Goals of the Comprehensive Assessment Plan for the College of Arts and Sciences
Constantly improving student learning.
Faculty will review and analyze the results of assessment on a departmental and College-wide basis as gathered through the various means/tools in order to accomplish the following:
- Clearly demonstrate that the mission and educational goals of the College and department are being achieved;
- Provide evidence that a variety of direct and indirect measures have been used to assess student learning at various points and under various circumstances during progress to the degree as well as after graduation;
- Provide evidence of the results of the learning experience in terms of stated learning goals and expected outcomes;
- Utilize the results in curriculum development, pedagogy and overall improvement of the learning experience;
- Provide an articulate, continuous, and reliable source of information to be used in the ongoing deliberations of faculty and academic administration as they seek to maintain and improve student learning and to fulfill the College and department missions;
- Represent the standards of academic and professional excellence to which the College and its faculty members and students aspire.
Science Building, 127