a constant factor in my life.”

Zach Hopkins, psychology, minor in children and family studies

How he stands out: Commuter assistant, three-time Orientation leader and a member of Pi Lambda Phi

What got him the win: “As a psychology major, I focus on community growth and activism as a way to express development and positivity within my community. That is what I have strived to do throughout my time here at Adelphi.” He asked friends to post flyers and connected with students online. “Adelphi is a great community. We all tend to follow each other even if we haven’t met.”

What being a Prestigious Panther means to him: “It meant the world to me. When I was named one of three Prestigious Panthers alongside my friends Tyler Coyoc and Amanda Considine, my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t think it was going to happen, since every one of us on the Spirit Court are amazing individuals who have done so much during our time here at Adelphi. “

Future Plans: Applying to Adelphi’s master’s in mental health counseling program and to Teachers College, Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute for its summer intensive master’s degree program, and becoming a holistic mental health counselor. “I believe that focusing on patients as people and not as their disorders is an important step in their healing process. I wouldn’t have come to this conclusion if it wasn’t for all of the amazing professors I’ve met here at Adelphi who helped me figure out what career path I want to take with my degree.”

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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