The Mentoring program in theĀ College of Arts & SciencesĀ has been in place for a number of years, in a structured way, but has always occurred informally whenever new faculty members have arrived on campus and an established member of the department has taken them under his/her wing.

Indeed, much of the mentoring process takes place outside of the confines of the designated mentor/mentee pair to include the many faculty members and administrators, who take the time to answer questions, share information, offer advice, or simply provide a positive role model.

This webpage has been created in order to provide a resource for all the mentors: those formally assigned to a new faculty member, and those who contribute on a daily basis to the success and well-being of the recent arrivals to the college. It is intended for new faculty as well, as it contains useful information and links to helpful resources for faculty who are just getting started at Adelphi.

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